• /black and /gate

    From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Allfix on Sunday, May 31, 2009 10:34:34
    Hello Allfix,

    Send me the links please!

    Ttyl :-),

    ... Never trust a nun with a gun.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20070503
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, B.C. Canada - trmb.ca (1:153/757)
  • From BRoboCop 1:342/5@1:342/5 to Alan Ianson on Sunday, May 31, 2009 13:24:50
    This is an automated response from The Power Station BBS, FidoNet 1:342/5. Files are available via dial-up (1-780-963-1859), telnet (powerstationbbs.ca), or anonymous ftp (ftp.powerstationbbs.ca). We carry the full FileGate distribution, as well as many other FDNs. Always available. No fees.

    The following files were found:

    Directory: /incoming/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    blkw4151.zip 020731 869k 0 BlackWidow is a web site scanner, a site
    mapping tool, a site ripper, a site mirroring
    tool, & an offline browser program. Use it to
    scan a site & create a complete profile of the
    site's structure, files, Email addresses,
    extenal links & even link errors. Then use it
    to download the site, with its structure &
    files intact, to use as a site mirror or to be
    converted by BlackWidow into a locally linked
    site for offline browsing & longterm reference.
    Or use it to scan for & download any selection
    of files: from 'JPG' to 'CGI' to 'HTM' to MIME
    types, from small to large files, in part of a
    site or in a group of sites. These prescan
    filtering options can save you countless online
    hours of searching & sorting. BlackWidow will
    scan HTTP sites, SSL sites (HTTPS) & FTP sites.

    Directory: /pub/local/bbs/os2-must/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    popsrv10.zip 960309 65k 0 (v1.00) pop3 server for OS/2. Request TCP/IP
    stack. Support: * APOP MD5 login, * posting via
    POP and * INETD operation. This package
    includes MAIL.EXE (local delivery agent) used
    by sendmail and INT2FID.EXE gate for internet
    mail to fidonet.

    Directory: /pub/filegate/adn/argus_ut/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    argbbs.rar 020714 8k 0 ARGBBS for Argus and Tornado/W32 BBS ARGBBS is
    a simple utility that aids the calling
    Tornado/W32 BBS from Argus. Simple replacement
    in the DOORS config of Argus. Three line config
    file. Now scans for TOR_MAIL.000 and starts
    mail scanner. ARGBBS (c) 1998 Sean Rima ARGBBS
    is Y2K thanks to Barry Blackford :)

    Directory: /pub/filegate/ads/adstext/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    bdpgpck1.lha 020425 87k 0 Upgrade pack #1 to Blacks Editor

    Directory: /pub/filegate/ads/adsunet/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    amygate.lha 010224 116k 0 The Aminet download manager V1.1A
    ezpvlfnt.lha 020913 8k 0 EzpagerNG SMS-over-HTTP gateway plugin

    Directory: /pub/filegate/ads/adsutils/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    black11t.lha 010912 16k 0 Italian catalog for BlackIRC 1.1

    Directory: /pub/filegate/av/avwin95/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    sting238.zip 040814 790k 0 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.3.8 FREEware standalone
    utility used to Detect & Remove specific virii
    (as of Aug 9th 2004). See file STING238.TXT for
    changes. This version detects & cleans all
    known variants of BackDoorAQJ, Bat/Mumu,
    ExploitDComRpc, IPCScan, IRC/Flood,
    NTServiceLoader, Sober, PWSNarod & SinCom,
    BugBear, Dumaru, Pate, Deborm, Elkern, Fizzer,
    Yaha, Klez, NetSky, Lirva, LovGate, Blaster,
    MiMail, DoomJuice, MoFei, Mumu, Nachi, Nimda,
    SdBot, SirCam, SoBig, SQLSlammer, Swen,
    FunLove, MyDoom, Anig, Bagle, Zafi, Korgo,
    Sasser, ZinDOS & BackDoorCFB. To Scan & Clean
    under Windows (32bit) just Execute. Windows
    ME/XP users should first read DSysRest.Txt,
    enclosed. http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/
    sting239.zip 040826 770k 0 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.3.9 FREEware standalone
    utility used to Detect & Remove specific virii
    (as of Aug 16th 2004). See file STINGER.TXT for
    changes. This version detects & cleans all
    known variants of Pate, BackDoorAQJ/CFB/CHR,
    ExploitDComRpc, Mumu, IPCScan, IRC/Flood,
    NTServiceLoader, Dumaru, PWSNarod & SinCom,
    BugBear, Sober, Blaster, Deborm, Elkern,
    Fizzer, Yaha, Klez, LovGate, Swen, Anig,
    MyDoom, MiMail, DoomJuice, Zafi, MoFei, Nachi,
    Nimda, SdBot, SirCam, FunLove, NetSky,
    SQLSlammer, Lirva, Sasser, Bat/Mumu, SoBig,
    Bagle, Korgo & ZinDOS. To Scan & Clean under
    Windows (32bit) just Execute. Windows ME/XP
    users should first read DSysRest.Txt, enclosed.
    sting240.zip 040929 855k 0 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.4.0 FREEware stand-
    alone utility used to Detect and Remove
    specific virii (as of Sep 28th 2004). See file
    STINGER.TXT for changes. This version detects &
    cleans all known variants of Pate,
    BackDoor-AQJ/CFB/CHR, Exploit-DComRpc, Mumu,
    IPCScan, IRC/Flood, NTServiceLoader, Dumaru,
    PWS-Narod & SinCom, BugBear, Sober, Blaster,
    Deborm, Elkern, Fizzer, Yaha, Klez, LovGate,
    Swen, Anig, MyDoom, MiMail, DoomJuice, Zafi,
    MoFei, Nachi, Nimda, SdBot, SirCam, FunLove,
    NetSky, SQLSlammer, Lirva, Sasser, Bat/Mumu,
    SoBig, Bagle, Korgo & ZinDOS. To Scan & Clean
    under Windows (32-bit) just Execute. Windows
    ME/XP users should first read DSysRest.Txt,
    enclosed. http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/
    sting241.zip 041015 899k 0 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.4.1 FREEware stand-
    alone utility used to Detect and Remove
    specific virii (as of Oct 14th 2004). See file
    STINGER.TXT for changes. This version detects &
    cleans all known variants of Pate,
    BackDoor-AQJ/CFB/CHR, Exploit-DComRpc, Mumu,
    IPCScan, IRC/Flood, NTServiceLoader, Dumaru,
    PWS-Narod & SinCom, BugBear, Sober, Blaster,
    Deborm, Elkern, Fizzer, Yaha, Klez, LovGate,
    Swen, Anig, MyDoom, MiMail, DoomJuice, Zafi,
    MoFei, Nachi, Nimda, SdBot, SirCam, FunLove,
    NetSky, SQLSlammer, Lirva, Sasser, Bat/Mumu,
    SoBig, Bagle, Korgo & ZinDOS. To Scan & Clean
    under Windows (32-bit) just Execute. Windows
    ME/XP users should first read DSysRest.Txt,
    enclosed. http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/
    sting243.zip 041030 900k 0 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.4.3 FREEware stand-
    alone utility used to Detect and Remove
    specific virii (as of Oct 29th 2004). See file
    STINGER.TXT for changes. This version detects &
    cleans all known variants of Pate,
    BackDoor-AQJ/CFB/CHR, Exploit-DComRpc, Mumu,
    IPCScan, IRC/Flood, NTServiceLoader, Dumaru,
    PWS-Narod & SinCom, BugBear, Sober, Blaster,
    Deborm, Elkern, Fizzer, Yaha, Klez, LovGate,
    Swen, Anig, MyDoom, MiMail, DoomJuice, Zafi,
    MoFei, Nachi, Nimda, SdBot, SirCam, FunLove,
    NetSky, SQLSlammer, Lirva, Sasser, Bat/Mumu,
    SoBig, Bagle, Korgo & ZinDOS. To Scan & Clean
    under Windows (32-bit) just Execute. Windows
    ME/XP users should first read DSysRest.Txt,
    enclosed. http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/
    sting244.zip 041109 911k 0 McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.4.4 FREEware stand-
    alone utility used to Detect and Remove
    specific virii (as of Nov 8th 2004). See file
    STINGER.TXT for changes. This version detects &
    cleans all known variants of Pate,

