GUITAR Echo Rules
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, March 01, 2013 00:00:06
Conference rules for the BLUEWAVE echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
This moderator prefers to handle moderation issues via
private mail wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer
users netmail are asked to convey any communication addressed
to a user and sent by netmail to that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from
the stated subject quite easily I've noted over the years
while participating in many forums for musicians and support
personnel. Your moderator will interpret these rules quite
loosely so as to make this echo fun and beneficial to
participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without
asking permission of the moderator and conference
participants. Gating requests may be granted if the gate
works in both directions reliably.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we
discourage multiple line signatures and high bit ascii
except where allowed by conventions such as the header of
the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that
musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your
WHat you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and
bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference.
This moderator considers himself the custodian of this
echomail conference. ONe of the duties of such a custodian
is of course keeping the echo compliant with requirements
for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its
participants. THerefore, if the echo moderator can no longer
serve as moderator/custodian all necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's
participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest
in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue
This echomail conference was created in 1992. THe fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once
was a very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the
fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow
guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
THanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, March 01, 2013 00:47:02
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
This moderator prefers to handle moderation issues via
private mail wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer
users netmail are asked to convey any communication addressed
to a user and sent by netmail to that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from
the stated subject quite easily I've noted over the years
while participating in many forums for musicians and support
personnel. Your moderator will interpret these rules quite
loosely so as to make this echo fun and beneficial to
participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without
asking permission of the moderator and conference
participants. Gating requests may be granted if the gate
works in both directions reliably.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we
discourage multiple line signatures and high bit ascii
except where allowed by conventions such as the header of
the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that
musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your
WHat you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and
bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference.
This moderator considers himself the custodian of this
echomail conference. ONe of the duties of such a custodian
is of course keeping the echo compliant with requirements
for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its
participants. THerefore, if the echo moderator can no longer
serve as moderator/custodian all necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's
participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest
in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue
This echomail conference was created in 1992. THe fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once
was a very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the
fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow
guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
THanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, April 01, 2013 00:00:12
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, May 01, 2013 15:00:00
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, June 01, 2013 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, July 01, 2013 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, July 15, 2013 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, August 01, 2013 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, August 15, 2013 00:00:16
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, September 01, 2013 00:00:10
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, October 01, 2013 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, November 01, 2013 00:00:16
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, December 01, 2013 00:00:12
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, February 01, 2014 00:00:16
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, March 01, 2014 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, April 01, 2014 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, May 01, 2014 00:00:16
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not appear
in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the message.
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that might
result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using other
than your real name please netmail an explanation of your reasoning.
Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will be granted.
IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting party
will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail conference.
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to that
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating in
many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will *not*
be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating requests may be granted
if the gate works reliably in both directions for both echomail traffic
as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage multiple
line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by conventions such
as the header of the message to convey proper names of individuals, etc.
So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to its participants. Therefore,
if the echo moderator can no longer serve as moderator/custodian, all
necessary information and materials will be turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A vote of echo users will always be
preferred should the moderator choose not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo has
been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a very
popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, June 01, 2014 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, July 01, 2014 00:05:48
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, August 01, 2014 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, September 01, 2014 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, October 01, 2014 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, December 01, 2014 00:00:08
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, January 01, 2015 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, February 01, 2015 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, March 01, 2015 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, May 01, 2015 00:00:08
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, June 01, 2015 00:00:08
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, July 01, 2015 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, August 01, 2015 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, September 01, 2015 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, October 01, 2015 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, November 01, 2015 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, December 01, 2015 00:02:48
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, January 01, 2016 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, February 01, 2016 00:00:10
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, March 01, 2016 00:01:02
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, April 01, 2016 00:00:12
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, May 01, 2016 00:00:12
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, June 01, 2016 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, August 01, 2016 00:00:38
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, September 01, 2016 00:00:00
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, October 01, 2016 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, November 01, 2016 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, December 01, 2016 00:00:22
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, January 01, 2017 02:26:38
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, February 01, 2017 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, April 01, 2017 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, May 01, 2017 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, June 01, 2017 00:00:14
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, July 01, 2017 00:00:10
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Tuesday, August 01, 2017 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, September 01, 2017 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, October 01, 2017 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, November 01, 2017 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, December 01, 2017 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Monday, January 01, 2018 02:14:10
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, February 01, 2018 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Thursday, March 01, 2018 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, April 01, 2018 00:00:04
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Friday, June 01, 2018 00:00:10
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Sunday, July 01, 2018 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Wednesday, August 01, 2018 00:00:06
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)
Moderator@1:3634/12 to
All on Saturday, September 01, 2018 00:00:10
Conference rules for the GUITAR echo: rev. 25 Feb 13
Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.
By posting in this echomail conference you indicate that you have read
and will comply with these rules and guidelines. Sysops should use
whatever means are available via their bbs package of choice to make
these rules available to users when first entering the conference.
This fidonet echomail conference is intended for discussion of topics
relevant to playing the guitar or the bass.
Although this is an international conference we ask that you post in
English only please.
All posters must use their real name. IF your real name does not
appear in the from field then it should appear in the signature of the
Signatures are limited to no more than four (4) lines... Do you really
need to put all that in your sig to start with?? ;)
If for personal or professional reasons you would wish to post here
using other than your real name, please netmail the moderator at the
above shown fidonet address. Performers and entertainers often
would prefer to perform under a stage name, or would prefer to enjoy a
forum such as this one without being plagued by the problems that
might result. IF you would wish to participate in this echo using
other than your real name please netmail an explanation of your
reasoning. Reasonable requests to waive the real name requirement will
be granted. IF such a request is granted the privacy of the requesting
party will be protected by the moderator(s) of this echomail
Please conduct yourself in this echo as a rational thinking adult.
The moderator(s) prefer to handle moderation issues via private mail
wherever possible. Sysops who do not offer users netmail are asked to
convey any communication addressed to a user and sent by netmail to
that user.
Musicians are a gregarious bunch, and topics can drift from the stated
subject quite easily, so I've noted over the years while participating
in many forums for musicians and support personnel. Your moderator will
interpret these rules quite loosely so as to make this echo fun and
beneficial to participants. However, flaming and personal attacks will
*not* be tolerated.
Please do not gate this echo outside of fidonet without asking
permission of the moderator(s) and conference participants. Gating
requests may be granted if the gate works reliably in both directions
for both echomail traffic as well as private netmail communications.
As is customary with fidonet echomail conferences we discourage
multiple line signatures and high bit ascii except where allowed by
conventions such as the header of the message to convey proper names of
individuals, etc. So, come on in, pull up a chair and enjoy discussing
that musical instrument that has brought so much joy to your life.
What you don't use you may lose! Tell your fellow guitar and bass
guitar enthusiasts about this echomail conference. This moderator
considers himself the custodian of this echomail conference. One of the
duties of such a custodian is, of course, keeping the echo compliant
with requirements for backbone carriage. The echo actually belongs to
its participants. Therefore, if the echo moderator can no longer serve
as moderator/custodian, all necessary information and materials will be
turned over to a new moderator chosen by the echo's participants, or an
individual who has expressed an interest in serving as moderator. A
vote of echo users will always be preferred should the moderator choose
not to continue however.
This echomail conference was created in 1992. The fidonet guitar echo
has been carried on the z1 backbone for over a decade, and once was a
very popular echomail conference. Help us keep it on the fidonet
backbones by participating and telling your fellow guitar and bass
enthusiasts about it.
Thanks for participating in the guitar echo.
Richard Webb: Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gilmore: Moderator Emeritus
Mark Lewis : Moderator
* Origin: (1:3634/12)