• List of IPv6 nodes

    From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Tuesday, April 04, 2023 22:54:13
    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 4 April 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 2:5030/257 Vova Uralsky Native PCextreme
    9 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    10 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    11 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    12 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    13 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    14 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    15 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0
    16 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    17 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    18 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    19 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    20 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    21 3:770/100 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    22 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native TTK-Volga f
    23 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    24 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    25 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    26 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    27 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    28 2:246/1305 Emil Schuster Native TAL.DE
    29 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    30 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    31 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    32 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    33 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    34 2:240/5853 Philipp Giebel Native Hetzner
    35 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    36 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    37 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net
    38 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    39 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    40 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    41 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    42 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    43 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    44 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    45 2:467/239 Mykhailo Kapitanov Native Vultr f
    46 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    47 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0 f
    48 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    49 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    50 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    51 2:5020/2123 Anton Samsonov T-6in4 TUNNEL-BROKER-NET-0
    52 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    53 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    54 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f
    55 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    56 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    57 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    58 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    59 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    60 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    61 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    62 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    63 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    64 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    65 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    66 1:102/127 Bradley Thornton Native Hetzner
    67 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    68 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    69 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC-NET
    70 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    71 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    72 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    73 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    74 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    75 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    76 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    77 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    78 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    79 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    80 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    81 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.net
    82 1:134/100 Kostie Muirhead T-6in4 Route48 f DOWN
    83 1:134/101 Kostie Muirhead T-6in4 Route48 f INO4 DOWN
    84 1:134/102 Shelley Petersen T-6in4 Route48 f INO4 DOWN
    85 1:134/103 Gordon Muirhead T-6in4 Route48 f DOWN
    86 1:134/301 Brandon Moore T-6in4 Route48 f INO4 DOWN
    87 1:134/302 Adam Park T-6in4 Route48 f 6DWN
    88 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    89 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    90 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    91 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    92 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    93 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    94 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    95 1:266/420 Scott Street Native Comcast OO HOLD
    96 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    97 1:142/104 Clive Reuben Native SNETFCC-1 6DWN
    98 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    99 3:633/267 Andrew Clarke Native Widebandnetv6 6DWN
    100 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    101 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    102 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    103 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    104 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    105 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    106 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Michiel van der Vlist on Monday, April 10, 2023 12:49:13
    Hi Michiel,

    On 2023-04-04 22:54:13, you wrote to All:

    MvdV> 36 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f

    Just noticed this one:

    Calling 2:240/5413 (2a01:a700:4629:211:f1d0:2:240:5413:24554)
    error (Connection timed out)

    IPv4 is ok for this node...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Wilfred van Velzen on Monday, April 10, 2023 15:36:54
    Hello Wilfred,

    On Monday April 10 2023 12:49, you wrote to me:

    Just noticed this one:

    Calling 2:240/5413 (2a01:a700:4629:211:f1d0:2:240:5413:24554)
    error (Connection timed out)

    IPv4 is ok for this node...

    Netmail send to sysop.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Ingo Juergensmann@2:240/5413 to Michiel van der Vlist on Sunday, April 16, 2023 12:21:08
    Hello Michiel!

    10 Apr 23 15:36, you wrote to Wilfred van Velzen:

    Just noticed this one:
    Calling 2:240/5413 (2a01:a700:4629:211:f1d0:2:240:5413:24554)
    error (Connection timed out)
    IPv4 is ok for this node...
    Netmail send to sysop.

    ... and answered & fixed... :)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303
    * Origin: AmigaXess - back in FidoNet after 17 years (2:240/5413)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Sunday, April 23, 2023 22:11:14
    Hello All,

    The list has been cleaned up. All nodes that no longer support IPv6,
    have been doing so for over two months and who's sysops have not res-
    ponded to netmail have been removed. That brings the counter below
    100 again.

