• SBBS/W32 Kermit setup

    From Michel Samson@1:106/2000 to Win-32 SysOps on Tuesday, October 05, 2004 14:05:00
    Hello `SynchroNet' SysOps, [WARNING - This post is 325 lines long!]

    1st of all, this is a one-time post and hence there's no need to go
    wild and stretch the thread forever (i'm very well aware of how `Kermit'
    and its users are perceived on `FidoNet' already, just don't remind me).

    2nd, i read the rules posted by Sean Dennis and my present topic is
    not in contradiction with it but i'd try elsewhere if a more appropriate
    echo exists (i'm sorry, i haven't read all the echo-rules in existance).

    With this being said, i intend to welcome SysOps who have interrest
    in INSTALLATION of `Kermit' or RELATED TOPICS so i'd be glad to agree on cooperation but i'm not willing to launch a discussion of which the sole purpose is to justify the use of `Kermit'. Now, here's some background.

    A long time ago, the author of `SynchroNet' made me post a `Kermit' configuration-file only to reject it on first sight, he prefered his own because it was simpler and finally published that instead. As a result,
    it's the 2nd time this year i hear of some BBS where the SysOp failed to
    obtain suitable `Kermit' support by using the `Kermit' setup released by
    Rob Swindell!!! So, i decided it was time for me to compile any usefull information and post *MY* self-documentary revised version. A BBSer who
    wishes to evaluate `Kermit' endures frustration coming from all sides as
    few ~TelNet~ applications support `Kermit' adequately (including `Hyper- Terminal). There's the option of using Columbia's OFFICIAL SoftWare but `Win-32' users will find that `K95' is $hareWare (twenty-one days trial)
    so they'll have to find something else. Eventually, motivated `Windows'
    BBSers discover Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows' (it's available for
    both 16-Bits and 32-Bits `Windows' OSes). This is FreeWare (good news!)
    but i'm concerned: Rob's `Kermit' setup makes it abort pronto and users
    have their session hanged forever! My name has been associated with it,
    my post isn't about persons but it's called sabotage and whatever i do i
    like to do it with pride... I intend to address this severe reliability
    issue, whatsoever. This is about driver installation, trouble happening
    while trying to have it supported (few authors/SysOps provide a `Kermit'
    option by default in their SoftWare), euh... and now here's one remedy:

    Cut here --> -----------------------------------------[ `MSK.INI' ]-

    ; `MSK.INI' - `SBBS/W32' support for `Kermit' using `MS-Kermit v3.16'
    ; Suggested presentation
    ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ; UpLoad:
    ; [X]MoDem [Y]MoDem [Z]MoDem
    ; Kermit [7]-Bit Binary [K]ermit Binary
    ; DownLoad:
    ; [X]MoDem [Y]MoDem [Z]MoDem
    ; [K]ermit Binary Kermit [R]ecovery Kermit [T]ext
    ; Drivers & Clients
    ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ; `MS-Kermit' for `DOS' can be found here:
    ; ftp://netlab1.usu.edu/pub/kermit/MSK316.ZIP
    ; http://netlab1.usu.edu/pub/kermit/MSK316.ZIP
    ; (1M03, October 12, 2003)
    ; ftp://kermit.columbia.edu/kermit/archives/msk314.zip
    ; (677 Kb, November 7, 2002 - updated documentation)
    ; ftp://kermit.columbia.edu/kermit/archives/msk315.zip
    ; (480 Kb, September 17, 1997)
    ; N.B.: Rename `Kermit.EXE' as `MSK.EXE' to help the command-lines fit!
    ; Wayne Warthen's `Kermit for Windows' FreeWare can be found here:
    ; ftp://kermit.wwarthen.com/pub/KermWin/Files/v085/kw16v085.exe
    ; (159 Kb, January 8, 1998) - Win-16
    ; ftp://kermit.wwarthen.com/pub/KermWin/Files/v085/kw32v085.exe
    ; (238 Kb, January 8, 1998) - Win-32
    ; `C-Kermit v5A(191)' for `OS/2' can be found here:
    ; ftp://kermit.columbia.edu/kermit/archives/cko191.zip
    ; (620 Kb, April 24, 1995)
    ; Installation
    ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ; Open the `Synchronet Control Panel' ([Alt]+[B]), press [C] (to
    ; enter `SCFG'), select `Configure', press [F], [F], [Enter] (to open
    ; `File Options' then add the `Kermit' command-lines in the `Transfer
    ; Protocols' section ([T], [T], [Enter])... Use these samples below:
    ; `SynchroNet' Menus
    ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ; DownLoad (User-Send): UpLoad (User-Receive):
    ; Kermit Binary Kermit Binary
    ; Kermit Recovery Kermit 7-Bits Binary
    ; Kermit Text
    ;______________________________________________[ UpLoad Command Lines ]_
    ; Kermit Binary Receive:
    ; %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BRcv %~
    ; Kermit Worst-Case Binary Receive:
    ; %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BRcv7 %~
    ;____________________________________________[ Download Command Lines ]_
    ; Kermit Binary Send:
    ; %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, BSnd %~
    ; Kermit Recovery Send:
    ; %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, RSnd %~
    ; Kermit Text Send:
    ; %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, TSnd %~
    ;________________________________________________[ Debug Command Line ]_
    ; Kermit Terminal:
    ; %!MSK Set Port FOSSIL 1, Take %!MSK.INI, Stay
    ; `Kermit' configuration
    ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ;Set Port \%p ; Set Port/Line according to variable
    Set ErrorLevel 255 ; Set this for a *CANCELED* transfer.
    ClS ; Clear the screen - for manual mode.
    Log Session c:\sbbs\data\Capture.LOG ; Try to have session records handy
    Log Transactions c:\sbbs\data\Kermit.LOG ; (must use TWO SEPARATE FILES)
    ; re-work needed here, not critical.
    Set Window 5 ; Try values between 6 and 32 (max.)!
    Set Parity None ; ~RS-232~/~BIOS INT-14~ serial-port:
    ; the data format should be "8N1"...
    Set Block-Check-Type 3 ; This is similar to CRC-16 checksum;
    ; sufficient since Error Detection &
    ; Correction often occurs elsewhere.
    Set Streaming On ; This feature works with v3.16 only;
    ; functions correctly over ~TelNet~!
    Set Carrier On ; Immediately recover from hangups if
    ; well supported in the BBS program.
    Set Flow None ; Seems OKay for this particular use.
    Set Bell Off ; The BBS may ring a bell of its own.
    ;Set HandShake None ; Maybe that's something to be tried;
    ;Set Delay 0 ; and perhaps this other line too...
    Set File Display Quiet ; Skip file transfer display (BBSes).
    Set Exit Warning Off ; Don't ask for confirmation on exit.
    Set Local Off ; The following items are usefull for
    Set Prompt Kermit> ; those who are using `MS-Kermit' as
    Set Term ANSI ; a terminal emulation program. The
    Set Term Cursor Block ; needs and taste of the users vary.
    Set Display Regular 8-Bit ; I recommend these parameters for a
    Set Terminal ByteSize 8 ; reminder only, use as you see fit!
    Set Terminal APC Off ; *SECURITY!* Verify and activate as Disable All ; you see fit, ignore ALL the Server
    ; commands and re-enable SEPARATELY.
    Enable Finish ; Allow Transfer Interruption (safe). ;Enable Get ; Allow Receive Request (maybe safe). ;Enable Send ; Allow Send Request, SAFETY-CHECKED? Disable Query ; Remote queries: see documentation. ;Enable Define ; Idem. - Check when "Define" needed. ;Enable Kermit ; Allow remote *SERVER* features, the
    ; BBS Users/SysOps must be carefull. ;Enable Retrieve ; Read documentation before anything! Disable Assign ; No effect whenever disabled before. Disable Message ; Idem, i show it as a reminder only.
    Set Send PathNames Off ; Don't Send everything they ask for!
    Set Receive PathNames Off ; It will protect `Command.COM', etc.
    ; N.B.: a change of directory would
    ; be possible via the "CWD" command.

    ; Macros allow command-line brevity.
    Define BSnd Set File Type - ; No character translation is wanted. Binary, Set Send Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
    Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
    Set Control PreFixed 0 1 129, - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
    Send \%1, - ; That's the BEST-CASE SCENARIO, try
    - ; 0 1 3 13 17 19 129 131 141 145 147
    ; only when it's required. Transmit
    If Success Set ErrorLevel 0, - ; and adjust ErrorLevel before exit.
    Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) - ; Save the final transfer rate to the cps\13\10, Close Transactions, - ; transactions record then quit log.
    Close Session, Exit ; The ReSend feature isn't compatible
    ; with the Wayne Warthen `Kermit for
    ; Windows (16/32) v0.85' FreeWare!!!

    Define RSnd Set File Type - ; No character translation is wanted. Binary, Set Send Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
    Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
    Set Control PreFixed 0 1 129, - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
    ReSend \%1, - ; That's the BEST-CASE SCENARIO, try
    - ; 0 1 3 13 17 19 129 131 141 145 147
    ; only when it's required. Transmit
    If Success Set ErrorLevel 0, - ; and adjust ErrorLevel before exit.
    Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) - ; Save the final transfer rate to the cps\13\10, Close Transactions, - ; transactions record then quit log.
    Close Session, Exit ; The ReSend feature isn't compatible
    ; with the Wayne Warthen `Kermit for
    ; Windows (16/32) v0.85' FreeWare!!!

