• The FidoGazette Vol 18 Issue 11 Page 1

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Monday, May 30, 2022 11:10:22
    FGAZ 18-11 Page 1 30 May 2022


    A Second Chance

    I recently had two heart attacks within a month and had three stents
    put into my heart. I was going to have open heart surgery but due to
    other factors it was decided to do the stents. It's been very nice to
    breathe again without effort though spending over a month in two
    different hospitals to get the doctors to figure out what to do with
    me was not fun at all.

    During this, I had my last remainig teeth pulled out of my mouth so
    now I am toothless and cannot get dentures due to a lack of income.
    This is not ideal and I will be working with what I have to eat. I
    have a blender and a slow cooker and will be making use of those to
    prepare food.

    I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes
    during this rather trying time for me. I fully intend on sticking
    around and am working on making myself healthier. I lost 20 pounds
    (9.1 kg) while in the hospital and if I can lose 20 more pounds, I
    will be at a healthy weight for my height.

    I haven't been able to do much for quite some time and now I can. I
    hope to stick around for a lot longer.

    Sorry that there's not more content in this issue...I can always use
    content from you though!


    A Call For Content

    Once again, I am putting out a call for content for the FidoGazette.
    It doesn't have to be fancy; just something that either pertains to
    Fidonet or something that Fidonet sysops would like to read about. I
    am always happy to help with editing, proofreading, or what-have-you.

    If you want to contribute an article, the FG Submission Guidelines are
    published weekly on Wednesdays and are available via WWW[1], FTP[2],
    and FREQ[3].

    I am always available via netmail or email (sysop@outpostbbs.net) if
    you have any questions about an article.

    While I enjoy publishing the FidoGazette, it is here for you, the
    sysop, and not just for my pleasure. <G>

    I look forward to seeing your article soon!

    1 = http(s)://outpostbbs.net/files/fgazette/fgazsub.zip

    2 = anonymous FTP to bbs.outpostbbs.net:

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Sean Dennis on Sunday, June 05, 2022 22:23:00
    Hello Sean!

    ** On Monday 30.05.22 - 11:10, Sean Dennis wrote to All:

    FGAZ 18-11 Page 1
    30 May 2022



    I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers,
    and well-wishes during this rather trying time
    for me. I fully intend on sticking around and
    am working on making myself healthier. I lost 20
    pounds (9.1 kg) while in the hospital and if I
    can lose 20 more pounds, I will be at a healthy
    weight for my height.

    The first dramatic loss of weight is usually just water. Fat
    doesn't go away as nearly as fast. But getting rid of excess
    weight will make your joints and heart happier.

    Good going!

    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: (2:221/1.58)