    There are 7150 additional lines not included to this report.

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: The Power Station BBS * powerstationbbs.ca * (1:342/5)
  • From Johannes D.H. Beekhuizen@2:280/1018 to Alan Ianson on Monday, June 01, 2009 02:35:25
    System name duinheks.nl
    Sysop Johannes D.H. Beekhuizen (jbeekhui@mail.duinheks.nl)
    Location Katwijk ZH (NL)
    Remark Using MBSE/Linux with pleasure
    Network aka 2:280/1018@fidonet
    Internet http://www.duinheks.nl

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet 0 CM,XX,IBN,IFC,ITN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 3 - GENERAL: FidoNet nodelists and other info ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKBONE.INT 0 Kb. List Of Active Echoes Available On The North
    American Backbone, That Are Reported To Be Gated
    From The Internet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    Area 11 - STANDARDS: FidoNet FSC and FTS documents ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRL-1009.001 4 Kb. Multiple recipient address specification to
    FSC-0004.001 4 Kb. Zones and Zonegates explained primitively
    FSC-0034.002 15 Kb. Gateways to and from FidoNet(r)
    FSC-0035.001 2 Kb. Transparent gateways to/from FidoNet
    FSC-0042.001 8 Kb. A modified gateway agreement
    FSC-0078.001 8 Kb. Gateway between Fidonet compatible networks -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 files, 43 KBytes.

    Area 49 - LINUX: antivirus software ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLAM~CHM.TGZ 23692 Kb. ClamAV 0.95.1
    Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus
    toolkit for UNIX, designed especially
    for e-mail scanning on mail gateways.
    It provides a number of utilities
    CLAM~JO@.TGZ 23539 Kb. ClamAV 0.95
    Clam AntiVirus is an anti-virus
    toolkit for UNIX, designed especially
    for e-mail scanning on mail gateways.
    It provides a number of utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 47231 KBytes.

    Area 91 - MSDOS: The Waffle BBS and utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMANDA1J.ZIP 84 Kb. Gates Fido News into and out of
    Waffle v1.65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 84 KBytes.

    Area 130 - STANDARDS: Internet RFC documents 0001-1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RFC0056.TXT 12 Kb. Third Level Protocol: Logger Protocol. E.
    Belove, D. Black, R. Flegal, L.G. Farquar.
    Jun-01-1970. (Format: TXT=13066 bytes)
    (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0490.TXT 9 Kb. Surrogate RJS for UCLA-CCN. J.R. Pickens.
    Mar-06-1973. (Format: TXT=9858 bytes)
    (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0823.TXT 58 Kb. DARPA Internet gateway. R.M. Hinden, A.
    Sheltzer. Sep-01-1982. (Format: TXT=62620
    bytes) (Updates IEN 109, IEN 30) (Status:
    RFC0827.TXT 64 Kb. Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP). E.C.
    Rosen. Oct-01-1982. (Format: TXT=68436
    bytes) (Updated by RFC0904) (Status:
    RFC0875.TXT 22 Kb. Gateways, architectures, and heffalumps.
    M.A. Padlipsky. Sep-01-1982. (Format:
    TXT=22816 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0888.TXT 51 Kb. "STUB" Exterior Gateway Protocol. L.
    Seamonson, E.C. Rosen. Jan-01-1984.
    (Format: TXT=53227 bytes) (Updated by
    RFC0904) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0890.TXT 5 Kb. Exterior Gateway Protocol implementation
    schedule. J. Postel. Feb-01-1984. (Format:
    TXT=5899 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0898.TXT 41 Kb. Gateway special interest group meeting
    notes. R.M. Hinden, J. Postel, M. Muuss,
    J.K. Reynolds. Apr-01-1984. (Format:
    TXT=42112 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0904.TXT 62 Kb. Exterior Gateway Protocol formal
    specification. D.L. Mills. Apr-01-1984.
    (Format: TXT=65226 bytes) (Updates RFC0827,
    RFC0888) (Status: HISTORIC)
    RFC0911.TXT 54 Kb. EGP Gateway under Berkeley UNIX 4.2. P.
    Kirton. Aug-22-1984. (Format: TXT=55908
    bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0940.TXT 6 Kb. Toward an Internet standard scheme for
    subnetting. Gateway Algorithms and Data
    Structures Task Force. Apr-01-1985.
    (Format: TXT=6881 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC0985.TXT 56 Kb. Requirements for Internet gateways - draft.
    National Science Foundation, Network
    Technical Advisory Group. May-01-1986.
    (Format: TXT=59221 bytes) (Obsoleted by -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    12 files, 446 KBytes.

