• KK Hovercraft Service in Borneo launched

    From KK@1:379/45 to All on Friday, February 16, 2007 06:47:02
    From: KK<cheekymonkey4_u@yahoo.com>

    http://hanger36.blogspot.com/2007/02/hovercraft-service.html - The 15km hovercraft service from the city and 1Borneo (phase one development of this service) will only take 15 minutes (Confirmed) - or one km per minute. Alleged terror plot suspected http://hanger36.blogspot.com/2007/02/terror-plot-suspecte
    d.html .

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Albert Sims@1:379/45 to KK on Friday, February 16, 2007 06:06:12
    From: Albert Sims <alsims65@nospamhotmail.com>

    KK wrote:
    The 15km hovercraft service from the city and 1Borneo (phase one development of this service) will only take 15 minutes (Confirmed) - or one km per minute.

    But is it full of eels?
    Albert Sims
    West Monroe,Louisiana

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)
  • From Captain Ozone@1:379/45 to Albert Sims on Friday, February 16, 2007 17:09:30
    From: "Captain Ozone" <CaptainOzone.1@netzero.diespammerdie.com>

    MIne eyes have seen the glory of these words from *Albert Sims*:

    KK wrote:
    The 15km hovercraft service from the city and 1Borneo (phase one development >> of this service) will only take 15 minutes (Confirmed) - or one km per

    But is it full of eels?

    "My nipples explode with delight!"

    The *Original* Captain Ozone

    ...and I approved this message.

    --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-5
    * Origin: FidoNet MONTE <--> alt.fan.monty-python (1:379/45)