• This version of LordCfg...

    From Robert LaPrise to All on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 02:39:05
    Okay so this has been discussed before as scans of the echos and hours searching the web have shown me but I still have not found a solution.

    How the hell do you get 4.07 to work in DOS when:

    a - it appears the zip file was foobarred and has the wrong executables in it or
    b - there is a bug in the program and the developer has decided to bail on it

    I don't know what is going on with LORD but no answers come back from the developer, the "This version of LordCfg is not meant for your version of
    Lord" message and the "Internal error #38019" when doing a Lord /L really suck. 4.06 works but I can't use the key I just paid for on 4.06, only on
    the crapped out 4.07 both the developer and gameport have available for download.

    It runs in CMD.EXE in WinXP, wonderful, I don't run my board in Windows, I
    run it in Linux and DOSEMU is working fine for TEOS, Lord2, Arrowbridge, and most any other DOS game I throw at it. So why does the DOS version of LORD (there's no /32 in the name or documentation) not work in DOS?

    I've already sent an email to Gameport about this to see if I can get a key for 4.06 since 4.07 appears to be buggy as hell and (from everything I'm seeing) unsupported. But if someone out there has a solution to this I'd
    like to hear that as well.

  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Robert LaPrise on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 09:40:29
    Robert LaPrise wrote in a message to All:

    I don't know what is going on with LORD but no answers come back
    from the developer, the "This version of LordCfg is not meant for
    your version of Lord" message and the "Internal error #38019" when
    doing a Lord /L really suck. 4.06 works but I can't use the key I
    just paid for on 4.06, only on the crapped out 4.07 both the
    developer and gameport have available for download.

    Solution? Run 4.06. 4.07 is a piece of crap right now and from what it looks like, will continue to be. Contact me via netmail or email and I'll get you a working version of 4.06 (the same I'm running). I, too, registered LORD 4.07 and got screwed without the benefit of a reacharound.

    The reason you're having problems is because of the doorkit Michael used for 4.07 that 4.06 didn't use. He never finished modifying it correctly and everyone has that problem.


    // sean@outpostbbs.net | ICQ: 19965647 | http://outpostbbs.net

    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - Douglasville, GA - 770-489-1561 (1:18/200)
  • From Robert LaPrise to Sean Dennis on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 13:14:21

    Solution? Run 4.06. 4.07 is a piece of crap right now and from what it loo like, will continue to be. Contact me via netmail or email and I'll get you working version of 4.06 (the same I'm running). I, too, registered LORD 4.0 and got screwed without the benefit of a reacharound.

    Thanks, email should be there by the time you see this.

    During my google searches I ran across something on a Wiki where Michael refutes someone's assertion that he "doesn't care about LORD" by stating something along the liens of "you have no idea how much I care, but work and family take precedence over a hobby" or something to that effect.

    Unfortunately he appears not to grasp the fact that when you contract to work on something it is no longer a hobby. If he's not making any money on it
    then he negotiated a lousy contract, his fault not ours. But once a programmer contracts to continue the devleopment and maintenance of a product it is no longer a hobby it is a responsibility. If he can't deal with it he needs to sever the contract so gameport can find a new developer.

    I deal with developers at work day in day out, the majority are great people who aer asked to do the ridiculous by management and marketting. Defects happen (more and more frequently it seems) and there are only a few that try and blame someone or something else for it, and just like we're seeing with LORD there are those that just hide and ignore everyone. That latter
    solution may be a wonderful one for the developer but it does nothing to resolve the problems the customers ae seeing.

    Oh well, I'm one of those that would rather work with a surly, a-----e that knows what they are doing and gets the job done than a "nice guy" that's
    inept and avoids any accountability for their work.

    But then I more or less fall into the former category. I may not always know what I'm doing but I know when to say so, who to get help from (and more important where I work who not to) and when to say I'm in over my head.