    Area 131 - STANDARDS: Internet RFC documents 1001-2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RFC1009.TXT 122 Kb. Requirements for Internet gateways. R.T.
    Braden, J. Postel. Jun-01-1987. (Format:
    TXT=128173 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0985)
    (Obsoleted by RFC1812) (Status: HISTORIC)
    RFC1027.TXT 20 Kb. Using ARP to implement transparent subnet
    gateways. S. Carl-Mitchell, J.S.
    Quarterman. Oct-01-1987. (Format: TXT=21297
    bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC1028.TXT 78 Kb. Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol. J.
    Davin, J.D. Case, M. Fedor, M.L.
    Schoffstall. Nov-01-1987. (Format:
    TXT=82440 bytes) (Status: HISTORIC)
    RFC1074.TXT 10 Kb. NSFNET backbone SPF based Interior Gateway
    Protocol. J. Rekhter. Oct-01-1988. (Format:
    TXT=10872 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)
    RFC1105.TXT 35 Kb. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). K. Lougheed,
    Y. Rekhter. Jun-01-1989. (Format: TXT=37644
    bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC1163) (Status:
    RFC1163.TXT 66 Kb. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). K. Lougheed,
    Y. Rekhter. Jun-01-1990. (Format: TXT=69404
    bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1105) (Obsoleted by
    RFC1164.TXT 53 Kb. Application of the Border Gateway Protocol
    in the Internet. J.C. Honig, D. Katz, M.
    Mathis, Y. Rekhter, J.Y. Yu. Jun-01-1990.
    (Format: TXT=56278 bytes) (Obsoleted by
    RFC1268) (Status: HISTORIC)
    RFC1254.TXT 66 Kb. Gateway Congestion Control Survey. A.
    Mankin, K. Ramakrishnan. Aug-01-1991.
    (Format: TXT=67609 bytes) (Status:
    RFC1267.TXT 78 Kb. Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3). K.
    Lougheed, Y. Rekhter. Oct-01-1991. (Format:
    TXT=80724 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1163)
    (Status: HISTORIC)
    RFC1268.TXT 30 Kb. Application of the Border Gateway Protocol
    in the Internet. Y. Rekhter, P. Gross.
    Oct-01-1991. (Format: TXT=31102 bytes)
    (Obsoletes RFC1164) (Obsoleted by RFC1655)
    (Status: HISTORIC)
    RFC1269.TXT 25 Kb. Definitions of Managed Objects for the
    Border Gateway Protocol: Version 3. S.
    Willis, J.W. Burruss. Oct-01-1991. (Format:
    TXT=25717 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC4273)
    RFC1344.TXT 25 Kb. Implications of MIME for Internet Mail
    Gateways. N. Borenstein. June 1992.
    (Format: TXT=25872, PS=51812, PDF=24430
    bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
    RFC1397.TXT 4 Kb. Default Route Advertisement In BGP2 and
    BGP3 Version of The Border Gateway
    Protocol. D. Haskin. January 1993. (Format:
    TXT=4124 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD) RFC1415.TXT 125 Kb. FTP-FTAM Gateway Specification. J. Mindel,
    R. Slaski. January 1993. (Format:
    TXT=128261 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED
    RFC1506.TXT 83 Kb. A Tutorial on Gatewaying between X.400 and
    Internet Mail. J. Houttuin. August 1993.
    (Format: TXT=85550 bytes) (Status:
    RFC1654.TXT 127 Kb. A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4). Y.
    Rekhter, T. Li, Eds.. July 1994. (Format:
    TXT=130118 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC1771)
    RFC1655.TXT 42 Kb. Application of the Border Gateway Protocol
    in the Internet. Y. Rekhter, P. Gross,
    Eds.. July 1994. (Format: TXT=43664 bytes)
    (Obsoletes RFC1268) (Obsoleted by RFC1772)
    RFC1657.TXT 44 Kb. Definitions of Managed Objects for the
    Fourth Version of the Border Gateway
    Protocol (BGP-4) using SMIv2. S. Willis, J.
    Burruss, J. Chu, Ed.. July 1994. (Format:
    RFC1771.TXT 128 Kb. A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4). Y.
    Rekhter, T. Li. March 1995. (Format:
    TXT=131903 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1654)
    (Obsoleted by RFC4271) (Status: DRAFT
    RFC1772.TXT 42 Kb. Application of the Border Gateway Protocol
    in the Internet. Y. Rekhter, P. Gross.
    March 1995. (Format: TXT=43916 bytes)
    (Obsoletes RFC1655) (Status: DRAFT
    RFC1975.TXT 8 Kb. PPP Magnalink Variable Resource
    Compression. D. Schremp, J. Black, J.
    Weiss. August 1996. (Format: TXT=8655
    bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    21 files, 1220 KBytes.

    Area 132 - STANDARDS: Internet RFC documents 2001-3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RFC2110.TXT 40 Kb. MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate
    Documents, such as HTML (MHTML). J. Palme,
    A. Hopmann. March 1997. (Format: TXT=41961
    bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC2557) (Status:
    RFC2167.TXT 133 Kb. Referral Whois (RWhois) Protocol V1.5. S.
    Williamson, M. Kosters, D. Blacka, J.
    Singh, K. Zeilstra. June 1997. (Format:
    TXT=136355 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1714)
    RFC2474.TXT 49 Kb. Definition of the Differentiated Services
    Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6
    Headers. K. Nichols, S. Blake, F. Baker, D.
    Black. December 1998. (Format: TXT=50576
    RFC2475.TXT 92 Kb. An Architecture for Differentiated Service.
    S. Blake, D. Black, M. Carlson, E. Davies,
    Z. Wang, W. Weiss. December 1998. (Format:
    TXT=94786 bytes) (Updated by RFC3260)
    RFC2480.TXT 11 Kb. Gateways and MIME Security Multiparts. N.
    Freed. January 1999. (Format: TXT=11751
    bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
    RFC2557.TXT 60 Kb. MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents,
    such as HTML (MHTML). J. Palme, A. Hopmann,
    N. Shelness. March 1999. (Format: TXT=61854 RFC2705.TXT 296 Kb. Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
    Version 1.0. M. Arango, A. Dugan, I.
    Elliott, C. Huitema, S. Pickett. October
    1999. (Format: TXT=304056 bytes) (Obsoleted -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    7 files, 684 KBytes.

    Listed 50 out of 100 files matching your search request.
    For more information visit our BBS.

    With regards; Johannes D.H. Beekhuizen.

    ... There is an exception to every rule, except this one.

    --- MBSE BBS v0.95.5 (GNU/Linux-i386)
    * Origin: FileFind request from The Wizard from the Dunes (2:280/1018)
  • From Michiel Broek@2:280/2802 to Alan Ianson on Monday, June 01, 2009 02:25:07
    System name == MBSE BBS Support Netherlands ==
    Sysop Michiel Broek (michiel@fido.mbse.eu)
    Location IJmuiden, NL
    Remark MBSE Linux BBS development
    Network aka 2:280/2802@fidonet
    Internet http://fido.mbse.eu

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet fido.mbse.eu 457000 XX,IBN,IFC,ITN:60177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 7 - Local: BBS related programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GATE10.RAR 60 Kb. The Gateway v1.0 LORD IGM
    For LORD 3.25+ - This program allows scripts
    called RHPs to be created and ran as if they
    were full IGMs! From the author of The LORD ISS1403.RAR 441 Kb. InterSquish NNTP Server for Windows 1.4.3
    NNTP-Server/gate for distribute a fidonet
    echos from Squish or JAM bases.
    Posting, full netmail gate support.
    Shareware version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 501 KBytes.

    Area 8 - Local: Fidonet mailers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FDINT105.ZIP 127 Kb. FrontDoor; InterNet Utils (FDInt)
    Version 1.05, Piglet Productions
    A set of mail utils for all
    FrontDoor Sysops. Features:
    IGATE100.ARJ 257 Kb. ==========================================
    InterGate v1.0 * Multiboard Communications
    Full UUCP gateway package supporting UUCP,
    MSG, PKT, BAG and JAM formats. Give your IREXD223.RAR 1407 Kb. Internet Rex 2.23 for DOS (16-bit)
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    IREXL223.RAR 1320 Kb. Internet Rex 2.23 for Linux
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    IREXW223.RAR 1062 Kb. Internet Rex 2.23 for Win95/98/NT/2K
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5 files, 4174 KBytes.

    Area 17 - FidoNet: Technical Standards Committee ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRL-1009.001 4 Kb. Multiple recipient address specification to
    FSP-1007.J01 3 Kb. Multiple recipient address specification to
    gateway, R.v.d.Winkel -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 8 KBytes.