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 23 April 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 2:5030/257 Vova Uralsky Native PCextreme
    9 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    10 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    11 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    12 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    13 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    14 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    15 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0
    16 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    17 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    18 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    19 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    20 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    21 3:770/100 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    22 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    23 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    24 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    25 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    26 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    27 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    28 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    29 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    30 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    31 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    32 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    33 2:240/5853 Philipp Giebel Native Hetzner
    34 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    35 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    36 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net
    37 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    38 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    39 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    40 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    41 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    42 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    43 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    44 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    45 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0 f
    46 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    47 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    48 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5020/2123 Anton Samsonov T-6in4 TUNNEL-BROKER-NET-0
    50 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    51 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    52 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f
    53 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    54 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    55 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    56 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    57 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    58 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    59 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    60 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    61 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    62 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    63 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    64 1:102/127 Bradley Thornton Native Hetzner
    65 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    66 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    67 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC-NET
    68 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    69 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    70 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    71 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    72 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    73 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    74 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    75 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    76 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    77 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    78 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    79 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.net
    80 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    81 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    82 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    83 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    84 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    85 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    86 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    87 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    88 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    89 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    90 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    91 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    92 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    93 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    94 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    95 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 08:53:31
    Hello All,

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for connectivity
    and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or even DOWN...

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 26 April 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 2:5030/257 Vova Uralsky Native PCextreme 6DWN
    9 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    10 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    11 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    12 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    13 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    14 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    15 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0
    16 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    17 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    18 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    19 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    20 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    21 3:770/100 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    22 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    23 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    24 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    25 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    26 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    27 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    28 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    29 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    30 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    31 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    32 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    33 2:240/5853 Philipp Giebel Native Hetzner DOWN
    34 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    35 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    36 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net 6DWN
    37 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    38 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    39 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    40 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    41 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    42 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    43 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    44 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    45 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0 f
    46 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    47 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    48 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5020/2123 Anton Samsonov T-6in4 TNNL-BRKR-NET-0 HOLD
    50 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    51 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f 6DWN
    52 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f 6DWN
    53 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f 6DWN
    54 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    55 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    56 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    57 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    58 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    59 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    60 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    61 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    62 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    63 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    64 1:102/127 Bradley Thornton Native Hetzner DOWN
    65 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    66 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    67 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC-NET DOWN
    68 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    69 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    70 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    71 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    72 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL HOLD
    73 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    74 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    75 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    76 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    77 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    78 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    79 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    80 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms 6DWN
    81 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode 6DWN
    82 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    83 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    84 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    85 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    86 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    87 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    88 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    89 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    90 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    91 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net 6DWN
    92 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    93 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    94 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/6 to Michiel van der Vlist on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 17:15:20
    Hi Michiel.

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for connectivity
    and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or even DOWN...

    What happened to 2:221/10 ?


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: nntps://news.fidonet.fi (2:221/6)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/6 to Michiel van der Vlist on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 17:23:00
    Hi Michiel.

    26 Apr 23 17:15, I wrote to you:

    Hi Michiel.

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for connectivity
    and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or even DOWN...

    What happened to 2:221/10 ?

    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] incoming session with 2001-1c02-1105-4500-f1d0-0002-0280-5556.cable.dynamic.v6.ziggo.nl [2001:1c02:1105:4500:f1d0:2:280:5556]
    - 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] SYS Nieuw Schnoord IPv6 test node
    - 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] ZYZ Michiel van der Vlist
    - 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] LOC Driebergen, NL
    - 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] NDL CM,MO,IBN:f5556.vlist.eu,PING,IPv6,INO4
    - 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] TIME Wed, 26 Apr 2023 12:58:38 +0200
    - 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] VER binkd/1.1a-113/Win32 binkp/1.1
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] addr: 2:280/5555.6@fidonet
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] addr: 2:280/5556@fidonet
    - 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] OPT NDA EXTCMD CRYPT GZ BZ2
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] Remote supports asymmetric ND mode
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] Remote supports EXTCMD mode
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] Remote requests CRYPT mode
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] Remote supports GZ mode
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] Remote supports BZ2 mode
    + 26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] done (from 2:280/5555.6@fidonet, OK, S/R: 0/0 (0/0 bytes))
    26 Apr 13:58:32 [1355626] session closed, quitting...


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: nntps://news.fidonet.fi (2:221/6)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Tommi Koivula on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 16:34:08
    Hello Tommi,

    On Wednesday April 26 2023 17:15, you wrote to me:

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for
    connectivity and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or
    even DOWN...

    What happened to 2:221/10 ?

    Temporary glitch on this end.

    2:221/10 is back in the list.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Thursday, April 27, 2023 08:39:53
    Hello All,

    Update: raising the alarm had somne effect. Some sysop have
    fixed the problems with their IPv6. Some other errors have
    been corrected.

