From Allen Prunty@1:2320/100 to All on Saturday, November 05, 2016 02:57:18

    Hello everybody!

    Looking for any utils for SOUP news transport


    ... Beam me up, Scotty; this ISN'T the ladies' room!

    --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.20a
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS (1:2320/100.0)
  • From Allen Prunty@1:2320/100 to Allfix on Saturday, November 05, 2016 03:01:53

    Hello Allfix!

    Anyting on the SOUP NNTP Process


    ... Big T-day turkey: instructions say thaw in fridge for six months.

    --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.20a
    * Origin: LiveWire BBS (1:2320/100.0)
  • From BRoboCop 1:261/38@1:261/38 to Allen Prunty on Saturday, November 05, 2016 03:14:02
    Following files were found:

    Directory: /antiques/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    tureen.jpg 070606 13k 2 (281x218x16M) Soup Tureen, marked CALIF
    070606 19k 2 (450x338x16M) This photo shows the bottom
    markings on the Soup Tureen.

    File not found.
    Directory: /fernwood/fwutils/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    mmos2049.zip 090112 190k 0 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.49 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc049.zip.

    Directory: /fidogazette/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    fgav7n14.zip 130825 9k 4 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 7 No 14
    August 15th, 2013
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ........................2
    Linux Tip: Lynx .. Revisited ............3
    Cooking: Sausage, Potato and Bean Soup ..4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ...................5
    FidoGazette BBS List ....................6
    Information (How to Submit an Article).. 7
    fgv10n39.zip 160928 15k 0 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 10 No 39
    September 28, 2016
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ....................... 2
    Humor: Student Exam .....................3
    Cooking: Italian Wedding Soup ...........4
    This week's Echomail Statistics ....... 5
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 6
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 7
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 8
    Information (How to Submit an Article).. 9

    Directory: /fidonews/*

    File name Date kB Dlds File description
    --------- ---- -- ---- ----------------
    FNEWSI19.ZIP 010506 28k 2 FIDONEWS 07 May 2001 Vol 18 No 19
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    *The number you have reached is not in service
    *What Happened To WWW.FIDONET.ORG?
    *The future of FIDONET?
    *The first week as Editor. :-)
    *Copyright or Trademark?
    *Answer to: "Why not carry?" From Bob Seaborn
    *Answer to: "Why not carry?" from Renato Zambo
    *Interview with George Roberts of Nexus BBS So
    *Expanding a Theme on ERN
    *Cow View
    *Xxcarol's Lamb Soup
    *What Will Our Son Be?
    *Rotating Ads
    *Reporters Wanted
    *Fidonet-related sites
    *How to Submit an Article
    *Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWSJ15.ZIP 020415 23k 2 FIDONEWS 15 Apr 2002 Vol 19 No 15
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Fidonews at a Glance
    * Health care and other stuff
    * What Is Fido CD-ROM Second Edition
    * Calling Cats that have cheap seats
    * Ol'WDB's Column
    * Japanese Daikon Chicken Soup
    * Out of the mouths of children...
    * Fidonet Software List
    * Fidonet-related Sites
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWSJ28.ZIP 020715 20k 2 FIDONEWS 15 Jul 2002 Vol 19 No 28
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Fidonews at a Glance
    * Framed in cyberspace by the FBI. A follow up.
    * Optimizing modem connections on poor telephon
    * Carol's Gizzard Soup
    * Fidonet Software List
    * Fidonet-related Sites
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWSK52.ZIP 031229 17k 3 FIDONEWS 29 Dec 2003 Vol 20 No 52
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Christmas, P4, cooking and more
    * "BBS: The Documentary" - Progress Continues!
    * BBS and FidoNet Software News
    * JamNNTPd - a review
    * War, Battles and Circles
    * Potato soup and bread
    * Education and evolution
    * FIDONet Software References
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWSO03.ZIP 070114 9k 2 FIDONEWS 15 Jan 2007 Vol 24 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Xxcarol's outa-stuff Pea soup
    * FidoNet Software References
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    fnewst47.zip 121118 14k 1 T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 29 No 47
    November 19, 2012
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2
    News on the Web ......................... 3
    Recipes: Beef Soup ..................... 4
    Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 5
    FileGate File News ...................... 6
    Tutorials ............................... 7
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 8
    Credits ................................. 9
    Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 10
    fnewsu37.zip 130915 15k 1 T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 30 No 37
    September 16, 2013
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2
    Comments ................................ 3
    Potato Soup ............................. 4
    Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 5
    FileGate File News ...................... 6
    New/Returning Sysops .................... 7
    Bulletin Board Systems .................. 8
    Tutorials ............................... 9
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 10
    Credits ................................. 11
    Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 12
    fnewsv02.zip 140112 15k 2 T h e F i d o N e w s