    BTW, first email bounced so I'll send you my email via netmail. Boards
    only been in place about a week so I'm nowhere near ready to do Fido yet. Still have my old tossers and whanot, just not ready to deal with figuring
    out how it all works under Synchronet.

    Thanks again.

  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Robert LaPrise on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 13:41:37
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Robert LaPrise to All on Wed Jul 04 2007 02:39 am

    How the hell do you get 4.07 to work in DOS when:

    a - it appears the zip file was foobarred and has the wrong executables in i or b - there is a bug in the program and the developer has decided
    to bail on i

    did you download it from http://lord.lordlegacy.com/downloads/index.php

    if not, get it from there.

    developer, the "This version of LordCfg is not meant for your version of Lord" message and the "Internal error #38019" when doing a Lord /L really

    is this just a msg when you try to run it in linux?

    It runs in CMD.EXE in WinXP, wonderful, I don't run my board in Windows, I run it in Linux and DOSEMU

    well, if your issue is only linux related, and his release of lord was only meant for 'dos, then that is your fault for:

    [1] using linux to run your bbs
    [2] for not checking out lord 4.07 before you bought it. it IS 'try before
    you buy'

    really, if this is only a linux issue, i dont see how the author is responsible for making the game work on a platform it wasnt designed for.

    as for 4.06, there are reg codes out there that are quite easy to find, that may be why 4.07's scheme changed.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Rob Swindell to Jason Hud on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 16:55:50
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Jason Hud to Robert LaPrise on Wed Jul 04 2007 01:41 pm

    Lord" message and the "Internal error #38019" when doing a Lord /L really

    is this just a msg when you try to run it in linux?

    It runs in CMD.EXE in WinXP, wonderful, I don't run my board in Windows, run it in Linux and DOSEMU

    well, if your issue is only linux related, and his release of lord was only meant for 'dos, then that is your fault for:

    [1] using linux to run your bbs
    [2] for not checking out lord 4.07 before you bought it. it IS 'try before you buy'

    really, if this is only a linux issue, i dont see how the author is responsible for making the game work on a platform it wasnt designed for.

    Especially when there is a Linux version of LORD (4.07) already ported to that platform.

    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    Snapple "Real Fact" #135:
    A single coffee tree produces only about a pound of coffee beans per year. Norco, CA WX: 88.3°F, 41% humidity, 0 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Robert LaPrise on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 20:23:00
    Robert LaPrise wrote in a message to Sean Dennis:

    BTW, first email bounced so I'll send you my email via netmail.

    My email in my sig should work...sometimes there's problems with it. You can also reach me at hausmaus@darktech.org (I've had that address for at least 10 years now, but I don't use it that much). But I did get your netmail. :)

    Boards only been in place about a week so I'm nowhere near ready
    to do Fido yet. Still have my old tossers and whanot, just not
    ready to deal with figuring out how it all works under Synchronet.

    Synchronet isn't hard to do Fido. Just follow the manual and it'll work. It's
    one of the easier BBSes to set up Fido in, believe it or not. I ran Synchronet
    before and I disagree with people that say it's hard to configure (if they think that's hard, they should try setting up Squish and Maximus-all text-based
    configs :).


    // sean@outpostbbs.net | ICQ: 19965647 | http://outpostbbs.net

    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - Douglasville, GA - 770-489-1561 (1:18/200)
  • From Robert LaPrise to Sean Dennis on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 23:50:42

    think that's hard, they should try setting up Squish and Maximus-all text-ba configs :).

    Yea, did that a long time ago so I know what you mean. I just haven't looked into setting up the FIDO stuff yet, too many other things to do.

  • From Robert LaPrise to Jason Hud on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 23:59:03

    did you download it from http://lord.lordlegacy.com/downloads/index.php
    if not, get it from there.