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 27 April 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 2:5030/257 Vova Uralsky Native PCextreme NO6
    9 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    10 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    11 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    12 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    13 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    14 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    15 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0
    16 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    17 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    18 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    19 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    20 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    21 3:770/100 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    22 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    23 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    24 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    25 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    26 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    27 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    28 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    29 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    30 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    31 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    32 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    33 2:240/5853 Philipp Giebel Native Hetzner DOWN
    34 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    35 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    36 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net 6DWN
    37 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    38 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    39 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    40 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    41 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    42 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    43 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    44 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    45 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0 f
    46 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    47 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    48 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5020/2123 Anton Samsonov T-6in4 TNNL-BRKR-NET-0 HOLD
    50 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    51 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    52 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f 6DWN
    53 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f 6DWN
    54 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    55 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    56 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    57 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    58 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    59 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    60 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    61 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    62 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    63 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    64 1:102/127 Bradley Thornton Native Hetzner DOWN
    65 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    66 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    67 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC-NET HOLD
    68 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    69 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    70 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    71 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    72 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    73 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    74 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    75 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    76 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    77 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    78 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    79 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    80 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms 6DWN
    81 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    82 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    83 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    84 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    85 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    86 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    87 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    88 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    89 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    90 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    91 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    92 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    93 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    94 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    95 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f
    96 2:5020/5858 Alexander Kruglikov T6in4 Tunnel-Brkr-Net1 f

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Monday, May 15, 2023 10:29:57
    Hello All,

    I cleaned up some more. I removed all systems that no longer present an AAAA record in the host name. I also removed systems that advertise IPv6 capability but are not IPv6 connectable and who's sysops have not responded to netmail in over a month.

    We are down to 93 nodes. I fear this will become the first year that the number of Fidonet IPv6 nodes has shrunk instead of grown. My guess is that the main reason for the shrinkage is the shrinkage of Fidonet itself. :(

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 14 May 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    9 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    10 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    11 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    12 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    13 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    14 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0
    15 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    16 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    17 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    18 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    19 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    20 3:770/100 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    21 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    22 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    23 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    24 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    25 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    26 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    27 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    28 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    29 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    30 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    31 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    32 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    33 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    34 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net 6DWN
    35 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    36 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    37 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    38 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    39 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    40 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    41 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    42 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    43 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0 f
    44 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    45 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    46 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    47 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    48 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f 6DWN
    50 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    51 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    52 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    53 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    54 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    55 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    56 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    57 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    58 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    59 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    60 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    61 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    62 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    63 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    64 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    65 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    66 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    67 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    68 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    69 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    70 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    71 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    72 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    73 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    74 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    75 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    76 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    77 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    78 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    79 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    80 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    81 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    82 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    83 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    84 1:134/0 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US INO4 f
    85 1:134/100 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US INO4 f
    86 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    87 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    88 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    89 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    90 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    91 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    92 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f
    93 2:5020/5858 Alexander Kruglikov T6in4 Tunnel-Brkr-Net1 f

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    Submitted on day XXXX
    === Cut ===

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Tuesday, June 06, 2023 16:19:12
    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 6 June 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    9 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    10 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    11 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    12 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    13 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    14 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0
    15 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    16 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    17 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    18 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    19 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    20 3:770/100 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    21 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    22 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    23 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    24 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    25 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    26 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    27 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    28 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    29 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    30 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    31 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    32 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    33 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    34 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net 6DWN
    35 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    36 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    37 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    38 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    39 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    40 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    41 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    42 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    43 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0 f
    44 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    45 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    46 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    47 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    48 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f 6DWN
    50 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    51 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    52 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    53 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    54 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    55 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    56 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    57 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    58 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    59 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    60 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    61 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    62 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    63 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    64 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    65 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    66 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    67 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    68 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    69 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    70 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    71 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    72 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    73 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    74 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    75 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    76 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    77 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    78 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    79 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    80 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    81 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    82 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    83 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    84 1:134/0 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    85 1:134/100 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    86 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    87 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    88 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    89 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    90 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    91 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    92 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f
    93 2:5020/5858 Alexander Kruglikov T-6in4 Tunnel-Brkr-Net1 f
    94 2:292/789 Niels Joncheere T-6in4 he.net
    95 1:135/395 Charles Blackburn Native Charter Comms
    96 1:134/303 Travis Mehrer Native Shaw Comms