    There are 304 additional lines not included to this report.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From ALLFIX+ 1:3634/12@1:3634/12 to Allen Prunty on Saturday, November 05, 2016 04:14:11
    Found at : Waldo's Place USA
    POTS Number : 1-919-774-5930
    FTP : ftp://ftp.wpusa.dynip.com
    HTTP : http://www.wpusa.dynip.com/files/
    Telnet : telnet://bbs.wpusa.dynip.com
    Address : 1:3634/12

    Area : FGA: Alternative Fidonet Newsletter
    FGV10N39.ZIP 16k 09-29-16 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 10 No 39
    September 28, 2016
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ....................... 2
    Humor: Student Exam .....................3
    Cooking: Italian Wedding Soup ...........4
    This week's Echomail Statistics ....... 5
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 6
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 7
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 8
    Information (How to Submit an Article).. 9
    FGAV7N14.ZIP 9k 08-25-13 T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 7 No 14
    August 15th, 2013
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ........................2
    Linux Tip: Lynx .. Revisited ............3
    Cooking: Sausage, Potato and Bean Soup ..4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ...................5
    FidoGazette BBS List ....................6
    Information (How to Submit an Article).. 7
    24,557 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2001
    FNEWSI19.ZIP 30k 05-06-01 FIDONEWS 07 May 2001 Vol 18 No 19
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    *The number you have reached is not in
    *What Happened To WWW.FIDONET.ORG?
    *The future of FIDONET?
    *The first week as Editor. :-)
    *Copyright or Trademark?
    *Answer to: "Why not carry?" From Bob
    *Answer to: "Why not carry?" from Renato
    *Interview with George Roberts of Nexus BBS
    *Expanding a Theme on ERN
    *Cow View
    *Xxcarol's Lamb Soup
    *What Will Our Son Be?
    *Rotating Ads
    *Reporters Wanted
    *Fidonet-related sites
    *How to Submit an Article
    *Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    30,024 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2002
    FNEWSJ15.ZIP 25k 04-15-02 FIDONEWS 15 Apr 2002 Vol 19 No 15
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Fidonews at a Glance
    * Health care and other stuff
    * What Is Fido CD-ROM Second Edition
    * Calling Cats that have cheap seats
    * Ol'WDB's Column
    * Japanese Daikon Chicken Soup
    * Out of the mouths of children...
    * Fidonet Software List
    * Fidonet-related Sites
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWSJ28.ZIP 22k 07-15-02 FIDONEWS 15 Jul 2002 Vol 19 No 28
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * The Fidonews at a Glance
    * Framed in cyberspace by the FBI. A follow
    * Optimizing modem connections on poor
    * Carol's Gizzard Soup
    * Fidonet Software List
    * Fidonet-related Sites
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    47,410 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2003
    FNEWSK52.ZIP 19k 12-29-03 FIDONEWS 29 Dec 2003 Vol 20 No 52
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Christmas, P4, cooking and more
    * "BBS: The Documentary" - Progress
    * BBS and FidoNet Software News
    * JamNNTPd - a review
    * War, Battles and Circles
    * Potato soup and bread
    * Education and evolution
    * FIDONet Software References
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    18,844 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2007
    FNEWSO03.ZIP 11k 01-15-07 FIDONEWS 15 Jan 2007 Vol 24 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Xxcarol's outa-stuff Pea soup
    * FidoNet Software References
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    10,798 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2012
    FNEWST47.ZIP 15k 11-18-12 T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 29 No 47
    November 19, 2012
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2
    News on the Web ......................... 3
    Recipes: Beef Soup ..................... 4
    Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 5
    FileGate File News ...................... 6
    Tutorials ............................... 7
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 8
    Credits ................................. 9
    Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 10
    14,664 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2013
    FNEWSU37.ZIP 16k 09-15-13 T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 30 No 37