    Define TSnd Set File Type - ; Character translation is allowed...
    Text, Set Send Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
    Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
    Set Control PreFixed 0 1 129, - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
    Send \%1, - ; That's the BEST-CASE SCENARIO, try
    - ; 0 1 3 13 17 19 129 131 141 145 147
    ; only when it's required. Transmit
    If Success Set ErrorLevel 0, - ; and adjust ErrorLevel before exit.
    Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) - ; Save the final transfer rate to the cps\13\10, Close Transactions, - ; transactions record then quit log.
    Close Session, Exit ; ReSend is unavailable in Text mode.

    Define BRcv Set File Type - ; No character translation is wanted. Binary, Set Receive Packet 9024, - ; Users can negociate lower values...
    Set Control UnPreFixed All, - ; This is how to optimize `Kermit' so
    Set Control PreFixed 0 1 17 19 - ; that it works better via ~Telnet~.
    129, Set Attribute Date Off, Set - ; Enable transfer recovery, fix a Y2K
    File Incomplete Keep, Set File - ; related problem. Give enough time Collision UpDate, Pause 3, - ; for the user to type in the UpLoad Receive \%1, If Success Set - ; command and then start transfer... ErrorLevel 0, Write Transaction - ; Adjust ErrorLevel before exit, get \32\32\v(cps) cps\13\10, Close - ; transfer rate on record, quit log. Transactions, Close Session, Exit

    Define BRcv7 Set Term Byte 7, BRcv ; Experimental - worst case scenario.

    Define Stay NOP ; Don't transfer, (local debug mode).

    Def AppendCPS Write Transaction \32\32\v(cps) cps\13\10 ; Manual record.

    ClS ; Display useful setup information...
    Echo \13\10\32\32Port is: \v(line)
    Echo \32\32.INI is: \v(cmdfile)\13\10
    Echo Memory is:
    Show Mem
    Echo \13

    ; -=*=-

    Cut here --> -----------------------------------------------[ EOF ]-

    The present .INI isn't the final answer, more `Kermit' features are waiting to be exploited but i'm only a BBSer and adventurous SysOps seem
    to be rare these days... In particular, error trapping must be verified
    since it doesn't help to have a sturdy protocol driver if interfacing to
    the BBS SoftWare is loosely done; i'm thinking of false message-pointer UpDates in .QWK doors, in particular. If you can handle the BBS side of
    it and you wish to give `Kermit' a try let me hear about you; we'll get
    some team-work together and i hope a "Ready-Made" kit will be published, eventually, so that your SysOp fellows can benefit from the work which i
    and a few others have done already. Ultimately, i'd like a version with support specific to other BBS SoftWare as well (`WC!-4' is one of them).

    DialUp BBSing is practically dead, ~TelNet~ BBSing replaced it when High-Speed INet access arrived and now it seems ~WiFi~ might be the next
    step but some people foresee that noise may very well make our .QWK file transfers look like those of the good old days when DialUp BBSing ruled!

    `Kermit' is built with noise in mind so give it a thought or two...

    Systematic objectors, `Kermit' bashers, ill-behaved individuals and similar are advised to remain silent; i have no spare-time to spend for demolition artists, i prefer constructive contributions. Those who must
    get their dose of anthropomorphism are invited to visit the ~URL~ below:


    If you're one of those who `Kermit' spells turn into baboons, well,
    just proceed to the next post and forget it or aim higher: take note of
    the link i'm inclosing above, quit your reader and try a professional!!!

    To those who worked with me on `Kermit' installs and who were truly motivated in making it work, your present moderator being one of them, i
    must express my gratitude, even if none of these cooperations i've lived
    thru since '98 were brought to the full conclusion... The opportunities
    seemed rare, sometimes it's been difficult to understand what each other
    needs but my present .INI gets closer to a "Ready-Made" kit all the time
    so i'll say thanks! I believe our readers can transpose it to their own
    BBS SoftWare without too much work by now, success seems to be at reach!


    I'm posting this like a bottle to the sea... No favourable replies
    are expected. It won't even matter that i don't get feedback, actually:
    i must confess i'm satisfied enough that i've done my share as a *USER*!

    I seek no personal support. Thom Lacosta, Jerry Schwartz and a few
    other SysOps/moderators have been contemplative every time an obstructor interveined (which is a nice way to put it), after all, euh... I advise
    the `Kermit' users to avoid being marginalized too, the human side of me
    would apreciate moral support but Dog Fights are most unproductive - and especially when the `FdN' staff is taking bets in the background!!! ;->

    If all this sounds like blasphemy, please, proceed: push "NEXT"...