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Eugene Subbotin@2:5075/128 to Michiel van der Vlist on Saturday, June 10, 2023 06:39:16
    06.06.2023 21:19, Michiel van der Vlist »¿ΦÑΓ:
    MV> List of IPv6 nodes
    MV> By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555


    2:5057/19 = 2a03:1ac0:5571:3a38:f1d0:2:5057:19 (Native, ER-Telecom)
    2:5075/0 and 2:5075/35 = 2a03:80c0:1:f:f1d0:2:5075:35 (Native, RUWEB)
    2:5075/37 = 2a03:c980:db:19:: (Native, IHC)
    2:5075/128 = 2a03:e2c0:12a2:0:f1d0:2:5075:128 (T-6in4, IP4Market AKA TUNNELBROKER-0)

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 13.4; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.16
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128)
  • From Eugene Subbotin@2:5075/128 to Michiel van der Vlist on Saturday, June 10, 2023 06:43:52
    06.06.2023 21:19, Michiel van der Vlist »¿ΦÑΓ:
    MV> 93 2:5020/5858
    ; Alexander Kruglikov T-6in4 Tunnel-Brkr-Net1 f

    Also IP4Market, as "TUNNELBROKER-0" in your list

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 13.4; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.16
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128)
  • From Eugene Subbotin@2:5075/128 to evs on Saturday, June 10, 2023 06:53:57
    10.06.2023 06:39, evs »¿ΦÑΓ:

    2:5057/19 = 2a03:1ac0:5571:3a38:f1d0:2:5057:19 (Native, ER-Telecom)
    AKA 2:5057/0

    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 13.4; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.16
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Eugene Subbotin on Saturday, June 10, 2023 14:42:03
    Hello Eugene,

    On Saturday June 10 2023 06:39, you wrote to me:


    2:5057/19 = 2a03:1ac0:5571:3a38:f1d0:2:5057:19 (Native, ER-Telecom) 2:5075/0 and 2:5075/35 = 2a03:80c0:1:f:f1d0:2:5075:35 (Native, RUWEB) 2:5075/37 = 2a03:c980:db:19:: (Native, IHC)
    2:5075/128 = 2a03:e2c0:12a2:0:f1d0:2:5075:128 (T-6in4, IP4Market AKA TUNNELBROKER-0)

    Thank you for the update. These nodes have been added to the list.

    We are back at 100! ;-)

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Eugene Subbotin on Saturday, June 10, 2023 14:43:01
    Hello Eugene,

    On Saturday June 10 2023 06:43, you wrote to me:

    06.06.2023 21:19, Michiel van der Vlist »¿Ñ:
    93 2:5020/5858
    ; Alexander Kruglikov T-6in4 Tunnel-Brkr-Net1 f

    Also IP4Market, as "TUNNELBROKER-0" in your list

    Updated in the list.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Saturday, June 10, 2023 14:43:23
    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 10 June 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    9 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    10 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    11 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    12 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    13 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    14 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 IP4Market
    15 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    16 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    17 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    18 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    19 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    20 3:770/100 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    21 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    22 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    23 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    24 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    25 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    26 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    27 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    28 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    29 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    30 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    31 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    32 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    33 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    34 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net 6DWN
    35 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    36 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    37 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    38 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    39 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    40 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    41 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    42 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    43 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 IP4Market f
    44 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    45 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    46 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    47 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    48 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f 6DWN
    50 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    51 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    52 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    53 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    54 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    55 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    56 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    57 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    58 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    59 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    60 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    61 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    62 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    63 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    64 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    65 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    66 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    67 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    68 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    69 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    70 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    71 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    72 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    73 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    74 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    75 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    76 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    77 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    78 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    79 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    80 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    81 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    82 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    83 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    84 1:134/0 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    85 1:134/100 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    86 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    87 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    88 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    89 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    90 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    91 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    92 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f
    93 2:5020/5858 Alexander Kruglikov T-6in4 IP4Market f
    94 2:292/789 Niels Joncheere T-6in4 he.net
    95 1:135/395 Charles Blackburn Native Charter Comms
    96 1:134/303 Travis Mehrer Native Shaw Comms
    97 2:5057/19 Max Vasilyev Native ER-Telecom f
    98 2:5075/35 Eugene Subbotin Native RUWEB f
    99 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC
    100 2:5075/128 Eugene Subbotin T-6in4 IP4Market f