    Yes, from there and from gameport, neither of them work in DOSEMU, only in Windows CMD shell. For your information Windows CMD shell is NOT DOS.

    well, if your issue is only linux related, and his release of lord was only meant for 'dos, then that is your fault for:

    [1] using linux to run your bbs [2] for not checking out lord 4.07
    before you bought it. it IS 'try before you buy'

    So choosing to use Linux is my fault? I guess it must be Rob's fault then for making a Linux version of Synchronet, or is it Linus' fault for making Linux?
    We can't all be Windows fanboys.

    Don't expect a nice answer if you can't be unbiased when you reply. 've been doign this on and off for a long time, if I would have had problems with DOS games in general in Linux I wouldn't have registered. But when 4.06 works
    and 4.07 doesn't that's not my issue, that's a development change.

  • From Robert LaPrise to Rob Swindell on Thursday, July 05, 2007 00:01:07

    Especially when there is a Linux version of LORD (4.07) already ported to th platform.

    Don't you think that if I could find the Linux version I'd be using it? Try the autoresponder that used to send the fiels out or try sending an email to Michael to get it. Maybe you might get a resposne but a lot of other people haven't.

  • From Rob Swindell to Robert LaPrise on Thursday, July 05, 2007 14:51:36
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Robert LaPrise to Jason Hud on Wed Jul 04 2007 11:59 pm

    did you download it from http://lord.lordlegacy.com/downloads/index.php if not, get it from there.

    Yes, from there and from gameport, neither of them work in DOSEMU, only in Windows CMD shell. For your information Windows CMD shell is NOT DOS.

    But if you're running the DOS version of LORD (from any Windows shell, whether it be cmd.exe, command.com or whatever), then it'll be run from the context of NTVDM (which IS DOS). If you're running the Win32 version of LORD, then that's a different animal (though it looks/acts much the same) and won't ever work with DOSEMU, of course.

    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    Snapple "Real Fact" #108:
    Licking a stamp burns 10 calories.
    Norco, CA WX: 89.0°F, 44% humidity, 2 mph NNE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
  • From Rob Swindell to Robert LaPrise on Thursday, July 05, 2007 14:52:41
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Robert LaPrise to Rob Swindell on Thu Jul 05 2007 12:01 am

    Especially when there is a Linux version of LORD (4.07) already ported to platform.

    Don't you think that if I could find the Linux version I'd be using it? Try the autoresponder that used to send the fiels out or try sending an email to Michael to get it. Maybe you might get a resposne but a lot of other people haven't.

    Perhaps not. But if you ask around you might find someone who does have a copy of it and is willing to share.

    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    Snapple "Real Fact" #133:
    Honeybees navigate by using the sun as a compass.
    Norco, CA WX: 89.0°F, 44% humidity, 2 mph NNE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Robert LaPrise on Thursday, July 05, 2007 16:06:20
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Robert LaPrise to Sean Dennis on Wed Jul 04 2007 01:14 pm

    Unfortunately he appears not to grasp the fact that when you contract to wor on something it is no longer a hobby. If he's not making any money on it then he negotiated a lousy contract, his fault not ours. But once a programmer contracts to continue the devleopment and maintenance of a produc it is no longer a hobby it is a responsibility. If he can't deal with it he needs to sever the contract so gameport can find a new developer.

    well, i think this 'contract' and his 'responsiblity' is none of your business. the details of his relationship with metro gameport [a shit
    company] is none of your business.

    look: i run lord and i have no problems. i probably have more people
    playing lord on my bbs and all the ones i maintain than you do.

    quit crying about it, it's just a bbs doorgame.
    run the doorgame if you want, and get over it.

    it's 2007 for christ's sake.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Rob Swindell on Thursday, July 05, 2007 16:07:06
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Rob Swindell to Jason Hud on Wed Jul 04 2007 04:55 pm

    really, if this is only a linux issue, i dont see how the author is responsible for making the game work on a platform it wasnt designed for.

