On 11 Sep 2020, paulie420 said the following...
On your Mystic install, what daily/weekly maintenance do you run?
I have my mailin.ini set to also do message linking at the time of tossing,
it doesn't take very long, so why wait until nightly maintenance to do it?
ImportEchoMail = true
FileToss = true
LinkMessages = true
I also have a maint.ini which I run nightly:
PurgeMessageBases = true
PackMessageBases = true
PackFileBases = true
FileSort = true
LinkMessages = true
PurgeUserBase = true
PackUserBase = true
maint.ini is called from a .bat file which also 7zips the BBS directory and then moves that .7z archive to a local NAS for safe keeping.
Most doors take care of themselves, but Usurpur tends to take a long time the first time a user runs it on a new day, so I also force maintenance for
Usurper in the nightly maintenance.
I'm not sure of a graceful way to stop mis.exe from running on Windows, so I just have a command in there to kill it and delete the mis.bsy file. I also have an option in there to delete any backups older than 7 days, which is
what the forfiles command does. (forfiles doesn't like UNC paths so I map a drive temporarily to do that).
CD \mystic
mutil.exe maint.ini
CD \Users\BBS\AppData\Local\Temp
TASKKILL /F /IM mis.exe /T
DEL \mystic\semaphore\mis.bsy
"\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -t7z nrbbs-%date%.7z c:\mystic\
MOVE nrbbs-%date%.7z "\\nas\Data\Jay Backups\BBS"
net use Z: "\\nas\Data\Jay Backups\BBS"
forfiles /p "Z:" /s /m *.* /D -7 /C "cmd /c del @path"
net use Z: /DELETE
CD \mystic\doors\usurper
CD \mystic
mis.exe server
Of course I don't run door games anymore and am now running on a Raspberry
Pi, so I sill run the same maint.ini file but backups work a bit different.
I have a crontab entry set to run each night:
rsync -avz /home/pi/mystic/ /mnt/nas/Jay\ Backups/BBS/
Seems to do the job.
... What do you call a laughing motorcycle? Yamahahaha.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Raspberry Pi/32)
* Origin: Northern Realms (21:3/110)