• 1/7 Nat'l Tempura Day - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Saturday, January 06, 2024 14:59:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Chicken Tempura w/Chile & Sesame Sauce
    Categories: Poultry, Mushrooms, Vegetables, Chilies, Citrus
    Yield: 2 Servings

    200 g Self raising flour
    1 ts Baking powder
    Really cold fizzy water
    2 Chicken breasts; thin sliced
    4 Chicken thighs; thin sliced
    Plain flour for dusting
    Salt & pepper
    1/2 Red bell pepper; sliced
    4 sm Broccoli flowerettes
    5 Chestnut mushrooms; sliced
    1/2 Courgette (zucchini) in
    - batons
    1 lg Carrot; into batons
    sm Handful of mangetout *
    4 Baby sweetcorn; chopped
    pn Cayenne (big pinch)
    Rice or noodles to serve
    Olive or sesame oil

    3 tb Soy sauce
    1 Orange; juice only
    1 tb Sesame seeds
    Handful fresh coriander
    1 Lime; juice only
    1 tb Honey
    1 ts Chile flakes

    * in this context snow peas - UDD

    Heat your fryer or oil up to 180-|C/360-|F.

    Put the flour and baking powder into large bowl and
    gradually add the sparkling water mixing well until you
    get the consistency of double cream, add a pinch of salt,
    a little bit of pepper and a pinch of chilli powder. Set

    Add some plain flour to a bowl, season with salt and
    pepper then coat the chicken slices in it.

    Heat a splash of or sesame oil in a wok or frying pan, and
    stir fry the vegetables for a minute, add the sauce
    ingredients and stir well.

    Dip the chicken into the fryer and fry for 3-4 minutes
    until golden brown.

    Remove the chicken and drain on some kitchen paper.

    Remove the vegetables from the wok

    Serve with rice and the stir fried veg.

    Serves two generously

    From: http://blog.chilliupnorth.co.uk

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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