• dosemu acts up

    From h7@21:1/155 to All on Sunday, May 03, 2020 09:24:10

    hi all

    i have a dosemu that doesnt want to run LORD anymore. i've been pretty idle
    and checking out some stuff if it has been broken, but never paid any
    attention to LORD or other doorgames.

    starting up the game doesnt do shit, it just pushes this error message to
    boot log of dosemu

    * Fault out of DOSEMU code, cs:eip=33:4a5ed0, cr2=11cf, fault_cnt=1

    i had a problem with LORD hanging when exiting the game, but seems that its a bigger problem. if i try to start LORD locally, that's what i get. dosemu is
    in version DOSEMU (2013-08-04)

    |08\ |07H7|08 of |07Blocktronics/dIVINE sTYLERS!/aCCESSiON/TRSi/Break!Ascii |08\ |07Haciend bbs sysop |08(|15telnet://haciend.com|08)|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A38 2018/01/01 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Haciend.com | Scandinavian demoscene bbssince 1996 (21:1/155)
  • From Al@21:4/106 to h7 on Monday, May 04, 2020 13:38:52
    Hello h7,

    i have a dosemu that doesnt want to run LORD anymore. i've been pretty
    idle and checking out some stuff if it has been broken, but never paid
    any attention to LORD or other doorgames.

    starting up the game doesnt do shit, it just pushes this error message
    to boot log of dosemu

    * Fault out of DOSEMU code, cs:eip=33:4a5ed0, cr2=11cf, fault_cnt=1

    i had a problem with LORD hanging when exiting the game, but seems
    that its a bigger problem. if i try to start LORD locally, that's what
    i get. dosemu is in version DOSEMU (2013-08-04)

    That's the same version of dosemu I have here. I have been running Operation Overkill ][ without issues but I havn't tried to run lord.

    I have found that adjusting $_cpu and $_cpu_emu in dosemu.conf can make a difference. I currently use $_cpu = "80486" and $_cpu_emu = "fullsim" but I don't know if that will help at all.

    Ttyl :-),

    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (21:4/106)
  • From Blue White@21:4/134 to h7 on Monday, May 04, 2020 16:43:57
    h7 wrote to All <=-

    i had a problem with LORD hanging when exiting the game, but seems that its a bigger problem. if i try to start LORD locally, that's what i
    get. dosemu is in version DOSEMU (2013-08-04)

    FWIW, I had to downgrade to to get dosemu to behave.
    Even going to -2 (IIRC) causes trouble.

    ... "Mmmmmmmm.....bacon..."
    --- MultiMail
    * Origin: Possum Lodge South * possumso.fsxnet.nz:7636/SSH:2122 (21:4/134)
  • From Alpha@21:4/158 to h7 on Monday, May 04, 2020 16:53:23
    i had a problem with LORD hanging when exiting the game, but seems that its a bigger problem. if i try to start LORD locally, that's what i get. dosemu is in version DOSEMU (2013-08-04)

    Had this exit problem, just had to add "EXIT" to the .bat file in the "DONE" section, I think that fixed it.

    |14▐ |07Alpha
    |14▄▌ |13Card & Claw BBS
    |06▐ |05cardandclaw.com:8888

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Card & Claw BBS (21:4/158)
  • From h7@21:1/155 to Al on Tuesday, May 05, 2020 06:33:08
    I have found that adjusting $_cpu and $_cpu_emu in dosemu.conf can make a difference. I currently use $_cpu = "80486" and $_cpu_emu = "fullsim"
    but I don't know if that will help at all.

    thanks, i'll try that!

    someone suggested adding EXIT to the end of the bat file, i do have that

    the thing is that dosemu hasn't been upgraded, but the system that runs the
    bbs vps i have is now ubuntu lts 18.04. used to be 16.04 but even that hasnt changed that much.

    |08\ |07H7|08 of |07Blocktronics/dIVINE sTYLERS!/aCCESSiON/TRSi/Break!Ascii |08\ |07Haciend bbs sysop |08(|15telnet://haciend.com|08)|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A38 2018/01/01 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Haciend.com | Scandinavian demoscene bbssince 1996 (21:1/155)
  • From h7@21:1/155 to Blue White on Tuesday, May 05, 2020 06:33:36
    i had a problem with LORD hanging when exiting the game, but seems th its a bigger problem. if i try to start LORD locally, that's what i get. dosemu is in version DOSEMU (2013-08-04)

    FWIW, I had to downgrade to to get dosemu to behave. Even going to -2 (IIRC) causes trouble.

    thanks, i'll try that if reinstall & other tips thrown here wont work!

    |08\ |07H7|08 of |07Blocktronics/dIVINE sTYLERS!/aCCESSiON/TRSi/Break!Ascii |08\ |07Haciend bbs sysop |08(|15telnet://haciend.com|08)|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A38 2018/01/01 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Haciend.com | Scandinavian demoscene bbssince 1996 (21:1/155)
  • From Alpha@21:4/158 to h7 on Wednesday, May 06, 2020 07:33:36
    I have found that adjusting $_cpu and $_cpu_emu in dosemu.conf can ma difference. I currently use $_cpu = "80486" and $_cpu_emu = "fullsim" but I don't know if that will help at all.

    Here is my set up. I am running Ubuntu 20.04 (had to use dosemu from 18.04
    repo though):

    $_cpu = "80486"
    $_cpu_emu = "fullsim"
    $_external_char_set = "utf8"
    $_internal_char_set = "cp437"
    $_term_updfreq = (8)
    $_layout = "us"
    $_rawkeyboard = (0)

    @echo off
    path z:\bin;z:\dosemu;d:\doors\utils
    prompt $P$G
    REM http://www.pcmicro.com/bnu/
    lredir.com d: linux\fs\mystic
    unix -e

    I'm also loading things from a d:\doors\utils path, like bnu, share, ansi,
    etc. and it's where pkunzip and other utilities live. I actually just used
    the dosutils.zip from GameSrv's github repository:

    I'm also using the PKUNZIP fix that's documented in scinet's info pack: https://scinet-ftn.org/

    Hope this helps!

    |14▐ |07Alpha
    |14▄▌ |13Card & Claw BBS
    |06▐ |05cardandclaw.com:8888

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Card & Claw BBS (21:4/158)