    September 16, 2013
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2
    Comments ................................ 3
    Potato Soup ............................. 4
    Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 5
    FileGate File News ...................... 6
    New/Returning Sysops .................... 7
    Bulletin Board Systems .................. 8
    Tutorials ............................... 9
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 10
    Credits ................................. 11
    Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 12
    15,362 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Fidonet: FidoNews 2014
    FNEWSV02.ZIP 16k 01-12-14 T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 31 No 02
    January 13, 2014
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2
    Kimchee Soup .............................3
    Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 4
    FileGate File News ...................... 5
    Bulletin Board Systems .................. 6
    Tutorials ............................... 7
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 8
    Credits ................................. 9
    Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 10
    FNEWSV06.ZIP 16k 02-09-14 T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 31 No 06
    February 10, 2014
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2
    Lentil Soup ............................. 3
    Weekly Echomail Stats ................... 4
    FileGate File News ...................... 5
    Bulletin Board Systems .................. 6
    Tutorials ............................... 7
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................... 8
    Credits ................................. 9
    Information (How to Submit an Article) .. 10
    31,509 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Area : FW: OS/2 communications, terminal
    MMOS2043.ZIP 163k 03-12-02 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.43 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0, InfoZip, and the EMX
    runtime library. C++ source is available in
    mmsrc043.zip. William McBrine
    166,328 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : FW: OS/2 high-level utilities
    MMOS2049.ZIP 191k 12-12-08 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.49 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc049.zip.
    194,794 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : MAX: Maximus/Squish Utilities
    SQTOOL06.ZIP 128k 03-28-96 SqTool 0.6ß. SqTool is a multi-purpose
    utility for FidoNet node and point
    systems, and more generally anyone
    using FidoNet-style message bases.
    Works with Squish and *.MSG msg bases,
    Files.BBS-based file bases.
    Can filter messages, automatically
    answer, run external commands, announce
    new files, answer FileFind requests,
    import/export SOUP packets...
    SQTOOL11.ZIP 149k 11-18-96 SqTool 11. SqTool is a multi-purpose
    utility for FidoNet node and point
    systems, and more generally anyone
    using FidoNet-style message bases.
    Works with Squish and *.MSG msg bases,
    Files.BBS-based file bases.
    Can filter messages, automatically
    answer, run external commands, announce
    new files, answer FileFind requests,
    import/export SOUP packets...
    283,128 bytes in 2 file(s)

    Total of 837,418 in 15 file(s)

    File requests are welcome 24 hrs per day. FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.

    * Origin: (1:3634/12)
  • From RJ Clay@1:120/544 to Allen Prunty on Saturday, November 05, 2016 09:10:19
    System name ROCASA FTN
    Sysop RJ Clay (admftn@ftn.rocasa.net)
    Location Lansing, MI, USA
    Remark Rocasa FTN
    Network aka 1:120/544@fidonet
    Internet http://ftn.rocasa.net

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet ftn.rocasa.net 115000 XX,CM,IBN,IFC,ITN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 272 - Fidonet Newsletter - 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWST47.ZIP 14 Kb. T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 29 No 47
    November 19, 2012
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2 FNEWSU37.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 30 No 37
    September 16, 2013
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2 FNEWSV02.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 31 No 02
    January 13, 2014
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2 FNEWSV06.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 31 No 06
    February 10, 2014
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 files, 60 KBytes.