    Especially when there is a Linux version of LORD (4.07) already ported to th platform.

    right, there are a few people in dovenet who run that flavor, though i can
    not recall their names.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Sean Dennis on Thursday, July 05, 2007 16:10:26
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Sean Dennis to Robert LaPrise on Wed Jul 04 2007 08:23 pm

    Synchronet isn't hard to do Fido. Just follow the manual and it'll work. I one of the easier BBSes to set up Fido in, believe it or not. I ran Synchro before and I disagree with people that say it's hard to configure (if they

    right, i'd say synchronet was designed to [1] work well on a network [2] work well with ftn.

    if a moron like me can set it up a ftn with synchronet [in very little time], anybody can.

    there's also some great faqs out with screenshots.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Robert LaPrise on Thursday, July 05, 2007 16:17:41
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Robert LaPrise to Jason Hud on Wed Jul 04 2007 11:59 pm

    Windows CMD shell. For your information Windows CMD shell is NOT DOS.

    geee, thank you for that information. i totally did not know that. i called
    it 'dos' to smooth it over with you.

    So choosing to use Linux is my fault? I guess it must be Rob's fault then fo

    no, choosing a software that **wasnt designed for linux**, NOT TESTING IT FIRST BEFORE PAYING FOR IT, and whining like a bitch about it because of your lack of forethought is your fault.

    if that version of lord wasnt meant to be run on linux,... how can you consider yourself rightious in complaining about it not working?

    it could be you have a well known sysop issue of tpibtkatc.

    We can't all be Windows fanboys.

    then run linux applications.

    games in general in Linux I wouldn't have registered.

    AGAIN. try before you buy. that is YOUR fault. you did not download/pay for
    a linux game. do you understand that?

    it seems that you are upset for your own lack of forethought and you are displacing your anger on the author.

    ask for your money back.

    Don't expect a nice answer if you can't be unbiased when you reply. 've bee

    sorry if i have a bias against people that blame people at length for their own mistakes. sort of a pet peeve of mine.

    i know people who have lord working with dosemu.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Robert LaPrise on Thursday, July 05, 2007 16:19:42
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Robert LaPrise to Rob Swindell on Thu Jul

    > Don't you think that if I could find the Linux version I'd be using it?
    the autoresponder that used to send the fiels out or try sending an email to Michael to get it. Maybe you might get a resposne but a lot of other people

    i'll get it for you.
    stay tuned.

    btw, i believe you would have to pay for a linux version.
    i'm not positive on this, i cant speak for anybody.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to all on Thursday, July 05, 2007 20:08:30
    Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Robert LaPrise to Rob Swindell on Thu Jul 05 2007 12:01 am

    Especially when there is a Linux version of LORD (4.07) already ported to platform.

    Don't you think that if I could find the Linux version I'd be using it? Try the autoresponder that used to send the fiels out or try sending an email to Michael to get it. Maybe you might get a resposne but a lot of other people haven't.

    Perhaps not. But if you ask around you might find someone who does have a copy of it and is willing to share.

    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)


    lord 4.07 beta for linux. took me a few minutes to get it.

    it is confirmed as working, and with igms.
    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Robert LaPrise to Rob Swindell on Friday, July 06, 2007 02:42:30

    As far as I can tell it's the DOS version, there is nothing indicating it is Windows Native. However, I dug up a floppy and a MS-DOS 6.22 image and
    booted the laptop straight into DOS with the LORD files on the disk as well. DOSEMU or the actual old DOS we used to use all the time, the game won't work on either.

    I bin diffed the exe's from gameport and from lordlegacy, same files on both. If you read the README.NOW file it says verbatim: "Type LOCAL from DOS, node
    0 has been pre-defined as a local node." Well this puppy isn't going
    anywhere in DOS, and if it can't run on MS-DOS 6.22 then it's a WinDOS program not a DOS program AFAIK. What the NT based versions of windows run may be able to handle DOS programs but from the purist standpoint (and a lot of the babble I've heard from guys working on OpenDOS and FreeDOS) it's not really DOS.

