• msg vs jam

    From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to All on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 16:31:34
    Greetings All!

    My uplink is providing me an archive of some older messages that I wanted in .msg format I use jam on my system what kind of options do I have as far as adding them to my msgbase?


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... Taglines are the Rest Room walls of BBSing!
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@1:16/101 to Rick Smith on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 20:42:04
    Hello, Rick!

    Wednesday January 18 2023 16:31, from Rick Smith -> All:

    My uplink is providing me an archive of some older messages that I
    wanted in .msg format

    Sounds like you are getting an archive of fido messages outside of the established message flow. I mean, you might %rescan old messages from your uplink, so that you would get a ton of messages in .pkt format which your tosser could potentially toss into your message base of choice.

    I use jam on my system what kind of options do I have as far as
    adding them to my msgbase?

    Well, if you were coming from the world of Fidonet of 90th, where we had a bunch of cool utilities to deal with the database formats, you would probably not ask this question.

    And frankly speaking, there is no such tool available withing the Husky ambarella. FWIW, the sqpack utility which is supposed to purge the database will make your JAM base fakked because it recreates the file with the basemsgnum set to 1, which invalidates all the UMSGIDs. Smapinntpd users have swallowed a bullet and accepted this limitation though.

    GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504

    A bit of off topic in the husky echo but your tearline has actually gives you a clue here already. The modest approach to your problem would be to set up two areas, one with the legacy .msg directory and the other with a brand new JAM database. Then using the GoldEd you can select all messages, copy and paste them into the target area and voila (miss some accent here) your have got it!

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/1 to Rick Smith on Thursday, January 19, 2023 10:10:02
    On 19.1.2023 2.31, Rick Smith wrote:

    My uplink is providing me an archive of some older messages that I
    wanted in .msg format I use jam on my system what kind of options do
    I have as far as adding them to my msgbase?

    There is a program called mbmerge which can do the job.

    I would do it with GoldED, as Nil suggested.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.6.1
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/1.0)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/81 to Tommi Koivula on Thursday, January 19, 2023 05:14:20
    Hello Tommi!

    Thursday January 19 2023 10:10, you wrote to me:

    * Forwarded from area 'FIDOSOFT.HUSKY'
    On 19.1.2023 2.31, Rick Smith wrote:

    My uplink is providing me an archive of some older messages that I
    wanted in .msg format I use jam on my system what kind of options do
    I have as far as adding them to my msgbase?

    There is a program called mbmerge which can do the job.

    I would do it with GoldED, as Nil suggested.

    I must not have that message, as I do not see any other response but yours..?



    ... YKYHW: you consider BBSing better than ice cream
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - www.awesomenet.us (1:105/81)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/360.8110 to All on Thursday, January 19, 2023 21:01:11
    Forwarding message from fidosoft.husky.
    Originally by: Nil Alexandrov, 1:16/101
    Original date: 18/01/2023 20.42
    Subject: msg vs jam

    Hello, Rick!

    Wednesday January 18 2023 16:31, from Rick Smith -> All:

    My uplink is providing me an archive of some older messages that I
    wanted in .msg format

    Sounds like you are getting an archive of fido messages outside of the established message flow. I mean, you might %rescan old messages from your uplink, so that you would get a ton of messages in .pkt format which your tosser could potentially toss into your message base of choice.

    I use jam on my system what kind of options do I have as far as
    adding them to my msgbase?

    Well, if you were coming from the world of Fidonet of 90th, where we had a bunch of cool utilities to deal with the database formats, you would probably not ask this question.

    And frankly speaking, there is no such tool available withing the Husky ambarella. FWIW, the sqpack utility which is supposed to purge the database will make your JAM base fakked because it recreates the file with the basemsgnum set to 1, which invalidates all the UMSGIDs. Smapinntpd users have swallowed a bullet and accepted this limitation though.

    GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504

    A bit of off topic in the husky echo but your tearline has actually gives you a clue here already. The modest approach to your problem would be to set up two areas, one with the legacy .msg directory and the other with a brand new JAM database. Then using the GoldEd you can select all messages, copy and paste them into the target area and voila (miss some accent here) your have got it!

    Best Regards, Nil
    -+- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    + Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)

    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: . (2:221/360.8110)
  • From Kai Richter@2:240/77 to Nil Alexandrov on Friday, January 20, 2023 01:31:34
    Hello Nil!

    18 Jan 23, Nil Alexandrov wrote to Rick Smith:

    GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504

    would be to set up two areas, one with the legacy .msg directory and
    the other with a brand new JAM database. Then using the GoldEd you can select all messages, copy and paste them into the target area and
    voila (miss some accent here) your have got it!

    Does that updates the dupes database too?



    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Monobox (2:240/77)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Kai Richter on Friday, January 20, 2023 13:57:38
    Hi Kai!

    Friday January 20 2023 01:31, you wrote to Nil Alexandrov:

    would be to set up two areas, one with the legacy .msg directory and
    the other with a brand new JAM database. Then using the GoldEd you
    select all messages, copy and paste them into the target area and
    voila (miss some accent here) your have got it!

    Does that updates the dupes database too?


    Have a nice night.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    --- Have You daily sexual life? Hide it proper from Your wife! ;)
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@1:16/101 to Kai Richter on Friday, January 20, 2023 10:38:08
    Hello, Kai!