    Area 274 - Fidonet Newsletter - 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWSO03.ZIP 8 Kb. FIDONEWS 15 Jan 2007 Vol 24 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Xxcarol's outa-stuff Pea soup -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8 KBytes.

    Area 282 - FidoGazette - Current Year ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGAV7N14.ZIP 8 Kb. T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 7 No 14
    August 15th, 2013
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ........................2 FGV10N39.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 10 No 39
    September 28, 2016
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ....................... 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 23 KBytes.

    Found 7 files matching your search request.

    With regards; RJ Clay.

    ... (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)retend this never happened...

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.6.8 (GNU/Linux-i386)
    * Origin: ftn.rocasa.net (1:120/544)
  • From Gert Andersen@2:236/150.1 to Allen Prunty on Saturday, November 05, 2016 09:19:19
    System name The KOFO BBS at telnet://kofobbs.dk
    Sysop Gert Andersen (sysop@kofo.org)
    Location Broendby, Cph., Denmark
    Remark ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk all for the world by MBSE
    Network aka 2:236/150.1@fidonet
    Internet http://www.kofobbs.dk

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet binkp.kofobbs.dk 4096000 XX,IBN,IFC,ITN,NNTP -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 351 - FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWSO03.ZIP 8 Kb. FIDONEWS 15 Jan 2007 Vol 24 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Xxcarol's outa-stuff Pea soup
    FNEWST47.ZIP 14 Kb. T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 29 No 47
    November 19, 2012
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2 FNEWSU37.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 30 No 37
    September 16, 2013
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2 FNEWSV02.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o N e w s
    Vol 31 No 02
    January 13, 2014
    The Newsletter of the Fidonet Community
    Quote of the Day ........................ 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 files, 53 KBytes.

    Area 467 - PDN: 'C' Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BMAIL1-4.ZIP 207 Kb. blueMail 1.4 is a multi-format offline mail
    reader for Unix, DOS, Win32, and other
    systems. It supports the Blue Wave, QWK,
    QWKE, SOUP, OMEN and Hippo packet formats,
    the Hudson and BBBS Message Bases, Unix
    MMSRC048.ZIP 249 Kb. MultiMail offline reader source, v0.48 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
    This is the C++ source code. Freeware,
    GPL'ed. For Unix, DOS, OS/2, Win32, etc.;
    curses; PKZIP or InfoZip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 456 KBytes.

    Area 472 - PDN: Java development ------------------------------------------------------------------------- JSOUP173.ZIP 291 Kb. jsoup java library for working with
    real-world HTML. Parse HTML from a URL,
    file, or string. Find & extract data, using
    DOM traversal/CSS selectors. HTML elements,
    attributes, & text can be manipulated. Can -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 291 KBytes.

    Area 489 - PDN: Python Web/Internet files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MECHSOUP.ZIP 8 Kb. MechanicalSoup A Python library for
    automating interaction with websites.
    MechanicalSoup automatically stores and
    sends cookies, follows redirects, and can
    follow links and submit forms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8 KBytes.

    Area 588 - UTIL: DOS End User Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMDOS048.ZIP 255 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.48 -
    DPMI version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at
    least a 386, and PKZIP or InfoZip. C++ source
    is available in mmsrc048.zip.
    MMOS2048.ZIP 189 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.48 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc048.zip.
    MMXT048.ZIP 181 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.48 -
    16-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs PKZIP
    or InfoZip. C++ source is available in
    mmsrc048.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 627 KBytes.

    Area 710 - FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGAV7N14.ZIP 8 Kb. T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 7 No 14
    August 15th, 2013
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ........................2 FGV10N39.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 10 No 39
    September 28, 2016
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ....................... 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 23 KBytes.