    The publicly available version of 4.07 may be called the DOS version but it won't run on it.

  • From Robert LaPrise to Jason Hud on Friday, July 06, 2007 02:49:59

    Dude it won't run in DOS, period. Get an old DOS disk and try it.

    Now, I'm frustrated and I was looking for some assistance from some of the other posters. Instead all I get is lip from a smarmy little twit like you.

    2007, like hell, you're just as bad as the 14 year olds whose parents never paid any attention to them so they'd go raise hell all over everyones boards back in the 80's and 90's.

    If you can't be helpful then just go away.

  • From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to Jason Hud on Friday, July 06, 2007 15:12:28
    Perhaps not. But if you ask around you might find someone who does have a
    copy of it and is willing to share.
    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    lord 4.07 beta for linux. took me a few minutes to get it.
    it is confirmed as working, and with igms.

    Its nice of you Jason to post that BETA for others to use for several reasons. 1. No one seems to be able to get Preslar to send them *ANY* betas of LORD in the last six+ months - that I have ever heard of. 2. You being nice to people is very appreciated by readers of this echo.

    Regarding the statement about Lord for Linux working with IGMs, that does not make sense to me. I know of absolutely no one who has even written an Lord/X IGM to date. Until Michael stopped responding to email inquiries about LORD, he personally had told me in summer 2006 that he did NOT know yet how to get Lord/X to run igms. LORD for OS/2 is unable to run igms also. You can ONLY run
    igms with DOS LORD and with LORD for Windows. If that situation has changed, I
    need to know who exactly wants Linux Lord IGms, and is interested in making them.

    Only two people that I know of have actually made available publicly igms that work with LORD for Windows. Myself and Jay Hodges. His igms are official releases, whereas mine is in inactive development due to lack of feedback on how it works. Its hard to spend time on something when you don't know if it even works on other people's computers after all.

    This entire "Preslar is dead" storyline is a waste of everyone's time. I've been assured by at least two people that he is still alive. I think its time for people to drop the "he's dead" topic.

    I'm trying to keep out of this "Preslar abandoned LORD" issue, since I keep putting my foot in my mouth a lot as a result. But I just felt that the "Linux
    Lord works with IGMs" topic needed a response. Donald.

    P.S. Bryan Turner did a Mosh Pit igm version that works with Lord for Linux I think, but it was released three or so years ago. Which was long before Michael figured out how to get Lord/32 4.07 beta to work with IGMs.

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Donald Tidmore on Friday, July 06, 2007 15:28:40
    Re: Re: This version of LordCfg...
    By: Donald Tidmore to Jason Hud on Fri Jul 06 2007 03:12 pm

    Its nice of you Jason to post that BETA for others to use for several reason 1. No one seems to be able to get Preslar to send them *ANY* betas of LORD i

    Well, people are not supposed to post beta software.

    btw, TLDR

    keep your replies down to under 2 pages, please.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Donald Tidmore on Friday, July 06, 2007 16:13:59
    Perhaps not. But if you ask around you might find someone who does have a >> copy of it and is willing to share.
    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    I'm trying to keep out of this "Preslar abandoned LORD" issue, since I keep putting my foot in my mouth a lot as a result. But I just felt that the "Linux Lord works with IGMs" topic needed a response. Donald.

    well that igms comment was just an after thought.

    i MEANT it worked with jay's lord linux igms.

    does someone have it working with regular 16 bit igms? i'm sure someone is doing it. Is it impossible to get it working with 16bit igms?