    Area 19 - Fidonet: FTSC Archive ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSC-0004.001 4 Kb. Zones and Zonegates explained primitively
    FSC-0034.002 15 Kb. Gateways to and from FidoNet(r)
    FSC-0035.001 2 Kb. Transparent gateways to/from FidoNet
    FSC-0042.001 8 Kb. A modified gateway agreement
    FSC-0078.001 8 Kb. Gateway between Fidonet compatible networks FSP-1007.001 4 Kb. Multiple recipient address specification to
    gateway -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 files, 43 KBytes.

    Area 23 - Linux: Mail utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSTFIX.TGZ 776 Kb. postfix-19991231-pl08.tar.gz
    Postfix, a very good sendmail replacement,
    more secure, easyer to setup, better routing
    especially together with a Fidonet gateway. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 776 KBytes.

    Area 31 - BACKBONE.* echomail taglists etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKBONE.INT 0 Kb. List Of Active Echoes Available On The North
    American Backbone, That Are Reported To Be Gated
    From The Internet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    Area 32 - FileGate Info files, FAQ's, FILEGATE.ZXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FDNINFO.ZIP 33 Kb. Information about the IFDC FileGate, how to get
    your files distributed, currnet links and policy
    FGPOL006.TXT 15 Kb. Current Policy draft for the IFDC FileGate
    FILEGATE.FAQ 16 Kb. Frequently asked questions regarding the IFDC
    FileGate Project.
    FILEGATE.HDR 0 Kb. FileGate Header Comment file updated for 2008. FILEGATE.ZXX 67 Kb. Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID
    format. Also contains HUB/connect information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5 files, 133 KBytes.

    Area 71 - DGN: General Door Games Distribution Area ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DGN_INFO.ZIP 14 Kb. The Door Games Network Infopack. DGN has a
    number of InterBBS games running including
    GAC Black Jack, FreeCell, WaHoo and Inter-
    LORD with the Vanadia series of IGMs. Mace's
    Chain Reaction and Word Warp. The 9 InterBBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 14 KBytes.

    Area 91 - SUN: 32-Bit WINServer Sunrise Doors ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WC5BJ17.ZIP 500 Kb. BLACKJACK For Winserver
    Changes to the product are noted in the .HIS
    file! NOTE: We are now using a new
    installer. Please pay attention as you are WC5BXD31.ZIP 504 Kb. BLACKJACK For Winserver
    Changes to the product are noted in the .HIS
    file! NOTE: We are now using a new
    installer. Please pay attention as you are
    WC5GW19.ZIP 154 Kb. GANGLAND WARS RPG Door (32-Bit WINS)v1.9
    *** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection***
    Do battle with Street Punks, Recruit Gang
    Members, visit the Gangland Boss, Rob Local
    Stores, play Blackjack & much more! Includes -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 1159 KBytes.

    Area 147 - R50: Unix FTN files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FDS60226.TBZ 680 Kb. fidogate-ds 5.1.3 - stable cvs a- /h.b .b
    FDS61014.TBZ 681 Kb. fidogate-ds 5.1.5 - stable `%+(' .b 2006-10-14. FDS61230.TBZ 681 Kb. fidogate-ds 5.1.6 - stable `%+(' .b 2006-12-30. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 2044 KBytes.

    Found 29 files matching your search request.

    With regards; Michiel Broek.

    ... IBM: Ideas Bring Money

    --- MBSE BBS v0.95.5 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: MBSE BBS Development (2:280/2802)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Alan Ianson on Monday, June 01, 2009 06:00:14
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vince Coen (vbcoen@tiscali.co.uk)
    Location Roydon, Essex, UK
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewoodbbs.mine.nu

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Modem 01279-793009 57.6 kbits TCE,XA,V42B,V90C -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 9 - ORE: Software by Erik Oredson ------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYIT44.ZIP 157 Kb. Copyit v4.4a DOS copy utility.
    Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC.
    Public Domain 1996-2009.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    WHATIS34.ZIP 103 Kb. Whatis v3.4a equation parser.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 1999-2009.
    Backwards compatible with BC 7.1 files
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    WHERIS37.ZIP 89 Kb. Whereis v3.7a file/directory search
    utility. Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC.
    Public Domain 1999-2009.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 350 KBytes.

    Area 30 - Fernwood - OS2 Graphics ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLACK100.ZIP 56 Kb. Blackout screensaver which controls "green"
    QUICKEYE.ZIP 46 Kb. Quickeye pm viewer/recorder for black and white
    quickcam. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 102 KBytes.

    Area 31 - OS2 - AdeptXBBS BBS file network ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVBJ101.ZIP 16 Kb. 1] Adept video Blackjack v1.01.
    GATEEXPL.ZIP 3 Kb. 2] Gatekpr explained and examples.
    GATEKPR.EXA 3 Kb. 1] Gatekpr examples.
    GATKPREX.ZIP 3 Kb. 2] GateKpr working setup examples.
    GK23011.ZIP 338 Kb. 1] GateKpr v 2.30.11 Includes AdeptToss.Log
    support Corrects the pkt header Fixes a GoldEd
    related problem EMail bugs to: nitinpoboxes.com
    GK31.ZIP 163 Kb. 0] For AdeptXBBS GateKeeper Version 3.01 Fixed
    SeenBys Fixed Path send bugs info to GateKprsumm
    tcnty.com Read the README!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 files, 530 KBytes.

    Area 32 - OS2 - BBS Lora File Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS2401.ZIP 1793 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1793 KBytes.

    Area 36 - OS2 - Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DZ140D.ZIP 689 Kb. Drop Zone By Black Pine Development Version
    1.40 Demo OS/22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 689 KBytes.

    Area 62 - PDN - Linux related programs/files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FG44RPM.ZIP 1127 Kb. FidoGate v4.4.1 executible in fidogate-4.4.0-1.i
    86.rpm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1127 KBytes.

    Area 63 - PDN - Python compilers and support files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSXMLRPC.ZIP 14 Kb. This package contains an implementation of an
    XMLPC gateway -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 14 KBytes.

    Area 67 - Programming - Miscellaneous Languages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIC76A.ZIP 535 Kb. Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 2009. v7.6a
    Backwards compatible with BC 7.1 files
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    STREE29.ZIP 58 Kb. Stree v2.9a directory display utility.
    Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC.
    Public Domain 1999-2009.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 594 KBytes.

    Area 71 - SDS: Echo Conference Rules, Moderators, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKBONE.INT 0 Kb. List Of Active Echoes Available On The North
    American Backbone, That Are Reported To Be Gated
    From The Internet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 0 KBytes.

    Area 73 - SDS - General Utilities Distribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORUTL53.ZIP 4625 Kb. The Set Of More DOS Utilities. v53.0a.
    Includes PDS 7.1/Visual BASIC Pro v1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 1995-2006.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. CSci
    Email: eoredson@yahoo.com
    MORUTL56.ZIP 5483 Kb. The Set Of More DOS Utilities. v56.0a.
    Includes PDS v7.10/VB Pro v1.00 Public
    Domain BASIC source code 1995-2007.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson, AS. CSci
    Email: eoredson@gmail.com
    UATA100.ZIP 112 Kb. UATA100.Exe v3.03 Seagate's Utility to set
    default maximum Ultra ATA Support rates
    for ATA-UDMA33/66/100 (IDE) Drives (Mode
    2=33M, 3=44M, 4=66M & 5=100MHz). Requires
    native DOS command mode and ATA-UDMA33+
    UNINST14.ZIP 59 Kb. The Generic DOS Uninstal Utility v1.4.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 1999-2006.
    Backwards compatible with BC 7.1 files
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 files, 10280 KBytes.