    Area 974 - GFD [APP]: Terminal software (and ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMOS2047.ZIP 4194303 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.47 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc047.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4194303 KBytes.

    Area 1027 - GFD [NET] TCP/IP for OS/2 2.x ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUD4SOUP.ZIP 4194303 Kb. Ignore all messages of XXX, ignore follow-ups.
    REXX and (V)SOUP required.
    SNEE099.ZIP 4194303 Kb. Snee v0.95 - Soup news & eMail editor -
    SNEE0992.ZIP 4194303 Kb. Snee v0.99.1 - Soup news &
    eMail editor -
    small, fast, solid as a rock,
    powerful and FREE.
    VIO/Textmode. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 4194303 KBytes.

    Area 1379 - PDN: 'C' Related ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMSRC047.ZIP 259 Kb. MultiMail offline reader source, v0.47 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
    This is the C++ source code. Freeware,
    GPL'ed. For Unix, DOS, OS/2, Win32, etc.;
    curses; PKZIP or InfoZip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 259 KBytes.

    Area 1459 - UTIL: DOS and End User Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BMAIL12.ZIP 4194303 Kb. blueMail 1.2 - a multi-format offline
    mail reader for Unix, DOS, Win32, and
    other systems. It supports the Blue
    Wave, QWK, QWKE, SOUP, OMEN and Hippo
    packet formats, the Hudson and BBBS
    MMDOS047.ZIP 4194303 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.47 -
    DPMI version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at
    least a 386, and PKZIP or InfoZip. C++ source
    is available in mmsrc047.zip.
    MMXT047.ZIP 4194303 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.47 -
    16-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs PKZIP
    or InfoZip. C++ source is available in
    mmsrc047.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    3 files, 4194303 KBytes.

    Area 1460 - UTIL: OS/2 End User Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMOS2047.ZIP 4194303 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.47 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc047.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 4194303 KBytes.

    Area 1462 - UTIL: MS Windows 3+ End User ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BMWIN12.ZIP 4194303 Kb. blueMail 1.2 - a multi-format offline
    mail reader for Unix, DOS, Win32, and
    other systems. It supports the Blue
    Wave, QWK, QWKE, SOUP, OMEN and Hippo
    packet formats, the Hudson and BBBS
    MMWIN047.ZIP 4194303 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for Win32, v0.47 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    Win32 console app, for Windows 9x, ME, NT,
    2000 or XP. Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc047.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 4194303 KBytes.

    Found 24 files matching your search request.

    With regards; Gert Andersen.

    ... A dirty book is rarely dusty.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The KofoBBS MBSE - http://www.kofobbs.dk (2:236/150.1)
  • From ALLFIX+ 1:322/759@1:322/759 to Allen Prunty on Saturday, November 05, 2016 08:06:07
    Found at : Cascades II BBS
    Telephone :
    Address : 1:322/759

    Area : Fidonet Weekly News Letter
    FNEWSO03.ZIP 9,142 FIDONEWS 15 Jan 2007 Vol 24 No 03
    The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    * Xxcarol's outa-stuff Pea soup
    * FidoNet Software References
    * Nodelist Stats
    * How to Submit an Article
    * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    9,142 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : Windows Communications Stuff
    MMWIN048.ZIP 348,639 MultiMail offline reader for Win32, v0.48 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets. A
    Win32 console app, for Windows 9x, ME, NT,
    2000 or XP. Freeware, GPL'ed. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc048.zip.
    348,639 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Total of 357,781 in 2 file(s)

    File requests are welcome 23 hrs per day, from 04:00-03:00.
    We now support ZyXEL U-1496E+ callers at 19k2 bps!

    FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.

