• Submission guidelines

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Friday, January 14, 2022 20:44:08
    Hi everyone,

    I've updated the FG submission guidelines. They're available via FREQ or anonymous FTP (bbs.outpostbbs.net in /fgazette) using the filename

    Here they are if anyone wants to submit to the FG:

    FidoGazette Article Submission Guidelines
    Updated 13 January 2021

    FidoGazette, founded in September 2007, is an alternative newsletter
    of the FidoNet computer network, for both its Sysops and users. It
    is passed to its readers electronically via the FidoNet and other
    computer networks and to non-network readers as well as to the
    InterNet. FidoGazette welcomes articles, editorials, and features of
    interest to the Fidonet Community. To have your article included in FidoGazette, simply send it via netmail to 1:18/200 or via internet
    email to sean@outpostbbs.net.

    To help me make it easier to format your article for FidoGazette:

    1. Use standard ASCII text. Most word processor formats can't be used
    by the FidoGazette software. In addition, the FidoGazette software
    won't accept most ASCII control characters nor any characters above
    ASCII 127 (this, unfortunately, includes all those neat box drawing characters). No UTF-8 encoding please.

    2. Start your lines at the left of your screen when typing. The
    software puts in a left margin automatically and I have
    to manually remove any left margin appearing in your document.

    3. Keep your line length to under 70 columns for tables or charts (or
    if you include an ASCII illustration). Regular paragraphs exceeding
    this 70 column limit can be reformatted during the editing process
    but tables and charts are normally distorted beyond recognition by a
    simple reformatting.

    4. Separate paragraphs with a blank line. This is how my text editor recognizes paragraph endings so I have to add blank lines manually if
    you don't.

    5. Title your article as you'd like to see it in the Table of
    Contents. If you don't, I'll make up a title for you, but I'd rather
    have the article appear as you wish.

    6. Include your name and node number (or internet email
    address) under the title. I'll grab it from your message, if
    necessary but again I'd rather have the article appear as you

    7. Check your own spelling and wording. Though I feel free
    to reformat your article so it conforms to technical requirements, I
    generally leave the wording (and spelling) alone as I don't want to
    distort what you have to say.

    8. Send your article before Sunday in order to see it in that
    Monday's edition. Normally I put the newsletter together Sunday
    evening and send it out... and I normally check email and netmail
    before I finalize the edition. So if I get your article before
    Sunday evening, I'll include it... but send it by Saturday to be safe

    9. If you're not sure whether you should write or send in your
    article, I would encourage you to send it anyway. Chances are, if you
    write of something of interest to yourself, it'll be of interest to
    others. Besides, FidoGazette is a better publication when it's
    written by a variety of people. We're all in this together and
    remember, knowledge is power!

    Sean Dennis, FidoGazette Editor

    Thanks to, and in fond memory of Douglas C. Myers for the bulk of the
    above text.

    -- Sean
    FidoGazette Editor

    ... The solution to a problem changes the nature of the problem.
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    * Origin: Outpost BBS (1:18/200)