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Monday, July 10, 2023 13:56:12
    Hello All,

    Paul Hayton now has native IPv6

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 10 July 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    9 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    10 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    11 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    12 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    13 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    14 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 IP4Market
    15 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    16 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    17 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    18 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    19 3:770/1 Paul Hayton Native VETTA
    20 3:770/100 Paul Hayton Native VETTA
    21 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    22 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    23 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    24 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    25 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    26 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    27 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    28 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    29 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    30 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    31 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    32 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    33 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    34 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    35 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    36 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    37 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    38 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    39 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    40 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    41 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    42 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 IP4Market f
    43 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    44 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    45 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    46 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    47 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    48 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    50 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    51 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    52 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    53 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    54 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    55 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    56 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    57 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    58 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    59 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    60 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    61 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    62 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    63 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    64 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    65 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    66 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    67 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    68 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    69 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    70 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    71 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    72 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    73 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    74 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    75 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    76 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    77 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    78 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    79 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    80 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    81 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    82 1:134/0 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    83 1:134/100 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    84 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    85 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    86 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    87 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    88 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    89 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    90 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f
    91 2:5020/5858 Alexander Kruglikov T-6in4 IP4Market f
    92 2:292/789 Niels Joncheere T-6in4 he.net
    93 1:135/395 Charles Blackburn Native Charter Comms
    94 1:134/303 Travis Mehrer Native Shaw Comms
    95 2:5057/19 Max Vasilyev Native ER-Telecom f
    96 2:5075/35 Eugene Subbotin Native RUWEB f
    97 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC
    98 2:5075/128 Eugene Subbotin T-6in4 IP4Market f

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Paul Hayton@3:770/100 to Michiel van der Vlist on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 10:19:42
    On 10 Jul 2023 at 01:56p, Michiel van der Vlist pondered and said...

    Hello All,

    Paul Hayton now has native IPv6

    really happy I finally got this access, changed ISP and things are looking up :)

    Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:230/0 to Tommi Koivula on Wednesday, August 02, 2023 17:28:34
    Hello Tommi!

    26 Apr 2023 17:15, Tommi Koivula wrote to Michiel van der Vlist:

    Hi Michiel.

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for connectivity
    and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or even DOWN...
    What happened to 2:221/10 ?

    why do you ask ?

    Regards Benny

    ... too late to die young :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/6.4.7-gentoo-dist (x86_64))
    * Origin: gopher://fido.junc.eu/ (2:230/0)
  • From Alexey Vissarionov@2:5020/545 to Benny Pedersen on Thursday, August 03, 2023 11:51:50
    Good ${greeting_time}, Benny!

    02 Aug 2023 17:28:34, you wrote to Tommi Koivula:

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for connectivity
    and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or even DOWN...
    What happened to 2:221/10 ?
    why do you ask ?

    Why do you answer with a question?

    Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
    gremlin.ru!gremlin; +vii-cmiii-ccxxix-lxxix-xlii

    ... that's why I really dislike fools.
    --- /bin/vi
    * Origin: ::1 (2:5020/545)
  • From Egor Glukhov@2:5020/736 to Alexey Vissarionov on Sunday, August 06, 2023 00:31:28

    03 Aug 23 11:51, you wrote to Benny Pedersen:

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for connectivity
    and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or even DOWN...
    What happened to 2:221/10 ?
    why do you ask ?
    Why do you answer with a question?

    Why are you interested in this?

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230304
    * Origin: Lyubertsy, MO (2:5020/736)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to All on Wednesday, August 09, 2023 09:31:42