    This list was created with the new macro language in ALLFIX v5.13 build 4

    * Origin: Cascades II BBS (1:322/759)
  • From ALLFIX 2:230/35@2:230/35 to Allen Prunty on Saturday, November 05, 2016 16:20:08
    Found at.....: DDI BBSystem
    Mailer(binkp): fido.ddibbsystem.dk
    Address......: 2:230/35

    Area : DOS: Communication
    YRN2-055.ZIP 191,903 This is a beta version of Yarn, a suite of
    programs used to store and read USENET news
    and mail offline. The user manual still
    needs work. Features: An import program
    inserts USENET articles into a "news base"
    from Simple Offline USENET Packet (SOUP)
    format. For each newsgroup, you specify the
    number of days to keep articles, after which,
    an expire program deletes them. The news base
    stores only one copy of a cross-posted
    article. The news base implementation stores
    multiple articles per file. The reader
    program runs in character mode and has a
    point and shoot style user interface. It
    presents a list of articles arranged into
    threads by Message-ID and References headers.
    The reader program generates SOUP reply
    packets. Multiple users are supported by
    storing separate configuration files for each
    user. Chin Huang cthuang@io.org
    191,903 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OS/2: BBS Programs
    fs050.zip 188,985 FidoSoup 0.50 Soup<>PKT convertor
    This is a versatile gateway for
    personnal users. It does not only
    Soup to PKT and reverse, but also
    Pkt to UUCP format. Free for
    personnal users.

    sqtool12.zip 153,265 SqTool 12. SqTool is a multi-purpose
    utility for FidoNet node and point
    systems, and more generally anyone
    using FidoNet-style message bases.
    Works with Squish and *.MSG msg bases,
    Files.BBS-based file bases.
    Can filter messages, automatically
    answer, run external commands, announce
    new files, answer FileFind requests,
    import/export SOUP packets...
    yrn2_084.zip 408,666 PC Yarn v0.84 beta release. Suite of
    programs used to store and read USENET news
    and mail offline. Imports articles from SOUP
    files into a news database.
    750,916 bytes in 3 file(s)

    Area : OS/2: Communication
    bm10b.zip 283,418 BlackMail offline reader version 1.0
    Beta. Native PM based Database-type
    reader, supports QWK and SOUP formats.
    Includes support for internal/external
    tagline management, external editors,
    interaction with web browser. Requires
    OS/2 Warp version 3.0 or greater.

    This is a time-limited beta, which will
    expire on 1 Jy 2000.
    MMOS2048.ZIP 196,040 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.48 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc048.zip.
    sky2_101.zip 263,873 SkyReader/2 v1.01 - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN,
    SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail
    reader. Finnish and english language files,
    PGP support, message text reformatting, etc.
    nice features. This is the 32-bit OS/2 text
    mode version.
    yrn2_090.zip 441,079 PC Yarn v0.90 beta release. Suite of
    programs used to store and read USENET news
    and mail offline. Imports articles from SOUP
    files into a news database.
    yrndl153.zip 177,883 YARNDIAL v. 1.53 - Utility to
    automate operation of souper and yarn
    off-line news and mail reader/management
    programs. Detailed menu, easy-to-
    use installer, supports IAK, SLIPPM,
    ILINK/2, and IN-JOY dialers; and PPP,
    SLIP, and other dialup strings. Now
    supports use of VSoup as well as Souper
    and allows access to multiple ISP's in a
    single session if your ISP's will allow that.
    Jerry Levy (jlevy@ibm.net)
    1,362,293 bytes in 5 file(s)

    Area : OS/2: Games
    supk100s.zip 2,863,578 Soup KIDchen v1.00s by Widdow Works

    A native OS/2 Warp Edutainment product
    for children ages 2-6. A unique program
    that encourages parents to take an
    active role in their child's edutainment
    by allowing complete configurablility
    (drag-n-drop enabled) of the images,
    sounds and words that are presented in
    each of the Letters, Numbers, Colors and
    Shapes modules. Extra fun results when
    the parent and child work together to
    create the images and sounds.

    Shareware: US$22 registration fee.