    Area 74 - SDS - Maximus BBS and Related Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BW311MAX.ZIP 356 Kb. The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Maximus-
    Version 3.11 of the world's most popular
    easy to use offline mail door! Features
    include internal protocols, flexible mes
    packing options, SysOp-controlled limits
    BW311MX2.ZIP 377 Kb. The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Maximus-
    Version 3.11 of the world's most popular
    easy to use offline mail door! Features
    include internal protocols, flexible mes
    packing options, SysOp-controlled limits
    BW320MAX.ZIP 621 Kb. Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Maximus v3.2
    Enhance your current Maximus BBS with th
    world's most popular and easy to use off
    mail door! This archive contains both D
    and OS/2 program files.
    ISS1701.ZIP 519 Kb. InterSquish NNTP Server for Windows 1.5
    NNTP-Server/gate for distribute a fidone
    echos from Squish or JAM bases.
    Posting, full netmail gate support.
    Freeware version.
    MG109.ZIP 217 Kb. MailGate 1.09 imports RFC-822 mail from
    NG034.ZIP 86 Kb. nGate allows you two-way posting between -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 files, 2180 KBytes.

    Area 81 - Win 9x - Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMOZIP.ZIP 96 Kb. Mobile2Server Troubleshooter helps you in
    troubleshooting your Server without having
    to carry Laptop all the time. Contains 2 zip
    files which is 1 for mobile another for
    Blackberry device. With Mobile2Server
    RECIPE4W.ZIP 464 Kb. Recipe4win lets you navigate through
    thousands recipes from the Recipe4all.com
    database with a neat interface. It allows
    you to search recipes by keywords, by
    ingredients, or by geography. Recipe4win
    SPF.ZIP 7815 Kb. FREE for personal use, Sygate Personal Firewall
    Standard provides best of breed security in a
    user friendly interface, protecting your PC from
    hackers, trojans and DoS attacks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 8376 KBytes.

    Area 82 - Win 9x - Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADSETUP.ZIP 649 Kb. AutoDialogs is a Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
    32-bit program that was developed to provide
    quick access to the folders you use most
    often in standard Open / Save as / Browse
    for folder dialogs (including Office
    BLACK19.ZIP 821 Kb. Black List v1.9, detects and close annoying
    popup browser
    GTKPR10.ZIP 1305 Kb. Gatekeeper 1.0 folder security application.
    Allows the user
    JOCWS252.ZIP 288 Kb. JOC Web Spider 2.52 Download websites FAST!
    and navigate
    PSSFE100.ZIP 2179 Kb. PSS Font Explorer is a quick and simple to
    use font browsing application. It lets you
    navigate the screen and printer fonts
    installed on your system so you can locate
    that specific font you need to complete your S2PPRO.ZIP 345 Kb. SendToPager Professional v1.3 for Windows
    Enterprise Paging Gateway with Easy Integ-
    ration Capabilities
    - Automatically send messages to pagers and SUITE40.ZIP 1371 Kb. Avirt Gateway Suite v4.0, the integrated solutio
    WRKSPC30.ZIP 1174 Kb. Delegate repetitive tasks to WORKSPACE
    MACRO. Highly accurate keyboard and mouse
    macro recorder. Create macros in any
    application using a simple, intuitive
    process. Just record & replay. Features -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    8 files, 8136 KBytes.

    Area 85 - Win 32 - Games ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GSMONEY.ZIP 71 Kb. "GSMoney version 1.2" is a package of java
    games for mobile phones. The package
    includes gambling games - GSMoney Solitaire
    and GSMoney Black Jack. The games are
    available on mobile phones with java and
    SGARCH.ZIP 2366 Kb. Scarlet grains 6.1.002
    Size: 2.54 MB
    Category: Puzzle/logic/action
    type : Shareware
    Price : $20.99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2437 KBytes.

    Area 86 - Win 32 - Internet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLCKWIDO.ZIP 8355 Kb. BlackWidow is a multi-function internet
    utility and a great webmaster tool. It is a
    web site downloader, an internet download
    manager, site mapping tool, a site ripper, a
    site mirroring tool, a website scanner, an NPSWITCH.ZIP 1472 Kb. Net Profile Switch v4.59 Shareware. JitBit
    Net Profile Switch allows connecting a
    computer to two or more networks. Ideal for
    laptop/notebook users, who travel from one
    network location to another. It switches a
    BLWIDOW.ZIP 2156 Kb. BlackWidow is a web site scanner, a site
    mapping tool, a site ripper, a site
    mirroring tool, an offline browser and a FTP
    program for Windows95/98/ME/2000/2003/XP and
    NT 4+. BlackWidow will scan HTTP sites, SSL BROWSY1.ZIP 860 Kb. Browsy v1.0 - Shareware. Requires Win 98 or
    greater or Win NT 4 or greater and IE 4.0 or
    greater. Browsy is your complete browsing
    companion that can work with any web
    browser. It can block pop-ups, banner ads, EPGATEWY.ZIP 5313 Kb. EPGateway v1.51 Email Processing Application
    is designed to provide an easy and effective
    way of automating your processing of email
    messages, and making that data available to
    other applications you use. Works with POP3 ESERV299.ZIP 1640 Kb. Eserv/2.99 is a complete solution to access
    Internet from LAN providing SMTP, POP3, and
    IMAP4.1 with ability to share one mailbox on
    the ISP, aliases, antivirus, mail routing
    support) News Server (NNTP) Web Server (with GATEWALL.ZIP 2255 Kb. GateWall 3.1 the Internet connection sharing
    tool, the Swiss knife for LAN administra-
    tors. Easy to use toolkit to provide
    Internet access for LAN users. The network
    administrator will be able to supervise
    HPAD5PRO.ZIP 3260 Kb. HTMLPad 2004 Pro v5.0 for Win95, Win98,
    WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Win2000 brings all
    the features of powerful HTML, XHTML, CSS &
    script editor while saving disk space, keep-
    ing great speed & providing convenient pure HTMLSPY.ZIP 330 Kb. HTMLSpy v1.04.
    If you've ever looked at a nifty object
    on a Web page and wondered how it
    was crafted, you'll like HTMLSpy. Once
    installed, the program adds itself to the -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    9 files, 25645 KBytes.

    Listed 50 out of 143 files matching your search request.
    For more information visit our BBS.

    With regards; Vince Coen.

    ... ... Death, when unnecessary, is a tragic thing.

