• Ham-Com 2001 is June 8-10: in Arlington, Texas

    From George Avera@1:393/3 to All on Thursday, May 24, 2001 07:11:42
    Ham-Com 2001 is June 8-10: The Lone Star DX Association announces
    Ham-Com 2001, June 8-10, in Arlington, Texas. ARRL President and LSDXA member Jim Haynie, W5JBP, will be the keynote speaker. Noted DXer and DXpeditioner Martti
    Laine, OH2BH, will talk at the DX luncheon. ARRL Vice President Kay Craigie, WT3P,
    will describe "The Big Project" in a Saturday, 10 AM, presentation. In addition, the
    ARRL will offer its first all-day classroom version of the Emergency Communications
    Certification Course. On Sunday, Gary Woodall, National Weather Service official, will
    conduct a SKYWARN training session. Meet John Devoldere, ON4UN, and Martti Laine, OH2BH, at the DXCC card checking booth.


    --- Aeolus v1.2.2b3 (#96101098)
    * Origin: The ChatterBox, Justin Texas (1:393/3)