Name: BCG-Box 4
SysOp: Kim 'B' Heino
V.34: +358 2 240 4036, +358 2 240 1413, +358 2 240 4410
+358 2 240 7755, +358 2 240 7484, +358 2 240 7485
X.75, V.110, V.120: +358 2 240 7755, +358 2 240 7484, +358 2 240 7485
Directory: /family/fmy_olb/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
WINLUT01.EXE 991114 1431k 0 [ ] German Luther Version (1/2)
WINLUT02.EXE 991114 1359k 0 [ ] German Luther Version (2/2)
Directory: /family/fmy_rail/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
IT1201.JPG 991114 92k 0 [00] Illinois Terminal 1201 Switcher
IT1220.JPG 991114 71k 0 [00] Illinois Terminal 1220 Switcher (with
IT1502.JPG 991114 78k 0 [00] Illinois Terminal 1502 GP-9
Directory: /family/fmy_serm/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
SERM201.SDN 991114 189k 1 [ ] Database for Sermon illustrations
SERMLBRY.ZIP 991114 2228k 0 [02] Sermon Library V 1.3 - a database program
SERM_SDY.ZIP 991114 67k 0 [ ] Sermon on Mt. EXECUTIBLE study
SLP242.PAK 991114 3k 0 [ ] A Christmas Sermon "Anticipation &
SLP_1CO.LZH 991114 57k 0 [ ] Sermons from First Corinthians
SLP_2CO.LZH 991114 23k 0 [ ] Sermons from Second Corinthians
SLP_7CH.LZH 991114 19k 0 [ ] Sermons on Jesus' letters to the 7 Churches
SLP_HEB.LZH 991114 12k 1 [ ] Sermons from the book of HEBREWS
SLP_WOR.LZH 991114 13k 1 [ ] Sermons on Worship
Directory: /family/fmy_stdy/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
APBS10.ZIP 021204 8699k 0 Audio Plus Bible Study Study 15 Plus Bibles
with this voice-enabled program. Interactively
study 15 modern Bibles with verse-by-verse
commentaries, dictionaries, Strong's Greek and
Hebrew lexicon, 20,000 topics, 100,000
references, 15.000 comments, a notepad,
highlighting, red lettering, comparison of
gospel stories, side-by-side Bibles, and the
Apocrypha. With this program's audio
capabilities, you can listen to Christian
radio/news/music or have each chapter read to
you. Create personal, systematic study plans.
It also includes non-English Bibles (French,
German, Latin, Dutsch, Italian, Russian,
Chinese, and so on. Free trial ($29.95)
PTXTPROG.ZIP 021130 4148k 0 Paratext: Parallel Latin-English Bible v 1.0
(Win 95, 98) Paratext is a program that allows
the user to find and view simultaneously both
the Latin and English versions of any given
verse of the Bible. It is available for
download for Win98 PC free of charge as a self
extracting zip-file. The program requires a
minimum display resolution of 800x600 pixels
and occupies approximately 12Mb of hard disk
space once installed. The Latin Bible is a
particularly useful study text for
intermediate-level students of Latin.
Directory: /alienet/an_misc/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
GERMAN.ARJ 961009 6k 0 [ ] Info on the German moonbase. Active since
Directory: /amiga/adsdbase/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
ALPHABAS.LHA 980419 202k 0 [ ] V2.0G Universal Database English/German
ARTKLFND.LHA 971010 328k 0 [ ] v1.11 Amiga Magazine contents database
German (ADS)
GRMNKLST.LHA 970801 210k 0 [ ] German-AKA-Titles.list 10.01.97 (ADS)
MCRBS400.LHA 980912 788k 0 [ ] German Database supports Dbase,HTML (ADS)
Directory: /amiga/adsgames/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
BMBRBLST.LHA 990624 794k 0 [ ] Newest work in progress demo of great Super
Bomberman clone.