    --- MBSE BBS v0.95.5 (GNU/Linux-i386)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK (2:250/1)
  • From BRoboCop 1:120/546@1:120/546 to Alan Ianson on Monday, June 01, 2009 01:59:02
    Following files were found:

    Directory: /apps/bbbs/dos/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    bbbsrd.zip 060820 1668k 1 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
    AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
    Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, with RSA
    bbbs_d.zip 060820 1659k 0 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
    AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
    Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This packet: PC-DOS/Intel, without RSA

    Directory: /apps/bbbs/os2/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    bbbsr2.zip 060820 1810k 0 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
    AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
    Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This packet: OS2/Intel, with RSA
    bbbs_2.zip 060820 1793k 0 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
    AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
    Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This packet: OS2/Intel, without RSA

    Directory: /apps/bbbs/nt/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    bbbs-nt.zip 060820 1737k 0 BBBS v3.42 1s. Complete BBS package with full
    internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet,
    FTP, Finger, HTTP, news, email, gateway, Mg,
    full screen editor, multilingual, CD-ROM,
    offline, VT320, ANSI, multitask, multinode,
    HYDRA, Zmodem, Kermit, BZLink, TCP/IP, voice,
    FAX, charsets, accounts, IRC, plus much much
    more. Everything you need to run a BBS! This
    packet is for Windows NT/95, without RSA.
    bbbsrnt.zip 060820 1870k 4 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
    AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
    Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This packet: MS Windows/Intel, with RSA
    bbbs_nt.zip 060820 1852k 1 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK,
    AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline,
    Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This packet: MS Windows/Intel, without RSA

    Directory: /apps/bbbs/sunosm/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    bbbsrsum.zip 060820 1495k 0 BBBS v3.42 1s. Complete BBS package with full
    internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet,
    FTP, Finger, HTTP, news, email, gateway, Mg,
    full screen editor, multilingual, CD-ROM,
    offline, VT320, ANSI, multitask, multinode,
    HYDRA, Zmodem, Kermit, BZLink, TCP/IP, voice,
    FAX, charsets, accounts, IRC, plus much much
    more. Everything you need to run a BBS! This
    packet is for SunOS/Motorola, with RSA.

    Directory: /apps/bbbs/amiga/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    bbbsra.zip 060820 1686k 0 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes.
    Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet,
    telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email,
    FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix,
    gateway, full screen editor, offline, Mg,
    multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This archive: Amiga/Motorola, with RSA
    bbbs_a.zip 060820 1670k 1 BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes.
    Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet,
    telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email,
    FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix,
    gateway, full screen editor, offline, Mg,
    multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice,
    multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA,
    multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more
    This archive: Amiga/Motorola, without RSA

    Directory: /apps/bbbs/unixware/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    bbbsruw.zip 060820 1047k 0 BBBS v3.33 How. This archive is for UnixWare,
    with RSA. Complete BBS package with full
    internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet,
    FTP, Finger, news, email, gateway, offline,
    VT320, ANSI, multilingual, multinode, Mg, full
    screen editor, multitask, CD-ROM, HYDRA,
    Zmodem, Kermit, BZLink, TCP/IP, voice, FAX,
    charsets, accounts, IRC, plus much much more.
    Everything you need to run a BBS!
    bbbs_uw.zip 060820 1043k 0 BBBS v3.33 How. This archive is for UnixWare,
    without RSA. Complete BBS package with full
    internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet,
    FTP, Finger, news, email, gateway, offline,
    VT320, ANSI, multilingual, multinode, Mg, full
    screen editor, multitask, CD-ROM, HYDRA,
    Zmodem, Kermit, BZLink, TCP/IP, voice, FAX,
    charsets, accounts, IRC, plus much much more.
    Everything you need to run a BBS!

    Total 12 files, 19 MB, 7 downloads, 114 minutes.

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: https://rocasa.us/bbbs (1:120/546)
  • From R.J. Clay@1:120/544 to Alan Ianson on Monday, June 01, 2009 09:12:20
    System name ROCASA FTN
    Sysop R.J. Clay (sysop@ftn.rocasa.us)
    Location Farmington Hills, MI, USA
    Remark Rocasa FTN
    Network aka 1:120/544@fidonet
    Internet http://ftn.rocasa.us

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet ftn.rocasa.us 33600 XX,CM,IBN,IFC,ITN
    Modem 12484740702 33.6 kbits CM,XA,V32B,V42B,V34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 1 - Rocasa FTN related files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTN-NEWS.TXT 42 Kb. fidonet <-> newsgroups cross-reference for fidogate here at Rocasa
    te here at Rocasa -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 42 KBytes.

    Area 5 - MIDI Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLK_FRI.ZIP 20 Kb. Steely Dan "Black Friday"
    PAINT_IT.ZIP 10 Kb. Rolling Stones "Paint It Black" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 30 KBytes.

    Area 27 - Anti-Virus for Win 95/98/ME ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STING248.ZIP 947 Kb. McAfee AVERT Stinger v2.4.8.2 FREEware stand-
    alone utility used to Detect and Remove
    specific virii (as of Jan 27th 2005). See
    file STINGER.TXT for changes. This version
    detects & cleans all known variants of Pate, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 947 KBytes.

    Area 61 - Misc. Linux Applications ------------------------------------------------------------------------- KCD760.TGZ 377 Kb. kcd is a directory change utility similar to
    NCD. It helps you navigate the -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 377 KBytes.

    Area 125 - IREX Mailer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IREXD229.ZIP 1624 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for DOS. A program for sendingyour BBS mail over the net. Supports email,
    your BBS mail over the net. Supports email,
    FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO, Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley, D'Bridge
    e, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley, D'Bridge
    and more. Packed with features.
    IREXE229.ZIP 1744 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for DOS (32 bit). A program
    for sending your BBS mail over the net. Supportsemail, FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    email, FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley,
    D'Bridge and more. Packed with features.
    IREXL229.ZIP 1528 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for Linux. A program for
    sending your BBS mail over the net. Supports
    email, FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley,
    D'Bridge and more. Packed with features. @d1 IREXP229.ZIP 1125 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for OS/2. A program for sending your BBS mail over the net. Supports email,
    g your BBS mail over the net. Supports email,
    FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO, Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley, D'Bridge
    e, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley, D'Bridge
    and more. Packed with features.
    IREXW229.ZIP 1146 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for 32-bit Windows. A program
    for sending your BBS mail over the net. Supportsemail, FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    email, FTP, MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    Watergate, TransX, Allfix, FrontDoor, Binkley,
    D'Bridge and more. Packed with features. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5 files, 7169 KBytes.

    Area 126 - Misc. FTN Mailers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSX35.ZIP 205 Kb. TransX 3.5 - Shareware Version Use Internet
    email to transport your Fidonet-style mail and
    files in order to avoid long distance bills!
    Great for expanding networks. Supports many
    mailers such as: FrontDoor,BBBS,PCBoard,Binkley,D'Bridge,Plantinum Xpress,PKT Supports almost -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 205 KBytes.

