• Summer Cottage Top 10 02

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Monday, July 08, 2024 16:22:00
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Cajun Potato Soup
    Categories: Pork, Vegetables, Potatoes, Cheese, Dairy
    Yield: 8 servings

    13 1/2 oz Andouille sausage; in 1/4"
    - rounds
    2 tb Olive oil
    3 cl Garlic; minced
    1/2 ts Crushed red pepper flakes
    1 c Yellow onion; diced
    1/2 c Celery; diced
    1 c Red bell pepper; diced
    2 tb Unsalted butter
    4 c Chicken broth
    3 ts Cajun seasoning
    1/2 ts Kosher salt
    1/2 ts Smoked paprika
    4 lg Russet potatoes; peeled, in
    - 1" cubes
    1 c Heavy whipping cream
    1/4 c Parmesan cheese; fresh
    - grated
    3/4 c Cheddar cheese; fresh
    - grated
    1/4 c Fresh parsley; chopped

    Warm a Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed stock pot over
    medium-high heat. Add the sliced sausage to the pot and
    cook for 2-3 minutes until the slices brown on the
    edges. Remove to a plate.

    Reduce the heat to medium, then add the olive oil,
    garlic and crushed red pepper flakes. Cook for 1 minute
    until fragrant, then add the butter, onions, celery and
    bell pepper. Cook until the vegetables soften, about 5-7

    Pour in the chicken broth (store-bought or homemade
    broth) and add Cajun seasoning, salt, paprika and the
    cubed potatoes. Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce to
    a simmer and cook for 15-18 minutes until the potatoes
    are fork tender.

    Reduce the heat to low, pour in the heavy cream, and add
    the Parmesan and cheddar cheese. Stir until the cheese
    has melted and the soup is smooth and creamy.

    Return the sausage to the pot and stir in the parsley.
    Cook the creamy soup for 5 minutes and then ladle into
    bowls. Serve hot, garnished with additional parsley.

    Lauren Habermehl, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Makes: 8 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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