• What Transceiver To Buy?

    From George Avera@1:393/3 to All on Monday, May 21, 2001 22:48:18
    What Transceiver To Buy?

    My questions are:
    What is your opinion of which would be the best DXer's XCVR for a home station?
    Ditto for a take along portable?

    I am just getting into ham radio -- I don't even have a license yet! I want to
    work DX a lot. Seems like a lot of fun. I want to get started as a SWL -- just leave the Xmtr off.

    I noticed in the "How's Your DX" column of the current QST, that several DXers stated they took Icom's IC-706 with them when travelling to far away places to set up a temporary DX site.

    A review of the half-dozen back issues of QST makes few mentions of XCVR brands
    in the DX columns.

    My question is: what is your opinion of which would be the best DXer's XCVR for
    a home station?


    ---==+++{ : }+++==---

    --- Aeolus v1.2.2b3 (#96101098)
    * Origin: The ChatterBox, Justin Texas (1:393/3)
  • From George Avera@1:393/3 to All on Monday, May 21, 2001 22:48:18
    What Transceiver To Buy?

    My questions are:
    What is your opinion of which would be the best DXer's XCVR for a home station?
    Ditto for a take along portable?

    I am just getting into ham radio -- I don't even have a license yet! I want to
    work DX a lot. Seems like a lot of fun. I want to get started as a SWL -- just leave the Xmtr off.

    I noticed in the "How's Your DX" column of the current QST, that several DXers stated they took Icom's IC-706 with them when travelling to far away places to set up a temporary DX site.

    A review of the half-dozen back issues of QST makes few mentions of XCVR brands
    in the DX columns.

    My question is: what is your opinion of which would be the best DXer's XCVR for
    a home station?


    ---==+++{ : }+++==---

    --- Aeolus v1.2.2b3 (#96101098)
    * Origin: The ChatterBox, Justin Texas (1:393/3)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:115/776 to George Avera on Thursday, July 12, 2001 17:34:58
    Hello, George!

    Replying to a message of George Avera to All:

    By the way, because my BBS (The Chatterbox, Justin, TX) has not been getting any traffic on HAM_TECH or AMATEUR_RADIO, I'm wondering:
    what's your location, and when did you get the message you responded

    I'm getting you just fine up here in Carbondale, Illinois at the Outpost. :)

    73 DE KD5COL,

    // hausmaus@darktech.org | ICQ: 19965647 | http://outpost.darktech.org
    // Running Nexus v.99-beta under OS/2 Warp 4

    --- FleetStreet 1.27.1
    * Origin: Outpost BBS // Carbondale, Illinois // +1-618-529-3176 (1:115/776)
  • From Roy Witt@1:10/22 to George Avera on Sunday, July 15, 2001 09:45:39
    Hello George.

    12 Jul 01 17:38, you wrote to All:

    By the way, because my BBS (The Chatterbox, Justin, TX) has not been getting any traffic on HAM_TECH or AMATEUR_RADIO, I'm wondering:
    what's your location, and when did you get the message you responded

    Both echoes have been so low in traffic that they were dropped by one of
    the distribution systems. I happen to be connected to both systems. You're quite welcome to post your stuff in HAM and let these two echoes die.
    There's not that much interest in amateur radio on Fidonet these days.

    ... It must be a glitch in my OLR. A thousand pardons.
    --- Twit(t) Filter v2.1 (C) 2000
    * Origin: Califia's Devil Star * (1:10/22)
  • From George Avera@1:393/3 to Sean Dennis on Monday, July 16, 2001 11:04:23
    Sean Dennis,Fidonet writes:

    I'm getting you just fine up here in Carbondale, Illinois at the
    Outpost. :)

    73 DE KD5COL,

    Thanks, that helps.

    73 :-)

    --- Aeolus v1.2.2b3 (#96101098)
    * Origin: The ChatterBox, Justin Texas (1:393/3)
  • From George Avera@1:393/3 to Roy Witt on Wednesday, July 18, 2001 11:44:37
    Roy Witt,Fidonet writes:

    Both echoes have been so low in traffic that they were dropped by one
    the distribution systems. I happen to be connected to both systems.
    quite welcome to post your stuff in HAM and let these two echoes die.
    There's not that much interest in amateur radio on Fidonet these days.

    We don't get HAM here. It may be a good idea to get it and (as you say) drop the other two, Amateur_Radio and Ham_tech.

    cc: CB sysop Jim Edmonson

    --- Aeolus v1.2.2b3 (#96101098)
    * Origin: The ChatterBox, Justin Texas (1:393/3)
  • From DAVID PRATT@1:18/140 to GEORGE AVERA on Thursday, July 12, 2001 07:41:40
    ID MaxGate 1.0.2 20002
    SGID: 1000970 00A27987
    What Transceiver To Buy?

    My questions are:
    What is your opinion of which would be the best DXer's XCVR for a home station?
    Ditto for a take along portable?

    Hello George -

    I would recommend buying an Elecraft K2 transceiver kit. I bought one
    about a year ago and it rekindled my interest in amateur radio.

    If you have Internet access, have a look at http://www.elecraft.com Their
    site describes the K1 and K2 transceivers. They are a fine example of kit
    rigs for the radio amateur. The performance of the receiver is second to


    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:18/140)
  • From George Avera@1:393/3 to All on Thursday, July 12, 2001 10:38:52
    DAVID PRATT,Fidonet writes:

    Hello George -

    I would recommend buying an Elecraft K2 transceiver kit.


    By the way, because my BBS (The Chatterbox, Justin, TX) has not been getting any traffic on HAM_TECH or AMATEUR_RADIO, I'm wondering: what's your location, and when did you get the message you responded to?




    --- Aeolus v1.2.2b3 (#96101098)
    * Origin: The ChatterBox, Justin Texas (1:393/3)
  • From Roy Witt@1:10/22 to George Avera on Monday, July 23, 2001 12:51:10
    Hello George.

    18 Jul 01 18:44, you wrote to me:

    quite welcome to post your stuff in HAM and let these two echoes die.
    There's not that much interest in amateur radio on Fidonet these days.

    We don't get HAM here. It may be a good idea to get it and (as you
    say) drop the other two, Amateur_Radio and Ham_tech.

    cc: CB sysop Jim Edmonson

    You might want to tell Jim that the HAM echo is a lot friendlier than when
    his friend was the moderator.

    ... A butterfly is a self-propelled flower.
    --- Twit(t) Filter v2.1 (C) 2000
    * Origin: Califia's Devil Star * (1:10/22)