• 4/11 Cheese Fondue Day 3

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 18:35:23
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Edgar's Lemon-Thyme Pickled Asparagus w/Cheese Fondue
    Categories: Five, Vegetables, Cheese, Sauces
    Yield: 6 servings

    1 kg Asparagus; ends broken off
    3 Lemons; squeezed (about 12
    - TB fresh lemon juice)
    8 lg Cloves garlic; minced
    Several sprigs thyme
    Boiling water to cover
    4 tb Salt; added to water before
    - boiling

    MMMMM-----------------------CHEESE FONDUE----------------------------
    1/4 c Butter
    1/4 c Flour
    2 c Chicken stock
    1 c Grated cheese
    Lots of fresh ground
    - pepper
    2 ts Chinese Chile-Garlic Sauce

    Add salt to water, boil.

    Place lemons, thyme, minced garlic and juice into pot
    large enough to hold asparagus and water.

    Prepare space in the fridge or the freezer for the
    container of asparagus.

    Pour boiling water over all ingredients, weigh with a
    plate, if needed, to keep submerged.

    Cover, and place in fridge or freezer to cool.

    Remove from brining liquid when cold, pat dry, and serve

    Keep leftovers in a tightly sealed plastic container for
    up to a week.

    MAKE THE FONDUE: Make a roux with the butter and flour
    in a small saucepan; the mixture will form a ball.

    Add fresh grated pepper.

    Cook for a bit, stirring constantly under medium heat,
    to ensure flour is cooked.

    Add stock a little at a time, stirring until thickened
    to desired thickness.

    Add cheese, stir until melted.

    Add Chile-Garlic Sauce and more fresh ground pepper,
    if needed (season to taste).

    Serve immediately.

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.acanadianfoodie.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)