    Friday January 20 2023 01:31, from Kai Richter -> Nil Alexandrov, in URL @OFGHIUrl:

    GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504

    would be to set up two areas, one with the legacy .msg directory
    and the other with a brand new JAM database. Then using the
    GoldEd you can select all messages, copy and paste them into the
    target area and voila (miss some accent here) your have got it!

    Does that updates the dupes database too?

    Nope. The dupe database belongs to your tosser and not reader. Tosser will use different algorithms to eliminate dupes. It will definitely use the seen-by lines as defined in the FTS-0004. The more advanced algorithm can be to use some sort of the dupe base. Husky supports 4 types of dupeBaseType <TextDupes | HashDupes | HashDupesWMsgId | CommonDupeBase> and none of them is in the standard.

    Back to your question, I have not heard that a reader (like GoldED) would use a dupe base. Reader application will list and fetch available messages from your databases but the decision on storing a message in the base or reject as a dupe has been already made by a tosser.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/10 to Stas Mishchenkov on Saturday, January 21, 2023 17:12:12
    Greetings Stas!

    Friday January 20 2023 13:57, you wrote to Kai Richter about an urgent matter!:

    Hi Kai!

    Friday January 20 2023 01:31, you wrote to Nil Alexandrov:

    would be to set up two areas, one with the legacy .msg directory
    and the other with a brand new JAM database. Then using the
    GoldEd you can select all messages, copy and paste them into the
    target area and voila (miss some accent here) your have got it!

    Does that updates the dupes database too?

    yeah it didnt so my system sent out a few hundred dupes, many apologies who ever that impacted.


    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... Recipes..The bumper stickers of BBSing
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>>bbs.abon.us:2323 (1:105/10)
  • From Kai Richter@2:240/77 to Rick Smith on Sunday, January 22, 2023 13:29:34
    Hello Rick!

    21 Jan 23, Rick Smith wrote to Stas Mishchenkov:

    Does that updates the dupes database too?

    yeah it didnt so my system sent out a few hundred dupes, many
    apologies who ever that impacted.

    I'm sorry that i was too late. Your topic touches two issues.
    Msgbase conversion and archive mail handling.

    I was looking for msgbase converters that could handle hudson, squish, JAM and msg and i found that there are no converter because they are not needed.
    It's all there but unseen like the missed forest for the trees.

    There is a special the FTN format that was created for that kind of mail exchange. Just use PKT. Any FTN tosser should be able to read and write PKT because it's the common mail exchange format between ftn systems.

    Whatever tosser is yours, the mail conversion is the process to
    use source format tosser to export PKT
    use destination tosser to import PKT to your msgbase format.

    For archive mail handling i suggest to think about a seperate archive areas. The build structure depends on your favorits, some prefer archive.fidosoft.husky others like fidosoft.husky.archive.

    For some real big echos you may need more than one because of some msgbase format limitations.

    They all should be local echoareas without external links. One of the reasons for localecho is how complete your input data is. There is a strip seenby function in squish and maybe other tossers to save disk space. Your input data could be without seenby informations. When tossed they would go to any system (if they do not have old/bomb mail protection). A localecho would protect your network from your mail bombs. :)



    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Monobox (2:240/77)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@1:16/101 to Kai Richter on Sunday, January 22, 2023 13:56:10
    Hello, Kai!

    Sunday January 22 2023 13:29, from Kai Richter -> Rick Smith, in URL @OFGHIUrl:

    There is a special the FTN format that was created for that kind of
    mail exchange. Just use PKT. Any FTN tosser should be able to read and write PKT because it's the common mail exchange format between ftn systems.

    That was actually my solution to the message base conversion problem. I setup a point system in the config and issued a rescan AreaFix request from that point address. Your tosser will read out the original message base format and will produce messages in .pkt format. Having a point system in this setup will not add extra seen-by/path fields, so the metadata (aka kludges) will stay the same with probably one exception for HPT which will add the rescanned kludge. Once you have your messages in .pkt format, you can toss them into any message base which your tosser supports and it will also update the dupe base accordingly.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)
  • From Oli@2:280/464.47 to Kai Richter on Sunday, January 22, 2023 20:36:51
    Kai wrote (2023-01-22):

    I'm sorry that i was too late. Your topic touches two issues.
    Msgbase conversion and archive mail handling.

    I was looking for msgbase converters that could handle hudson, squish,
    JAM and msg and i found that there are no converter because they are not needed. It's all there but unseen like the missed forest for the trees.

    sqconv Squish / Maximus can convert between squish and *.msg

    $ sqconv
    format: sqconv <from_name> <from_type> <to_name> <to_type> <default_zone> example: sqconv \msg\foo *.msg \msg\foosq squish 1

    * Origin: War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. (2:280/464.47)
  • From Kai Richter@2:240/77 to Nil Alexandrov on Monday, January 23, 2023 12:19:48
    Hello Nil!

    22 Jan 23, Nil Alexandrov wrote to Kai Richter:

    There is a special the FTN format that was created for that kind
    of mail exchange. Just use PKT. Any FTN tosser should be able to
    read and write PKT because it's the common mail exchange format
    between ftn systems.

    I setup a point system in the config and issued a rescan AreaFix
    request from that point address. Your tosser will read out the
    original message base format and will produce messages in .pkt format. Having a point system in this setup will not add extra seen-by/path fields, so the metadata (aka kludges) will stay the same with probably
    one exception for HPT which will add the rescanned kludge.

    Thanks a lot for that detail. I used a node with with addseenby to protect the rescanned mails from re-tossing last time. Sounds like the point method is much easier.



    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Monobox (2:240/77)