• Netmail

    From Charles Pierson@1:229/426.67 to Stas Mishchenkov on Saturday, November 14, 2020 06:48:01
    Hello, Stas.

    I was testing Netmail functionality last night with August, we noticed a couple of things

    1. I sent netmail to him from Fidonet to Telegram using his TGUID.

    2. He successfully replied to that email.

    3. I could not reply to his reply as it stood. So I would have to change his name back to the TGUID to do so?

    4. I tried 3 times to send a netmail from Telegram to my point at 2:221/6.21 so far, nobe have arrived after several hours.

    Best regards!
    Posted using Hotdoged on Android
    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: Houston, TX (1:229/426.67)
  • From Brother Rabbit@2:460/58 to Charles Pierson on Saturday, November 14, 2020 21:41:11
    Hello, Stas.

    I was testing Netmail functionality last night with August, we noticed a couple of things

    1. I sent netmail to him from Fidonet to Telegram using his TGUID.

    2. He successfully replied to that email.

    3. I could not reply to his reply as it stood. So I would have to change his name back to the TGUID to do so?

    4. I tried 3 times to send a netmail from Telegram to my point at 2:221/6.21 so far, nobe have arrived after several hours.

    Best regards!
    Posted using Hotdoged on Android

    Each letter from Telegram to Fido contains the ^aREPLYTO kludge, which allows you to automatically reply from Fido by the NetMail with the substitution of the gateway address and instead of the sysop's name ^aTGUID. Perhaps your mail editor doesn't handle it quite correctly. GoldEd works with him regularly.

    --- tg BBS v0.6.2
    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS by Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58)