    Anything is possible, but skiing through a revolving door.
    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Jason Hud@1:124/7013 to Jason Hud on Friday, July 06, 2007 18:12:19
    Perhaps not. But if you ask around you might find someone who does have a >> copy of it and is willing to share.
    digital man (xbox-live: digitlman)

    I'm trying to keep out of this "Preslar abandoned LORD" issue, since I keep putting my foot in my mouth a lot as a result. But I just felt that the "Linux Lord works with IGMs" topic needed a response. Donald.

    well that igms comment was just an after thought.

    i MEANT it worked with jay's lord linux igms.

    does someone have it working with regular 16 bit igms? i'm sure someone is doing it. Is it impossible to get it working with 16bit igms?

    Anything is possible, but skiing through a revolving door.

    BTW, if i'm wrong about the linux igms, let it go.

    i could be wrong, i havent seen jay's linux bbs in over a year.


    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Donald Tidmore@1:261/38 to Jason Hud on Saturday, July 07, 2007 16:32:28
    well that igms comment was just an after thought.
    i MEANT it worked with jay's lord linux igms.
    does someone have it working with regular 16 bit igms? i'm sure someone is doing it. Is it impossible to get it working with 16bit igms?
    Anything is possible, but skiing through a revolving door.

    I have no firsthand knowledge of the 32-bit igms situation other than for the Lord/32 game's usage of them. All of the LORD versions use the same data files
    names, but in different ways. They all use a 3rdparty.dat file, but only DOS LORD and LORD/32 can actually RUN an igm that is listed in one.

    DOS LORD can not run a LORD/32 igm, and vice-versa. The 32-bit versions of LORD use a different structure for the player.dat file. The structures for DOS
    LORD use one set of variable names and variable types, whereas LORD/32 has to use a different set. One was designed for Turbo/Borland Pascal by Seth Robinson (DOS Lord), and the other was designed by Preslar to only work with Free Pascal v2.00, Virtual Pascal v2.19, and I think Borland Delphi (LORD/32).
    Preslar gave me instructions in June 2006 for compiling a 32-bit LORD igm, however, they don't work for me since my Windows XP system installation of Free
    Pascal v2.00 refuses to compile the Manndoor Toolkit component files.

    The 3rdparty.dat file format is reversed in LORD/32 where the IGM Title line comes first, then the command line is listed. And it integrates the INFO node number reference into the command line. Whereas the DOS LORD 3rdparty.dat file
    starts with those text lines designed by Seth Able, then you have the actual 2-line sets for each installed igm. The command line that LORD executes comes first, followed by the igm title line.

    If you want to know more information on how Lord/32 igms are designed, you can check out a 32igms.zip archive that Preslar released for people to use last summer in 2006. I think there is a copy on the Camelot LordNews FDN in the Lordfile directory. http://www.filegate.net/camelot/ if you want to check it out. Donald

    --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)
  • From michael preslar@1:124/7013 to Donald Tidmore on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 00:25:14
    I have no firsthand knowledge of the 32-bit igms situation other than for the

    Lord/32 game's usage of them. All of the LORD versions use the same data
    names, but in different ways. They all use a 3rdparty.dat file, but only DOS

    LORD and LORD/32 can actually RUN an igm that is listed in one.

    Fact: Lord, Lord/32, lord/x, and Lord/2 all use the same data files the
    same way. The files are named the same, the structures are the same, and
    the data within these files are used the same way no matter what
    platform the game is running on.

    I can only guess that DonDon's ASSumption here is because he doesn't
    know how to use the compilers properly.

    DOS LORD can not run a LORD/32 igm, and vice-versa.

    What? DonDon speaks truth? Woah! When did this happen?

    Lord running Lord/anything IGMS: A 16bit environment (Dos) cannot run a
    32bit program (Lord/32 and any IGMs made for it)

    Dos Lord IGMs running on Lord/32: This is theoretically possible, but
    not through Lord/32 itself. The theory is that the IGM would have to run
    a comport/fossil emulator that pipes input and output to a Windows COMM
    handle before the IGM runs.. Why? Dos IGMs talk to either a comport (or
    if theyre properly written) a fossil. Win32 programs talk to a COMM
    handle. comport != COMM handle.

