• It's A Crcok - 23

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 16:06:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Thai Coconut Beef
    Categories: Beef, Vegetables, Nuts, Rice, Herbs
    Yield: 10 servings

    1 Boneless beef chuck roast (3
    - pounds), halved
    1 ts Salt
    1 ts Pepper
    1 lg Red bell pepper; sliced
    13 2/3 oz Can coconut milk
    3/4 c Beef stock
    1/2 c Creamy peanut butter
    1/4 c Red curry paste
    2 tb Soy sauce
    2 tb Honey
    2 ts Minced fresh gingerroot
    1/2 lb Fresh sugar snap peas;
    - trimmed
    1/4 c Minced fresh cilantro
    Hot cooked brown or white
    - rice

    MMMMM---------------------OPTIONAL TOPPINGS--------------------------
    Thin sliced green onions
    Chopped peanuts
    Hot sauce
    Lime wedges

    Sprinkle beef with salt and pepper. Place beef and
    pepper slices in a 5 qt. slow cooker. In a bowl, whisk
    coconut milk, beef stock, peanut butter, curry paste,
    soy sauce, honey and ginger; pour over meat. Cook,
    covered, on low 7-8 hours or until meat is tender.

    Remove beef; cool slightly. Skim fat from reserved
    juices. Shred beef with 2 forks. Return beef to slow
    cooker; stir in snap peas. Cook, covered, on low 45-60
    minutes longer or until peas are crisp-tender. Stir in
    cilantro. Serve with rice and, if desired, toppings of
    your choice.

    Ashley Lecker, Green Bay, Wisconsin

    Makes: 10 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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