BMV278.LHA 991014 190k 0 [ ] Buergermeister V2.78 - manage your city
DUNCZONE.LHA 990912 630k 0 [ ] Spoof translation of German game
KALENDER.LHA 990721 11k 0 [ ] Calendar for german rsp "Das Schwarze Au
SOLDT.LHA 991029 62k 0 [ ] *Inofficial* German exe for Solitaire v1
STELLWRK.LHA 990925 709k 0 [ ] Stellwerk Game (German only)
VCHESSDT.LHA 991104 6k 0 [ ] German catalog for VChess 4.1
Directory: /amiga/adsmisc/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
VISGUIGR.ZIP 000118 1k 0 German catalog for VisualGuide v2.71 (ADS)
Directory: /amiga/adsstmod/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
DJH_HUSH.LHA 981103 648k 0 [ ] A new tune by DJ Hotcakes featuring Hermans
Hermits (ADS)
NERMNCRD.LHA 980918 86k 0 [ ] Version of GunBee game music (ADS)
UVIBERMX.LHA 970730 108k 0 [ ] Funky Remix by Rolex (ADS)
Directory: /amiga/adstext/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
AKT0601H.LHA 010617 192k 0 Amiga Aktuell GERMAN Infotainment magazine HTML
version (ADS)
AMIGAEAB.LHA 971004 100k 0 [ ] Announcepaper German only LamerWare (ADS)
AMZ_2AG.LHA 971004 296k 0 [ ] German online Magazine for Amiga (ADS)
AMZ_2HT.LHA 971004 398k 0 [ ] German online Magazine for Amiga (ADS)
ATG.LHA 970517 33k 0 [ ] German Nuclear law (ADS)
AUCH997.LHA 971010 436k 1 [ ] Club-Newspaper 9/97 from AUCH German (ADS)
DEALERGD.LHA 990107 7k 0 [ ] Amiga guide about German Dealers (ADS)
DICCIONR.LHA 970329 1196k 0 [ ] Spanish-German Dictionary 70000 words (ADS)
GADGET29.LHA 970401 533k 0 [ ] German Freeware Magazine (ADS)
GADGET31.LHA 970810 498k 0 [ ] German Freeware Magazine (ADS)
GRMNHTLS.LHA 970721 519k 0 [ ] German Hotel Guide (ADS)
HTMLHAI.LHA 980801 13k 0 [ ] German tool to check HTML/Phantasy (ADS)
NOCOVR98.LHA 021005 1273k 0 German Amiga disk mag -May issue (ADS)
STARMAG6.LHA 970328 376k 0 [ ] Really good German diskmag (ADS)
STARMAG7.LHA 970524 416k 0 [ ] German Amiga DiskMag NEW AmigaGuide (ADS)
STARMG11.LHA 980527 633k 0 [ ] Ultimate German Disk mag (ADS)
TCPHNBLL.LHA 980905 10k 0 [ ] TextED 70b German Realise Full Version
TXTLDR65.LHA 980718 478k 0 [ ] Texted 6.5 German Realise (ADS)
VFQGHTML.LHA 980716 49k 0 [ ] German v1.7 FAQ for Voyager HTML Edition
X-TREME.LHA 980714 174k 0 [ ] German HTML of X-Theme motion pictures
Directory: /amiga/adsunet/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
--------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
FTPCHMOD.LHA 991027 4k 0 [ ] Set permission on Remote files (ADS)
IBCATGER.LHA 980830 8k 0 [ ] German catalog file for Ibrowse v1.22 (ADS)
ICOUNTER.LHA 970223 12k 0 [ ] RateCounter for Access to the Internet via
T-Online German (ADS)
MIAM30DD.LHA 980914 96k 0 [ ] German Locale files for MiamI (ADS)
TONLNPPP.LHA 970726 16k 0 [ ] German guide about Miami and Tonline-ppp
VIRTERM.LHA 970807 193k 0 [ ] Telnet Client (ADS)
Directory: /amiga/adsutils/*
File name Date kB Dlds File description
There are 722 additional lines not included to this report.
--- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
# Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by (8:8/2)
* Origin: FamilyNet Echogate [972] 496-0650 (1:124/5009)