• 5/6 Int'l No-Diet Day - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Sunday, May 05, 2024 18:05:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Southern Fried Deep-Fat Fried Fat
    Categories: Pork, Breads, Snacks
    Yield: 16 Servings

    1 lb Ham fat; with skin, in 16
    - squares
    1 qt Oil, tallow or lard

    2 1/2 c Sifted flour
    2 c Cold water
    2 c Club soda
    Egg yolks
    pn Salt

    Cut the ham fat into 16 equal, squarish pieces. Set

    Put oil/tallow/lard into a deep fryer or a fondue pot
    to heat. While the cooking oil is heating to 360ºF/180ºC

    Make the batter. I prefer to use club soda as it gives a
    lighter (and I think) crispier batter. You may use plain
    old cold water if you wish. A couple (or three) egg
    yolks help hold things together and blend in.

    When the oil is hot, dip the chunks of fat into the
    batter and fry in the hot oil until golden brown.

    Serve hot.

    If you have batter left over you may want to fry up some
    batter-dipped crudities (cauliflower or broccoli florets,
    onion rings, or bell pepper strips/rings) as an

    Serve with your favourite hot-pepper sauce on the side.

    FROM: The fevered brain of Uncle Dirty Dave, in his
    kitchen one dark and stormy night. Inspired by the glut
    of fried "stuff" hawked at fairs and expositions. This
    ain't "healthy" in any key. But it IS tasty.

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... Canada consumes more mac & cheese than any other nation in the world.
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