• Mystic Web Server?

    From Jeff Smith@1:282/1031 to All on Wednesday, April 01, 2020 01:10:40

    Hello everybody!

    Since the switch from BBBS over to the current version of Mystic
    here I have been exploring Mystic's web server capabilities. I have
    been wanting to add pages hosted by Mystic that use PHP files to
    function. I would also like to add links to the filebase but I may
    have to provide direct links to file groups and individual files.

    Has anyone explored Mystic's HTTP capabilities and limitations?


    --- Mystic v1.12 A46 (2020/03/29) GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: The OuijaBoard BBS - bbs.ouijabrd.net (1:282/1031)