• RE: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it

    From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Pengo on Monday, May 27, 2024 13:26:47
    Hello Pengo.

    <On 23Apr2024 15:56 Pengo (1:3634/27) wrote a message to All regarding Girls got chip planted without them knowing it >

    Girls got chip planted without them knowing it!
    Some may say it kind of obscure conspiracy theory but, did you
    people ever heard of certain state (for example israel) with help of

    What does this have to do with guitars? You're obviously a deranged spammer. Surprised the moderator hasn't blocked your rubbish.

    Best regards,

    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)