    The structures for DOS
    LORD use one set of variable names and variable types, whereas LORD/32 has to

    use a different set. One was designed for Turbo/Borland Pascal by Seth Robinson (DOS Lord), and the other was designed by Preslar to only work with Free Pascal v2.00, Virtual Pascal v2.19, and I think Borland Delphi

    Ah. I know where DonDon's assumption comes from. Lord's player.dat
    structure includes a field called "class". That is a protected word in
    32bit compilers that include OOP support. So, while I was working out
    the rest of the code, I had an {$ifdef FORDOS} class: integer; {$else}
    pclass: integer; {$endif}.. Then I found the Right Way to do that,
    turned off OOP support, and was able to use "class" as a field name again.

    Preslar gave me instructions in June 2006 for compiling a 32-bit LORD igm, however, they don't work for me since my Windows XP system installation of
    Pascal v2.00 refuses to compile the Manndoor Toolkit component files.

    Funny thing about most doorkits: You get the entire source to it and can
    use it in most any way you want. Which means that had DonDon found an
    issue, he could have fixed it himself. Or at least emailed Rick Parrish ("Manning", Manndoor's author) or myself. DonDon did not.

    Most likely, DonDon ran into a compiler directive issue. More
    specifically, DonDon was probably running {$H-} in his IGM sources, but Manndoor, by default, runs as {$H+}. The fix: Change (or add) {$H-} to manndoor.pas

    The 3rdparty.dat file format is reversed in LORD/32 where the IGM Title line comes first, then the command line is listed. And it integrates the INFO

    That was a temporary bug for like a week while I was polishing the
    Lord/32 IGM support.
    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From michael preslar@1:124/7013 to Donald Tidmore on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 01:02:56
    1. No one seems to be able to get Preslar to send them *ANY* betas of LORD in

    the last six+ months - that I have ever heard of.

    I haven't sent out betas since like September or October.. Not publicly, anyway. There was some work done on lord/x and lord/32. But you wouldn't
    know that since you weren't involved.

    Until Michael stopped responding to email inquiries about LORD,

    "Until Michael stopped responding to _my_ email"

    There. Fixed.

    he personally had told me in summer 2006 that he did NOT know yet how to get Lord/X to run igms. LORD for OS/2 is unable to run igms also. You can ONLY
    igms with DOS LORD and with LORD for Windows. If that situation has changed,
    need to know who exactly wants Linux Lord IGms, and is interested in making them.

    1) "summer 2006".. Long time ago. Who knows what might have changed
    since then.

    2) "If the situation has changed, I need to know". Why?

    releases, whereas mine is in inactive development due to lack of feedback on how it works.

    Let me ask a hypothetical question. If I didn't get any feedback, would
    it be okay for me to chill out for awhile?

    This entire "Preslar is dead" storyline is a waste of everyone's time. I've been assured by at least two people that he is still alive. I think its time

    for people to drop the "he's dead" topic.

    I died. Seriously. A yak with emphysema tried to take my cig, so I bull
    rushed him. But he was much bigger than I was, and trampled me. At least
    it wasn't as embarrassing as my wedding night. These days, people talk
    to my ghost.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From michael preslar@1:124/7013 to Robert LaPrise on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 01:11:04
    Robert LaPrise wrote:
    The publicly available version of 4.07 may be called the DOS version but it won't run on it.

    Lord 4.07 is a Dos binary, created using a compiler that can only create
    16bit Dos programs.

    The copy you had (I emailed you the patch tonight) would not run on
    DosEmu or OS/2.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: Data Stream - telnet://dsbbs.net - www.dsbbs.net (1:124/7013)
  • From Robert LaPrise to michael preslar on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 01:17:04

    Thanks Michael, sorry for any headaches. As I replied to you DOS 6.22 same
    e but if you've got a handle on it no worries.

    You've handled this very professionally and I thank you and apologize for any misconceptions I may have had on your involvment with the game development.