    Michel Samson
    a/s Bicephale

    ... `MS-DOS v7.10a'+`LSPPP v0.8'+`RLFossil v1.23'+`MS-Kermit v3.15 Med.'
    ___ MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Trying to make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL
    --- Maximus/2 3.01
    * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 juge.com (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000)
  • From Rob Swindell to Michel Samson on Monday, October 11, 2004 13:22:46
    Re: SBBS/W32 Kermit setup
    By: Michel Samson to Win-32 SysOps on Tue Oct 05 2004 02:05 pm

    A long time ago, the author of `SynchroNet' made me post a `Kermit' configuration-file

    I didn't "make" you do anything. Heck, I didn't even *ask* you to do anything.

    only to reject it on first sight, he prefered his own
    because it was simpler and finally published that instead. As a result, it's the 2nd time this year i hear of some BBS where the SysOp failed to obtain suitable `Kermit' support by using the `Kermit' setup released by
    Rob Swindell!!!

    If you have a suggested change to the default kermit.ini included with Synchronet (and *not* a completely new, totally different .ini file), then I'm all ears.

    digital man

    Snapple "Real Fact" #60:
    The tongue is the fastest healing part of the human body.
  • From Mike Roberts@1:261/1381 to Rob Swindell on Monday, October 11, 2004 23:56:16
    *** Quoting Rob Swindell from a message to Michel Samson ***`

    Re: SBBS/W32 Kermit setup By: Michel Samson to Win-32 SysOps on
    Tue Oct 05 2004 02:05 pm

    A long time ago, the author of `SynchroNet' made me post a `Kermit' configuration-file

    I didn't "make" you do anything. Heck, I didn't even *ask* you to do anything.

    only to reject it on first sight, he prefered his own because it was
    simpler and finally published that instead. As a result, it's the
    2nd time this year i hear of some BBS where the SysOp failed to
    obtain suitable `Kermit' support by using the `Kermit' setup released by
    Rob Swindell!!!

    Rob, mot being a wiseguy, but you blew me off. I had a big problem with the Kermit protocol. I could download but could not accept uploads. Your
    response was "well it works here!" I am not so sure it does, but I'll take your word for it. But I do know that Michels setup did work with synchronet. In both uploads and downloads. Just passing it on as I found that many
    running the basic synchronet protocol as set up in sync as from the website, could indeed allow a user to download a file, but upload was a different thing. He does have a point. I will give Michel credit, he got kermit working here. most sysops I asked for help discovered, indeed the kermit protocol did not work on there systems/ Just one way, for whatever it is worth.
    --- Telegard v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: :::The Holodeck BBS::: telnet://holodeck.myip.us (1:261/1381)
  • From Rob Swindell to Mike Roberts on Tuesday, October 12, 2004 02:55:30
    Re: Re: SBBS/W32 Kermit setup
    By: Mike Roberts to Rob Swindell on Mon Oct 11 2004 11:56 pm

    Re: SBBS/W32 Kermit setup By: Michel Samson to Win-32 SysOps on
    Tue Oct 05 2004 02:05 pm

    A long time ago, the author of `SynchroNet' made me post a `Kermit' configuration-file

    I didn't "make" you do anything. Heck, I didn't even *ask* you to do anything.

    only to reject it on first sight, he prefered his own because it was simpler and finally published that instead. As a result, it's the
    2nd time this year i hear of some BBS where the SysOp failed to
    obtain suitable `Kermit' support by using the `Kermit' setup released by Rob Swindell!!!

    Rob, mot being a wiseguy, but you blew me off. I had a big problem with the Kermit protocol. I could download but could not accept uploads. Your response was "well it works here!" I am not so sure it does, but I'll take your word for it.

    In all fairness, I can't fix something I can't reproduce. My experience has been that if when uploading the transfer is aborted, the problem is the settings on the "sending" side (the client, not the BBS).

    HyperTerminal uploads just fine to both Synchronet-Win32 and Synchronet-Unix settings given in docs/kermit.txt. Perhaps you were having problems with some *other* client? And on which BBS, I don't know.

    But I do know that Michels setup did work with synchronet.
    In both uploads and downloads. Just passing it on as I found that many running the basic synchronet protocol as set up in sync as from the website, could indeed allow a user to download a file, but upload was a different thing. He does have a point. I will give Michel credit, he got kermit workin here. most sysops I asked for help discovered, indeed the kermit protocol di not work on there systems/ Just one way, for whatever it is worth.

    That's great. If Michael would remove all the extraneous kruft from his configuration file, basically high-lighting the exact settings that are different from mine that are required for "success", I'd be happy to integrate them.

    If there's any functional difference between to the 2 configuration files (which I've not been able to determine), it's probably 1, maybe 2 settings at most. The remaining hundred or so lines in Michael's configuration file have nothing to do with transfering files.

    digital man

    Snapple "Real Fact" #154:
    Americans spend more than $630 million a year on golf balls.