    Contact: widdow@third-wave.com
    2,863,578 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Area : OS/2: Network
    vsoup128.zip 277,944 VSOUP v1.28 - Multi-threaded netmail and news
    client for OS/2 Warp. Potential 200-500% speed
    gain in news reception. Using included script
    Vsoup can simultaneously:
    * do multi-threaded news reception and
    * get news from up to 9 separate NNTP servers and
    * Post news to NNTP and
    * Receive mail from up to 9 POP3 servers and
    * Send mail to SMTP
    VSoup makes SOUP packets for YARN.(req EMX)
    yrn2085.zip 414,353 PC Yarn v0.85 beta release. Suite of
    programs used to store and read USENET news
    and mail offline. Imports articles from SOUP
    files into a news database.
    yrn2_082.zip 485,272 PC Yarn v0.82 beta release. Suite of
    programs used to store and read USENET news
    and mail offline. Imports articles from SOUP
    files into a news database.
    ytsg3.zip 99,761 (v3.00) ytsg - Yarn-To-Soup-withGrep
    Search Yarn newsbase for text and convert
    messages containing search text into SOUP
    (uqwk) packets. Originally designed to
    recover from Yarn disasters, this program
    has become useful as a general Yarn tool.
    OS/2 and DOS version. Source is included.
    Rick Curry, RCC, <trindflo@fishnet.net>
    1,277,330 bytes in 4 file(s)

    Area : OS/2: Utilities
    mmos2030.zip 132,119 MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.30 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN and SOUP packets.
    This is a 32-bit OS/2 executable. Freeware,
    GPL'ed. Needs at least OS/2 2.0, InfoZip,
    and the EMX runtime library. C++ source is
    available in mmail030.zip (or mmail030.tgz),
    or mmsrc030.zip. William McBrine
    132,119 bytes in 1 file(s)

    Total of 6,578,139 in 15 file(s)

    Freq are welcome 24/7/365.
    By calls by BinkP mailers!

    Freq FILES for an magicfiles listing.

    Best regards, Elmo Jensen
    -=[Using ALLFIX 6.0.24]=-
    --- FMail-W32
    * Origin: DDI BBSystem * BinkP Mail/Filereq * BBS Telnet:5123 * 24h (2:230/35)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Allen Prunty on Sunday, November 06, 2016 07:03:11
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vince Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Hertfordshire, U.K.
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewoodbbs.dtdns.net

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.dtdns.net 76000000 CM,XA,IBN,IFC,ITN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 30 - OS2 - Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMOS2047.ZIP 194 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.47 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc047.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 194 KBytes.

    Area 68 - PDN - Python compilers and support files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MECHSOUP.ZIP 9 Kb. MechanicalSoup A Python library for
    automating interaction with websites.
    MechanicalSoup automatically stores and
    sends cookies, follows redirects, and can
    follow links and submit forms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 9 KBytes.

    Area 73 - Programming - Miscellaneous Languages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BMAIL1-4.ZIP 208 Kb. blueMail 1.4 is a multi-format offline mail
    reader for Unix, DOS, Win32, and other
    systems. It supports the Blue Wave, QWK,
    QWKE, SOUP, OMEN and Hippo packet formats,
    the Hudson and BBBS Message Bases, Unix -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 208 KBytes.

    Area 78 - SDS - General Utilities Distribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BMAIL12.ZIP 228 Kb. blueMail 1.2 - a multi-format offline
    mail reader for Unix, DOS, Win32, and
    other systems. It supports the Blue
    Wave, QWK, QWKE, SOUP, OMEN and Hippo
    packet formats, the Hudson and BBBS
    MMDOS048.ZIP 256 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.48 -
    DPMI version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at
    least a 386, and PKZIP or InfoZip. C++ source
    is available in mmsrc048.zip.
    MMOS2048.ZIP 190 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.48 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc048.zip.
    MMXT048.ZIP 182 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.48 -
    16-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs PKZIP
    or InfoZip. C++ source is available in
    mmsrc048.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 files, 859 KBytes.