    Area 131 - Fidogate ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FDS40330.ZIP 679 Kb. fidogate 5.1.0ds STABLE-óÑαß¿∩ «Γ 2004-03-30 FDS60226.TBZ 680 Kb. fidogate-ds 5.1.3 - stable cvs a- /h.b .b
    FDS61014.TBZ 681 Kb. fidogate-ds 5.1.5 - stable `%+(' .b 2006-10-14. FDS61230.TBZ 681 Kb. fidogate-ds 5.1.6 - stable `%+(' .b 2006-12-30. FG030910.TGZ 418 Kb. á¬áñª »«ñ freebsd ftdogate5b7+bugfixes
    FGCVS.ZIP 10475 Kb. Archive of Fidogate CVS Repository
    FGTSTDEB.ZIP 1571 Kb. Current testing version Debian i386 archive
    v0.3, archive name fidogate_4.4.11~b44-20070604-0.3_i386.deb for Fidogate v4.4.11, CVS Branch_4_4,as of 04 June 2007
    .3_i386.deb for Fidogate v4.4.11, CVS Branch_4_4,as of 04 June 2007
    as of 04 June 2007
    FGTSTSRC.ZIP 1877 Kb. Source archive for CVS Branch_4_4 of Fidogate
    v4.4.11, as of 04 June 2007; archive name fidogate_4.4.11~b44-20070604.orig.tar.gz
    FIDO~MUP.TGZ 1133 Kb. Fidogate v4.4.0 - Fido-Internet Gateway, Fido
    FTN-FTN Gateway, Fido Mail Processor, Fido File
    Processor, & Fido Areafix/Filefix.
    FIDO~AFS.TGZ 1141 Kb. Fidogate v4.4.3 - Fido-Internet Gateway, Fido
    FTN-FTN Gateway, Fido Mail Processor, Fido File
    Processor, & Fido Areafix/Filefix.
    FIDO~6AB.TGZ 1141 Kb. Fidogate v4.4.4 - Fido-Internet Gateway, Fido
    FTN-FTN Gateway, Fido Mail Processor, Fido File
    Processor, & Fido Areafix/Filefix.
    FIDO~1V7.TGZ 1158 Kb. Fidogate v4.4.9 - Fido-Internet Gateway, Fido
    FTN-FTN Gateway, Fido Mail Processor, Fido File
    Processor, & Fido Areafix/Filefix. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    12 files, 21642 KBytes.

    Area 132 - Fidogate i386 Debian Archives ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGES.GZ 0 Kb. Debian Repository Index file for Fidogate
    Package files
    FIDO~TXX.DEB 840 Kb. Debian archive of Fidogate v4.4.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 840 KBytes.

    Area 134 - Fidogate Debian Source Archives ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCES.GZ 0 Kb. Debian Repository Index file for Fidogate source
    FIDO~PZ1.DSC 0 Kb. Debian dsc file for Fidogate v4.2.8-5
    FIDO~GF_.TGZ 1154 Kb. Original Fidogate v4.2.8-5 archive -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 1155 KBytes.

    Area 164 - BBBS for the Amiga ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS_A.ZIP 1670 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW,
    rNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW,
    g you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW,
    FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email, FidoNet, mailer,
    mail processor, TICK, AllFix, gateway, full
    BBBSRA.ZIP 1686 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW,
    rNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW,
    g you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW,
    FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email, FidoNet, mailer,
    mail processor, TICK, AllFix, gateway, full -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 3356 KBytes.

    Area 165 - BBBS for DOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS_D.ZIP 1658 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with@nWWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    erNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    ing you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,@nemail, FidoNet,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK,@nAllFix, gateway, BBBSRD.ZIP 1668 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with@nWWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    erNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    ing you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,@nemail, FidoNet,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK,@nAllFix, gateway, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 3327 KBytes.

    Area 166 - BBBS for Free BSD ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBSF401.ZIP 1654 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1654 KBytes.

    Area 168 - BBBS for Win32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS-NT.ZIP 1736 Kb. BBBS v3.42 1s. Complete BBS package with full
    internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet,
    FTP, Finger, HTTP, news, email, gateway, Mg,
    full screen editor, multilingual, CD-ROM, offline, VT320, ANSI, multitask, multinode, HYDRA,
    BBBS_NT.ZIP 1851 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with@nWWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    erNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    ing you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,@nemail, FidoNet,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK,@nAllFix, gateway, BBBSN401.ZIP 1891 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBSRNT.ZIP 1870 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with@nWWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    erNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    ing you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,@nemail, FidoNet,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK,@nAllFix, gateway, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 files, 7349 KBytes.

    Area 169 - BBBS for OS/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS2401.ZIP 1792 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBS_2.ZIP 1793 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with@nWWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    erNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    ing you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,@nemail, FidoNet,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK,@nAllFix, gateway, BBBSR2.ZIP 1810 Kb. BBBS v4.00 MP. Complete BBS package with@nWWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    erNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access@nmodes. Everything you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    ing you need to run a BBS!@nInterNet, telnet,
    WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,@nemail, FidoNet,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK,@nAllFix, gateway, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 5396 KBytes.

    Area 170 - BBBS for SunOS/Motorola ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBSRSUM.ZIP 1495 Kb. BBBS v3.42 1s. Complete BBS package with full
    internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet,
    FTP, Finger, HTTP, news, email, gateway, Mg,
    full screen editor, multilingual, CD-ROM, offline, VT320, ANSI, multitask, multinode, HYDRA, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1495 KBytes.

    Area 171 - BBBS for Unixware ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS_UW.ZIP 1042 Kb. BBBS v3.33 How. This packet is for UnixWare,
    without RSA. Complete BBS package with full
    internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN,
    mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet,
    FTP, Finger, news, email, gateway, offline, BBBSRUW.ZIP 1046 Kb. BBBS v3.33 How. This packet is for UnixWare,
    with RSA. Complete BBS package with full internalFidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN, mailer,
    FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN, mailer,
    mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet, FTP, Finger, news, email, gateway, offline, VT320, ANSI,
    , news, email, gateway, offline, VT320, ANSI, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 2089 KBytes.

    Area 173 - BBBS Files from Author ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS_2.ZIP 1792 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBS~BD@.TGZ 1654 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBS~DJF.TGZ 1647 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBS_NT.ZIP 1890 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 files, 6984 KBytes.

    Area 209 - Filegate related files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FDNINFO.ZIP 33 Kb. Information about the IFDC FileGate, how to
    get your files distributed, currnet links and
    policy document.
    FILEGATE.FAQ 16 Kb. Frequently asked questions regarding the IFDC
    FileGate Project.
    FILEGATE.HDR 0 Kb. FileGate Header Comment file updated for 2008. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 50 KBytes.

    Listed 50 out of 136 files matching your search request.
    For more information visit our BBS.

    With regards; R.J. Clay.

    ... "Luke... Luke... Use the MOUSE, Luke" - Obi Wan Gates

    --- MBSE BBS v0.92.0 (GNU/Linux-i386)
    * Origin: ftn.rocasa.us (1:120/544)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757.1 to Alan Ianson on Monday, June 01, 2009 16:00:06
    System name The Rusty MailBox
    Sysop Alan Ianson
    Location Penticton, B.C. Canada
    Remark The Sunny Southern Okanagan Valley
    Network aka 1:153/757.1@fidonet
    Internet http://trmb.ca

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet trmb.ca 256000 ICM,XX,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 20 - Fidonet Related Files (Nodelist/Diff's etc) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGPOL007.TXT 14 Kb. Current policy draft for the IFDC FileGate
    FILEGATE.FAQ 16 Kb. Frequently asked questions regarding the
    IFDC FileGate Project.
    FILEGATE.ZXX 67 Kb. Update of IFDC FileGate Echo tags in RAID
    format. Also contains HUB/connect information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 98 KBytes.

