Hi Chris,
It's about `Mail-Ennium/32', i guess. I seem to have found a ~WEB~
BBS which you operate and since these things are new to me i tried it...
I have no idea how i did it but my name doesn't show in the "From:"
field and there's worst: the name of a perfect stranger shows up in its
place! Perhaps it's me who did something wrong or it's a trick somebody
else tried but i thought i would be better just to let you know about my
little mishap with ~WEB~ BBSing!!! I know you're the operator because i
can recognize the `FdN' address in the tearline... I'm sorry if my post
has caused trouble, i suppose the user who got his name in place of mine
didn't appreciate neither - i would not!... Quite frankly, no ~WEB~ BBS
should grant WRITE access even when the ~E-Mail~ address is approved: i
am under the impression that trouble-makers can use any known address to
forge new identities and i really don't like the prospect since i signed
my real one for nearly a decade and i have pride in doing so. Beware, a
~WEB~ BBS interface such as this requires some tuneup, it seems!... ;-)
I hope this note won't seem like a harsh critic, pardon if it does!
Salutations, :)
Michel Samson
a/s Bicephale
... I BBS using LEGACY DOS+TCP/IP+TelNet+ZMoDem/Kermit+.QWK technologies
-!- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.45 - Trying to make TelNet OLMR BBSing UNIVERSAL
--- Mail-ennium/32 v2.0-beta-r1
* Origin: Mail-ennium/32 v2 Beta Coming Soon! (1:379/1200.0)