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 9 Aug 2023

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    9 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    10 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    11 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    12 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    13 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    14 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 IP4Market
    15 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    16 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    17 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    18 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    19 3:770/1 Paul Hayton Native VETTA
    20 3:770/100 Paul Hayton Native VETTA
    21 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    22 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    23 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    24 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    25 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    26 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    27 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    28 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    29 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    30 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    31 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    32 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    33 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    34 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    35 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    36 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    37 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    38 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    39 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    40 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    41 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    42 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 IP4Market f
    43 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    44 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    45 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    46 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    47 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    48 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    50 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    51 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    52 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    53 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    54 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    55 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    56 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    57 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    58 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    59 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    60 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    61 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    62 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    63 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    64 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    65 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    66 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    67 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    68 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    69 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    70 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    71 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    72 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    73 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    74 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    75 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    76 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    77 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    78 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    79 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    80 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    81 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    82 1:134/0 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    83 1:134/100 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    84 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    85 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    86 1:218/401 James Downs Native Scaleway PM *1
    87 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    88 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    89 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    90 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f
    91 2:5020/5858 Alexander Kruglikov T-6in4 IP4Market f
    92 2:292/789 Niels Joncheere T-6in4 he.net
    93 1:135/395 Charles Blackburn Native Charter Comms HOLD
    94 1:134/303 Travis Mehrer Native Shaw Comms
    95 2:5057/19 Max Vasilyev Native ER-Telecom f
    96 2:5075/35 Eugene Subbotin Native RUWEB f
    97 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC
    98 2:5075/128 Eugene Subbotin T-6in4 IP4Market f
    99 2:550/278 Vladislav Muschinskikh Native FirstByte
    100 2:5010/278 Vladislav Muschinskikh T-6in4 he.net OO

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 lounge.egontech.com


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:230/0 to Alexey Vissarionov on Thursday, February 08, 2024 04:08:38
    Hello Alexey!

    03 Aug 2023 11:51, Alexey Vissarionov wrote to Benny Pedersen:

    Good ${greeting_time}, Benny!

    02 Aug 2023 17:28:34, you wrote to Tommi Koivula:

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for connectivity
    and as a result more nodes have been flagged 6DWN or even DOWN...
    What happened to 2:221/10 ?
    why do you ask ?
    Why do you answer with a question?

    he, if Tommi can't check logs on his own network, its brokken

    MV did not say what connection fails, both are dual stacked, oh well :)

    Regards Benny

    ... too late to die young :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/6.7.4-gentoo-dist (x86_64))
    * Origin: gopher://fido.junc.eu/ (2:230/0)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/1 to Benny Pedersen on Thursday, February 08, 2024 09:39:02
    Benny Pedersen wrote:

    03 Aug 2023 11:51, Alexey Vissarionov wrote to Benny Pedersen:

    Good ${greeting_time}, Benny!

    02 Aug 2023 17:28:34, you wrote to Tommi Koivula:

    I have checked all the remaining nodes in the list for
    connectivity and as a result more nodes have been flagged
    6DWN or even DOWN...
    What happened to 2:221/10 ?
    why do you ask ?
    Why do you answer with a question?

    he, if Tommi can't check logs on his own network, its brokken

    I have no logs of the "List of IPv6 nodes". ;-D


    * Origin: jamnntpd/lnx (2:221/1.0)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:230/0 to Tommi Koivula on Friday, February 09, 2024 22:44:52
    Hello Tommi!

    08 Feb 2024 09:39, Tommi Koivula wrote to Benny Pedersen:

    I have no logs of the "List of IPv6 nodes". ;-D

    grep xxxx:: binkd.log

    why is it needed to use external lists ?

    Regards Benny

    ... too late to die young :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/6.7.4-gentoo-dist (x86_64))
    * Origin: gopher://fido.junc.eu/ (2:230/0)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/6.600 to Benny Pedersen on Saturday, February 10, 2024 09:56:46
    On 10.02.2024 0:44, Benny Pedersen wrote:

    08 Feb 2024 09:39, Tommi Koivula wrote to Benny Pedersen:

    TK> I have no logs of the "List of IPv6 nodes". ;-D

    grep xxxx:: binkd.log

    Read back the old thread you were replying. The question was about "List of IPv6 nodes". It had absolutely nothing to do with binkd or connectivity.

    why is it needed to use external lists ?

    You tell me.


    * Origin: == jamnntpd://news.fidonet.fi == (2:221/6.600)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/464.5555 to All on Saturday, April 06, 2024 17:40:34
    Hello All,

