• A packet format question

    From Lars Kellogg-Stedman@1:123/789 to All on Wednesday, March 09, 2011 15:46:51
    I realize this echo doesn't see a much activity these days, but
    I have a question regarding FTS-0001 and I'm not sure where else to post
    it. Warning: pedantic, and only of interest to those developing
    software to parse or create packets.

    I'm writing some software that interacts with FTN packets. My reading
    of FTS-0001 is that:

    (a) a packed message ends with a NUL byte, terminating the body section. So:

    ...messages data... 00

    (b) A packet ends with the end-of-packet maker ("00 00"), which comes after the final message body, so in theory the end of a packet looks like:

    ...message data... 00 00 00

    This seems to be the case for 99% of the packets that I've seen, but I
    have come across a few that violate this reading, and end like this:

    ...message data.. 00 00

    Suggesting that either the final message body is missing a NUL or the end-of-packet marker is incorrect. In your opinion: is this permitted
    by FTS-0001? This question is of mostly academic interest, since the
    fact is these packets exist so my software has to deal with them. I'm
    really just looking for an opinion to specs compliance to see if I'm
    reading things correctly.

    --- slrn/0.9.9p1 (Linux)
    * Origin: Fidonet Via Newsreader - http://www.easternstar.info (1:123/789.0)
  • From BEN RITCHEY@1:393/68 to LARS KELLOGG-STEDMAN on Thursday, March 10, 2011 07:09:14
    * An ongoing debate between Lars Kellogg-Stedman and All rages on ...

    | LS> Suggesting that either the final message body is missing a NUL or the
    | LS> end-of-packet marker is incorrect. In your opinion: is this permitted
    | LS> by FTS-0001? This question is of mostly academic interest, since the

    Yes and no, matter of interpretation. :) Mostly no as three null bytes are usually used, though what else could a second null be, and why 3? {g}

    Be well :^)

    : Ben aka cMech http://bellsouthpwp.net/c/m/cmech617/
    + WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-984-4794 any BAUD 8,N,1
    --- GoldEd+/DOS v1.1.5cM
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)