• FidoGazette V18 I05 Page 4

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Sean Dennis on Tuesday, March 08, 2022 20:54:12
    ♀ FGAZ 18-05 Page 4 14 Mar 2022

    2022 ...

    Eventually Russia is going to do exactly as the Chinese did with Tibet
    where the native polution was overwhelmed by an influx of Han-Chinese
    and that way trying to destroy the age-old culture and traditions of
    the Tibetans.

    The same will happen in Ukraine, as a nation ... a people ... a
    civilisation will be wiped-out. The country will be rebuilt by ethnic
    Russians and hundreds of years of culture and civilisation will be
    destroyed by the fire on pyres reminiscent of May 10 1933 when works
    of Ernest Hemmingway, Bertold Brecht, Heinrich Mann, Ernst Glaeser,
    Erich Kaestner, Erich Maria Remarque and others were deemed corrupted
    and decadent presaging an era of state censorship and control of

    In the end the so-called de-Nazification by Putin will be carried-out
    by strictly Nazi methodologies and policies ...

    To stay mentally healthy, you look for rational explanations. But
    some things are inexplicable. Western culture in the decades since
    the Second World War has tried to explain everything, to be tolerant
    and always to understand the other. But sometimes the other is simply
    evil. Pure and simple. We had forgotten the existence of that evil.
    Now we see the outcome of that mistake.

    It is unbearable to see war as a simple product of an insane mind.
    There must be a plan behind it, it must mean something. Who sets up a
    catastrophe with their own hands, just because they can?

    There's an interesting book explaining how Hitler could continue his
    horrible policies against his own population ... "Hitler's willing
    executioners" ... Who will write its sequel "Putin's willing

    Putin has noticed that his number of followers has dwindled in the
    last two years, and does not know how to save his presidency in a
    country that is largely integrated into the Western world. So he does
    something so horrific that the whole world shuts itself off from him.
    Then locks the door from the inside. People are arrested for standing
    on the street with a blank sheet of paper in their hands, it is enough
    to hold it and get beaten. Perhaps Putin will soon reach for an
    Iranian or North Korean scenario. If the country is locked down,
    explicit protest is almost impossible. Then every discourse, like the
    minds of the people, will be divided into two versions, as in Soviet
    times. You stick to the official story if they can see and hear you.
    In addition, there is the story that is told within the family.

    We need separate what is happening in Putin's head and what is
    happening in Russia. Russia is not a collective brain. All polls, even
    those of loyalist sociologists, clearly show that the country is not

    Support for the war varies in a country where people aren't exactly
    open to a man with a microphone asking them what they think of Putin
    or the war.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Tuesday, March 08, 2022 20:56:58
    ♀ FGAZ 18-05 Page 4 14 Mar 2022

    2022 ...

    Eventually Russia is going to do exactly as the Chinese did with Tibet
    where the native polution was overwhelmed by an influx of Han-Chinese
    and that way trying to destroy the age-old culture and traditions of
    the Tibetans.

    The same will happen in Ukraine, as a nation ... a people ... a
    civilisation will be wiped-out. The country will be rebuilt by ethnic
    Russians and hundreds of years of culture and civilisation will be
    destroyed by the fire on pyres reminiscent of May 10 1933 when works
    of Ernest Hemmingway, Bertold Brecht, Heinrich Mann, Ernst Glaeser,
    Erich Kaestner, Erich Maria Remarque and others were deemed corrupted
    and decadent presaging an era of state censorship and control of

    In the end the so-called de-Nazification by Putin will be carried-out
    by strictly Nazi methodologies and policies ...

    To stay mentally healthy, you look for rational explanations. But
    some things are inexplicable. Western culture in the decades since
    the Second World War has tried to explain everything, to be tolerant
    and always to understand the other. But sometimes the other is simply
    evil. Pure and simple. We had forgotten the existence of that evil.
    Now we see the outcome of that mistake.

    It is unbearable to see war as a simple product of an insane mind.
    There must be a plan behind it, it must mean something. Who sets up a
    catastrophe with their own hands, just because they can?

    There's an interesting book explaining how Hitler could continue his
    horrible policies against his own population ... "Hitler's willing
    executioners" ... Who will write its sequel "Putin's willing

    Putin has noticed that his number of followers has dwindled in the
    last two years, and does not know how to save his presidency in a
    country that is largely integrated into the Western world. So he does
    something so horrific that the whole world shuts itself off from him.
    Then locks the door from the inside. People are arrested for standing
    on the street with a blank sheet of paper in their hands, it is enough
    to hold it and get beaten. Perhaps Putin will soon reach for an
    Iranian or North Korean scenario. If the country is locked down,
    explicit protest is almost impossible. Then every discourse, like the
    minds of the people, will be divided into two versions, as in Soviet
    times. You stick to the official story if they can see and hear you.
    In addition, there is the story that is told within the family.

    We need separate what is happening in Putin's head and what is
    happening in Russia. Russia is not a collective brain. All polls, even
    those of loyalist sociologists, clearly show that the country is not

    Support for the war varies in a country where people aren't exactly
    open to a man with a microphone asking them what they think of Putin
    or the war.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)