    Area 25 - BBBS: BBBS and BTerm ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BBBS_2.ZIP 1792 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBS_NT.ZIP 1890 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBSF401.ZIP 1654 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, BBBSL401.ZIP 1648 Kb. BBBS v4.01 Flag. Complete BBS package with
    WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access
    modes. Everything you need to run a BBS!
    InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news,
    email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 files, 6986 KBytes.

    Area 28 - ODD: Othernet/League Info Packs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAGUE10.ZIP 124 Kb. League 10 Info Pack for Intrlord, Clans,
    8-Ways Slots, Mega Slots, Zombie Slots, Bre,
    LordNet, Tournament FreeCell, Falcon's Eye,
    InterStellar Annihilation (not online yet),
    Arcadian Legends, Arrowbridge I (not online -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 124 KBytes.

    Area 58 - EPF:Electronic Publishing Ascii files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0DDCC10.ZIP 363 Kb. P.G. 1008. The Divine Comedy of Dante (Cary)
    Project Gutenberg Etext #1000. The Divine
    Comedy of Dante Translanted by H. F. Cary
    August, 1997.
    Distributed WorldWide by EPubNet through -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 363 KBytes.

    Area 64 - SDS: FidoNet Technical Standards Committee ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRL-1009.001 4 Kb. Multiple recipient address specification to
    FSC-0034.002 16 Kb. Gateways to and from FidoNet; Technical,
    Administrative, and Policy Considerations
    FSC-0035.001 2 Kb. Transparent Gateways to and from FidoNet;
    Technical Considerations
    FSC-0042.001 8 Kb. Proposed Modification to the Gateway Agreement
    Between WWIVnet and FidoNet via the "NetSEX"
    FSC-0078.001 8 Kb. Gateway between Fidonet compatible networks FSP-1007.001 4 Kb. Multiple recipient address specification to
    gateway -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 files, 44 KBytes.

    Area 108 - IRX: Internet Rex FTN Mailer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IREXD229.ZIP 1498 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for DOS (16-bit)
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    IREXE229.ZIP 1618 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for DOS (32-bit)
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    IREXL229.ZIP 1528 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for Linux
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    IREXP229.ZIP 1125 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for OS/2
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO,
    IREXW229.ZIP 1146 Kb. Internet Rex 2.29 for 32-bit Windows
    A program for sending your BBS mail
    over the net. Supports email, FTP,
    MIME, UUencoding, XXencoding, GIGO, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5 files, 6917 KBytes.

    Area 109 - CAM: Castle Camelot L.O.R.D. Releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LNWS-13H.ZIP 43 Kb. Castle Camelot LORD IGM Authors
    Newsletter Issue #13 - Web-page Version
    Volume 3, Issue 4, 13th overall issue.
    By Donald Glenn Tidmore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 43 KBytes.

    Area 136 - ORE: Software by Erik Oredson ------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYIT44.ZIP 157 Kb. Copyit v4.4a DOS copy utility.
    Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC.
    Public Domain 1996-2009.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    WHATIS34.ZIP 102 Kb. Whatis v3.4a equation parser.
    Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0
    Source Code. Public Domain 1999-2009.
    Backwards compatible with BC 7.1 files
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson
    WHERIS37.ZIP 88 Kb. Whereis v3.7a file/directory search
    utility. Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC.
    Public Domain 1999-2009.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 347 KBytes.

    Area 157 - PDN: Basic Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STREE29.ZIP 58 Kb. Stree v2.9a directory display utility.
    Includes VB 1.0 BASIC source,
    compatible with BC7 BASIC.
    Public Domain 1999-2009.
    Author: Erik Jon Oredson -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 58 KBytes.

    Area 189 - SUN: 16-Bit DOS Sunrise Doors ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BJACK25.ZIP 136 Kb. BLACKJACK -Door- v2.5
    **** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ****
    BLACKJACK is a fast play game that follows
    most of the regular Blackjack rules. The game
    includes a few other ways in which to obtain GANGL37.ZIP 240 Kb. GANGLAND WARS - Door Game - v3.7
    *** Part of the Sunrise Door Collection ***
    Fully MULTINODE RPG Door Game. Also includes
    new Configuration Utility with full mouse
    support. Now includes a GANGLAND WARS AIP -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 376 KBytes.

    Found 27 files matching your search request.

    With regards; Alan Ianson.

    ... I can't decide between EDLIN and Word for Windows...

    --- MBSE BBS v0.95.5 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada - trmb.ca (1:153/757.1)
  • From ALLFIX 2:280/1208@2:280/1208 to Alan Ianson on Monday, June 01, 2009 03:15:00
    Num found : 10

    Found at : UniCorn BBS
    SysOp : Henri Derksen
    Location : Arnhem, The Netherlands
    Telephone : +31-(0)26-4425506
    Max Speed : 28800
    Flags : XA,CM,V34,Z19,FAX,U,ENC
    Address : 2:280/1208
    Comment : Universal for All Acorns

    Utils Heel Handig (area 9) >------------------------------------------------------------
    1SEAGATE.RAR 143,385 28-01-98 Alle gegevens over Seagate HardDisks,
    MFM, RLL, ATA=(E)IDE, SCSI etc.
    SEAGATE.ZIP 242,792 19-07-98 Lijst met SeaGate MedaList

    Mailer Support (area 12) >------------------------------------------------------------
    GATEWAY.DOC 6,165 06-09-93 Manual for setting up a FidoNet from/to
    AlterNet GateWay

    Unix (area 14)
    FREESCO.ZIP 1,400,596 22-01-1 Linux TCP/IP InterNet Router (GateWay)
    voor 80486 met floppy en 8 mb geheugen.

    FSC Fido Standard DoCuments (area 25) >------------------------------------------------------------
    FSC-0004.TXT 4,298 02-09-87 Zones and Zonegates explained
    primitively, R Bush
    FSC-0004.ZIP 2,363 02-09-87 Zones and Zonegates explained
    primitively, R Bush
    FSC-0035.TXT 2,530 27-06-89 Gateways to and from FidoNet, R Bush FSC-0034.Z02 6,385 30-08-90 Gateways to and from FidoNet, R Bush FSC-0035.ZIP 1,486 27-06-89 Transparent gateways to/from FidoNet, M
    FSC-0042.Z01 3,445 25-03-90 A modified gateway agreement, S Furber

    --- ALLFIX v4.16
    * Origin: Connectivity is the Future, UniCorn BBS (2:280/1208)
  • From ALLFIX+ 1:3634/12@1:3634/12 to Alan Ianson on Monday, October 26, 2009 16:16:52
    Found at : Waldo's Place USA
    Telephone : 1-919-774-5930
    Address : 1:3634/12

    Area : Local: FIDONet Related General
    BH101B07.ARJ 77,001 BlackHole is an inter-domain EchoMail gating
    utility for FidoNet(R) technology based
    networks (FTN's). It will NOT gate between
    different zones in the same domain, nor
    between FidoNet(R) systems and/or other
    technologies such as UUCP.
    77,001 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Total of 77,001 in 1 file(s)

    File requests are welcome 24 hrs per day. FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.

    * Origin: (1:3634/12)