    Area 79 - SDS - Maximus BBS and Related Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQTOOL11.ZIP 147 Kb. SqTool 11. SqTool is a multi-purpose
    utility for FidoNet node and point
    systems, and more generally anyone
    using FidoNet-style message bases.
    Works with Squish and *.MSG msg bases, -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 147 KBytes.

    Area 127 - Dos etc - BBS Front End Mailers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUPG102.RAR 320 Kb. SoupGate v1.02: easily configurable yet quite
    powerful -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 320 KBytes.

    Area 133 - Dos etc - Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMDOS049.ZIP 257 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.49 -
    DPMI version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs at
    least a 386, and PKZIP or InfoZip. C++ source
    is available in mmsrc049.zip.
    MMXT049.ZIP 183 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for DOS, v0.49 -
    16-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN &
    SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs PKZIP
    or InfoZip. C++ source is available in
    mmsrc049.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 441 KBytes.

    Area 143 - GFD.APP: OS2 Terminal software ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMOS2049.ZIP 191 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.49 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc049.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 191 KBytes.

    Area 174 - GFD.GNU: OS2 Gnu sources with exe's ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMSRC049.ZIP 255 Kb. MultiMail offline reader source, v0.49 -
    Reads Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN & SOUP packets.
    This is the C++ source code. Freeware,
    GPL'ed. For Unix, DOS, OS/2, Win32, etc.;
    curses; PKZIP or InfoZip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 255 KBytes.

    Area 184 - GFD.NET: OS2 Tcp/ip related (ftp/mail) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUD4SOUP.ZIP 3 Kb. Ignore all messages of XXX, ignore follow-ups.
    REXX and (V)SOUP required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3 KBytes.

    Area 193 - GFD.SYS: OS2 Tools for the system Admin ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMOS2049.ZIP 190 Kb. MultiMail offline reader for OS/2, v0.49 -
    OS/2 32-bit version. Reads Blue Wave, QWK,
    OMEN & SOUP packets. Freeware, GPL'ed. Needs
    at least OS/2 2.0 and InfoZip. C++ source is
    available in mmsrc049.zip. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 190 KBytes.

    Found 15 files matching your search request.

    With regards; Vince Coen.

    ... Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK (2:250/1)
  • From Gert Andersen@2:230/152 to Allen Prunty on Monday, January 16, 2017 17:46:42
    System name The Kofo System II BBS
    Sysop Gert Andersen (sysop@kofo.org)
    Location Broendby, Cph. Denmark
    Remark MBSE BBS at fido2.kofobbs.net
    Network aka 2:230/152@fidonet
    Internet http://fido2.kofobbs.net

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet fido2.kofobbs.net 256000 ICM,XX,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 697 - FGA: FIDOGAZETTE: Alternative Fidonet Weekly ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGV10N39.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 10 No 39
    September 28, 2016
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ....................... 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 15 KBytes.

    Found 1 file matching your search request.

    With regards; Gert Andersen.

    ... (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)retend this never happened...

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.6.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64
    * Origin: The Kofo System II BBS (2:230/152)
  • From Andrew Leary@1:320/219 to Allen Prunty on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 22:15:57
    System name Phoenix BBS
    Sysop Andrew Leary (ajleary@gx520.(none))
    Location Pawcatuck, CT
    Remark Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net
    Network aka 1:320/219@fidonet
    Internet http://www.phoenix.bnbbbs.net

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet phoenix.bnbbbs.net 256000 IBN,IFC,ITN:60177,XX,CM -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 64 - Fido Gazette ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGV10N39.ZIP 15 Kb. T h e F i d o G a z e t t e
    Vol 10 No 39
    September 28, 2016
    An Alternative Newsletter
    Quote of the Day ....................... 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 15 KBytes.

    Found 1 file matching your search request.

    With regards; Andrew Leary.

    ... (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)retend this never happened...

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.6.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (1:320/219)