Found at : Waldo's Place USA
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Address : 1:3634/12
Area : FGA: Alternative Fidonet Newsletter
FGV10N39.ZIP 16k 09-29-16 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
Vol 10 No 39
September 28, 2016
An Alternative Newsletter
Quote of the Day ....................... 2
Humor: Student Exam .....................3
Cooking: Italian Wedding Soup ...........4
This week's Echomail Statistics ....... 5
This week's FileGate File Report ....... 6
Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 7
FidoGazette BBS List .................. 8
Information (How to Submit an Article).. 9
FGAV7N14.ZIP 9k 08-25-13 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
Vol 7 No 14
August 15th, 2013
An Alternative Newsletter
Quote of the Day ........................2
Linux Tip: Lynx .. Revisited ............3
Cooking: Sausage, Potato and Bean Soup ..4
Fidonet SoftWare List ...................5
FidoGazette BBS List ....................6
Information (How to Submit an Article).. 7
24,557 bytes in 2 file(s)
Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2001
FNEWSI19.ZIP 30k 05-06-01 FIDONEWS 07 May 2001 Vol 18 No 19
The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
*The number you have reached is not in
*What Happened To WWW.FIDONET.ORG?
*The future of FIDONET?
*The first week as Editor. :-)
*Copyright or Trademark?
*Answer to: "Why not carry?" From Bob
*Answer to: "Why not carry?" from Renato
*Interview with George Roberts of Nexus BBS
*Expanding a Theme on ERN
*Cow View
*Xxcarol's Lamb Soup
*What Will Our Son Be?
*Rotating Ads
*Reporters Wanted
*Fidonet-related sites
*How to Submit an Article
*Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
30,024 bytes in 1 file(s)
Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2002
FNEWSJ15.ZIP 25k 04-15-02 FIDONEWS 15 Apr 2002 Vol 19 No 15
The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
* The Fidonews at a Glance
* Health care and other stuff
* What Is Fido CD-ROM Second Edition
* Calling Cats that have cheap seats
* Ol'WDB's Column
* Japanese Daikon Chicken Soup
* Out of the mouths of children...
* Fidonet Software List
* Fidonet-related Sites
* Nodelist Stats
* How to Submit an Article
* Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
FNEWSJ28.ZIP 22k 07-15-02 FIDONEWS 15 Jul 2002 Vol 19 No 28
The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
* The Fidonews at a Glance
* Framed in cyberspace by the FBI. A follow
* Optimizing modem connections on poor
* Carol's Gizzard Soup
* Fidonet Software List
* Fidonet-related Sites
* Nodelist Stats
* How to Submit an Article
* Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
47,410 bytes in 2 file(s)
Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2003
FNEWSK52.ZIP 19k 12-29-03 FIDONEWS 29 Dec 2003 Vol 20 No 52
The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
* Christmas, P4, cooking and more
* "BBS: The Documentary" - Progress
* BBS and FidoNet Software News
* JamNNTPd - a review
* War, Battles and Circles
* Potato soup and bread
* Education and evolution
* FIDONet Software References
* Nodelist Stats
* How to Submit an Article
* Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
18,844 bytes in 1 file(s)
Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2007
FNEWSO03.ZIP 11k 01-15-07 FIDONEWS 15 Jan 2007 Vol 24 No 03
The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
* Xxcarol's outa-stuff Pea soup
* FidoNet Software References
* Nodelist Stats
* How to Submit an Article
* Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
10,798 bytes in 1 file(s)
Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2012
FNEWST47.ZIP 15k 11-18-12 T h e F i d o N e w s
Vol 29 No 47
November 19, 2012
The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
Quote of the Day ........................ 2
News on the Web ......................... 3
Recipes: Beef Soup ..................... 4
Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 5
FileGate File News ...................... 6
Tutorials ............................... 7
Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 8
Credits ................................. 9
Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 10
14,664 bytes in 1 file(s)
Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2013
FNEWSU37.ZIP 16k 09-15-13 T h e F i d o N e w s
Vol 30 No 37
September 16, 2013
The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
Quote of the Day ........................ 2
Comments ................................ 3
Potato Soup ............................. 4
Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 5
FileGate File News ...................... 6
New/Returning Sysops .................... 7
Bulletin Board Systems .................. 8
Tutorials ............................... 9
Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 10
Credits ................................. 11
Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 12
15,362 bytes in 1 file(s)
Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2014
FNEWSV02.ZIP 16k 01-12-14 T h e F i d o N e w s
Vol 31 No 02
January 13, 2014
The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
Quote of the Day ........................ 2
Kimchee Soup .............................3
Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 4
FileGate File News ...................... 5
Bulletin Board Systems .................. 6
Tutorials ............................... 7
Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 8
Credits ................................. 9
Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 10
FNEWSV06.ZIP 16k 02-09-14 T h e F i d o N e w s
Vol 31 No 06
February 10, 2014
The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
Quote of the Day ........................ 2
Lentil Soup ............................. 3
Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 4
FileGate File News ...................... 5
Bulletin Board Systems .................. 6
Tutorials ............................... 7
Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 8
Credits ................................. 9
Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 10
31,509 bytes in 2 file(s)
Area : FW: OS/2 communications, terminal
MMOS2043.ZIP 163k 03-12-02 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.43 -
OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
at least OS/2 2.0, InfoZip, and the EMX
runtime library. C++ source is available in William McBrine
166,328 bytes in 1 file(s)
Area : FW: OS/2 high-level utilities
MMOS2049.ZIP 191k 12-12-08 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.49 -
OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
available in
194,794 bytes in 1 file(s)
Area : MAX: Maximus/Squish Utilities
SQTOOL06.ZIP 128k 03-28-96 SqTool 0.6ß. SqTool is a multi-purpose
utility for FidoNet node and point
systems, and more generally anyone
using FidoNet-style message bases.
Works with Squish and *.MSG msg bases,
Files.BBS-based file bases.
Can filter messages, automatically
answer, run external commands, announce
new files, answer FileFind requests,
import/export SOUP packets...
SQTOOL11.ZIP 149k 11-18-96 SqTool 11. SqTool is a multi-purpose
utility for FidoNet node and point
systems, and more generally anyone
using FidoNet-style message bases.
Works with Squish and *.MSG msg bases,
Files.BBS-based file bases.
Can filter messages, automatically
answer, run external commands, announce
new files, answer FileFind requests,
import/export SOUP packets...
283,128 bytes in 2 file(s)
Total of 837,418 in 15 file(s)
File requests are welcome 24 hrs per day. FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.
* Origin: (1:3634/12)