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 6 Apr 2024

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Freedom f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo/Caiway f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 1:154/10 Nicholas Boel Native Spectrum f
    9 2:203/0 Bjorn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    10 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native KPN f INO4
    11 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    12 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov T-6in4 he.net f
    13 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    14 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 IP4Market
    15 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek Native CZ-IJC-20071015
    16 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    17 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    18 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    19 3:770/1 Paul Hayton Native VETTA
    20 3:770/100 Paul Hayton Native VETTA
    21 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native JSC IOT f
    22 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    23 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    24 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    25 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    26 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    27 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    28 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    29 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    30 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native OVH
    31 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    32 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    33 2:240/5413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    34 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    35 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    36 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FirstByte
    37 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    38 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    39 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 IP4Market f
    40 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native KPN
    41 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    42 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    43 2:5101/1 Andrey Ignatov Native HETZNER
    44 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    45 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    46 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    47 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native SAGE-SU-V6
    48 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus
    49 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    50 2:5053/400 Alexander Kruglikov Native FirstVDS f
    51 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    52 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    53 2:240/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    54 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    55 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    56 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native OVH
    57 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US f
    58 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    59 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers f
    60 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    61 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    62 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    63 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    64 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass Native DTAG f
    65 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    66 2:5030/3165 Serg Podtynnyi Native DIGITALOCEAN
    67 2:301/812 Benoit Panizon Native WOODYV6
    68 1:229/616 Vasily Losev Native GIGEPORT
    69 2:301/113 Alisha Stutz T-6in4 he.ne
    70 1:153/7715 Dallas Hinton Native Shaw Comms
    71 1:218/840 Morgan Collins Native Linode
    72 2:5020/921 Andrew Savin Native HURRICANE-IPV6-24
    73 2:240/1634 Hugo Andriessen Native Vodafone
    74 2:280/2040 Leo Barnhoorn Native KPN f
    75 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    76 2:221/10 Tommi Koivula Native Hetzner f INO4
    77 1:218/850 John Nicpon Native LINODE-US
    78 2:301/1 Alisha Stutz Native CH-DATAWIRE
    79 1:134/0 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    80 1:134/100 Kostie Muirhead Native LINODE-US f INO4
    81 2:5035/63 Vladimir Goncharov Native RFEIV6NET
    82 2:5020/290 Andrew Kolchoogin T-6in4 he.net
    83 1:214/22 Ray Quinn T-6in4 he.net
    84 2:5030/49 Sergey Myasoedov Native FR-VIRTUA-SYSTEMS
    85 1:218/820 Ryan Fantus Native DIGITALOCEAN
    86 1:103/705 Rob Swindell Native Spectrum f
    87 2:5020/5858 Alexander Kruglikov T-6in4 IP4Market f
    88 1:135/395 Charles Blackburn Native Charter Comms
    89 1:134/303 Travis Mehrer Native Shaw Comms
    90 2:5057/19 Max Vasilyev Native ER-Telecom f
    91 2:5075/35 Eugene Subbotin Native RUWEB f
    92 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC
    93 2:5075/128 Eugene Subbotin T-6in4 IP4Market f
    94 2:550/278 Vladislav Muschinskikh Native FirstByte
    95 2:5010/278 Vladislav Muschinskikh T-6in4 he.net f
    96 2:240/5411 Stephan Gebbers Native DTAG
    97 2:5020/715 Alex Barinov T-6in4 he.net
    98 1:16/201 Sergey Myasoedov Native Amazon
    99 1:104/117 Vitaliy Aksyonov Native LLC
    100 1:218/880 Lloyd Fellon Native Charter Comms
    101 2:5030/1340 Dmitry Afanasiev T-6in4 TUNNEL-BROKER-NET
    102 2:221/360 Tommi Koivula Native Elisa f
    103 2:5031/25 Alex Kazankov Native VDSINA
    104 4:902/26 Fernando Toledo Native Claro
    105 3:633/257 Andrew Clarke Native widebandnetv6 OO
    106 2:280/2050 Floris van Unen Native Azure

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD


    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    HOLD The node is temporarely off-line. Mail may be routed.
    DOWN This node is Down for both IPv4 and IPv6 and will be
    removed from this list if the condition pertains.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20130111
    * Origin: Michiel's laptop (2:280/464.5555)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Michiel van der Vlist on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 13:41:03
    Hi Michiel,

    On 2024-04-06 17:40:34, you wrote to All:

    MvdV> List of IPv6 nodes
    MvdV> By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    MvdV> Updated 6 Apr 2024

    Btw: Can we still expect updates for this list in the future?

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/464.5555 to Wilfred van Velzen on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 16:24:07
    Hello Wilfred,

    On Tuesday July 30 2024 13:41, you wrote to me:

    MvdV>> Updated 6 Apr 2024

    Btw: Can we still expect updates for this list in the future?

    If/when 5555 is back on line: probably.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20130111
    * Origin: Michiel's laptop (2:280/464.5555)