• 'conflicted' files

    From Black Panther@1:317/3 to G00r00 on Thursday, November 25, 2021 23:42:50
    Hi g00r00,

    This may be a stupid question, but I've seen a few times now, where I'll be working on an MPL, and I'll get files that are renamed as filename[conflicted].ext.

    I'm currently working on updating a MPL from a few years ago, and it keeps it own log file. The log file is now getting renamed to 'conflicted'.

    I'm guessing this is caused by some attempt to write to an file that's unopened? Is this a general 'catch-all' type of event that happens when there is an error somewhere? It would just give me somewhere to start looking for the problem. :)

    In the past, I've seen this with the .mpx files, and also with the chat#.dat files.

    Any clarity you can provide would be greatly appreciated.



    Black Panther(RCS)
    aka Dan Richter
    Castle Rock BBS
    The sparrows are flying again...

    ... Confucius say: "Its stuffy inside fortune cookie"

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/09/07 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - bbs.castlerockbbs.com (1:317/3)
  • From g00r00@1:129/215 to Black Panther on Saturday, November 27, 2021 14:38:47
    I'm currently working on updating a MPL from a few years ago, and it
    keeps it own log file. The log file is now getting renamed to 'conflicted'.

    unopened? Is this a general 'catch-all' type of event that happens when there is an error somewhere? It would just give me somewhere to start looking for the problem. :)

    There is nothing in Mystic that does this that I can think of anyway. Are you using a networked file share of some sort that could be doing this while there are conflicts in files? Or a VMware with shared directories or anything like that?

    ... As a matter of fact, it IS a banana in my pocket!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/11/24 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Sector 7 * Mystic WHQ (1:129/215)
  • From Black Panther@1:317/3 to g00r00 on Saturday, November 27, 2021 15:18:18
    On 27 Nov 2021, 02:38p, g00r00 said the following...

    There is nothing in Mystic that does this that I can think of anyway.
    Are you using a networked file share of some sort that could be doing
    this while there are conflicts in files? Or a VMware with shared directories or anything like that?

    Nope. This is on my test system, which everything is run locally. I do have network file shares, but nothing with this drive.

    I do think I might have found, at least part, of the problem. I was logged into Mystic, using ./mystic -l, and also logged into another node with the same user name. (I had one terminal at 80x25, and one at 132x37) After noticing the issue with the 'conflicted' files, I did see in the error.log that Mystic couldn't write to the chat1.dat file. It looked like I still had active logins to Mystic, but both the chat1.dat and chat2.dat files were missing.

    This is running a slightly older pre-alpha version of Mystic, (2021/08/29) so maybe I really need to update... ;) I'm wondering if it might be related to the issue that someone else had with being dropped to a command prompt when running locally...


    Black Panther(RCS)
    aka Dan Richter
    Castle Rock BBS
    The sparrows are flying again...

    ... My software never has bugs. It just develops random features...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/09/07 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - bbs.castlerockbbs.com (1:317/3)
  • From g00r00@1:129/215 to Black Panther on Sunday, November 28, 2021 10:12:02
    132x37) After noticing the issue with the 'conflicted' files, I did see

    This is running a slightly older pre-alpha version of Mystic,
    (2021/08/29) so maybe I really need to update... ;) I'm wondering if it might be related to the issue that someone else had with being dropped
    to a command prompt when running locally...

    You should update but I think they are probably unrelated. In the case of the 'conflicted' filenaming, there is nothing in Mystic that does any sort of 'conflicted' file renaming so is coming from your OS or other software via editors or during replication, etc. To make sure my brain isn't completely spacing out I searched the source code for the word 'conflict' but the only mention of it is the 'File Conflicts' setting for BINKP servers.

    Can you provide more specifics about which files are being renamed to filename[conflicted].ext? If you are trying to edit MPL while running/compiling it, maybe the OS is doing it or the editor you are using to edit the source file is doing it when it is not able to save?

    ... Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. - Einstein

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/11/24 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Sector 7 * Mystic WHQ (1:129/215)
  • From Black Panther@1:317/3 to g00r00 on Sunday, November 28, 2021 11:55:08
    On 28 Nov 2021, 10:12a, g00r00 said the following...

    You should update but I think they are probably unrelated. In the case

    I've updated my test system here to 2021/11/24, but haven't had a lot of time to do much testing...

    of the 'conflicted' filenaming, there is nothing in Mystic that does any sort of 'conflicted' file renaming so is coming from your OS or other software via editors or during replication, etc. To make sure my brain

    Usually, what I'll do, is have a terminal window, or two, open and running mystic -l. These are usually open while I'm working on an MPL, but they would not be actively running them.

    I'll then have Geany open on the other monitor, with the MPS file. I have a hotkey set up in Geany to run MPLC on that MPS file.

    Then I'll run the MPL from one of the terminal windows for testing.

    isn't completely spacing out I searched the source code for the word 'conflict' but the only mention of it is the 'File Conflicts' setting
    for BINKP servers.

    Thank you for checking. :)

    Can you provide more specifics about which files are being renamed to filename[conflicted].ext? If you are trying to edit MPL while

    I have deleted a lot of the conflicted files, but here is a list of ones still on my test system:
    history [conflicted].dat
    mystic [conflicted].dat
    mystic [conflicted 2].dat
    mystic [conflicted 3].dat
    mystic [conflicted 4].dat
    nodeinfo (conflicted).now
    nodeinfo (conflicted 1).now
    nodeinfo (conflicted 2).now
    nodeinfo [conflicted 2].now
    nodeinfo [conflicted].now
    rcslogin [conflicted 7].mpx
    users [conflicted 6].dat
    winter [conflicted].mps
    winter [conflicted].mpx

    I have had some of the .log files show the 'conflicted' as well.

    running/compiling it, maybe the OS is doing it or the editor you are
    using to edit the source file is doing it when it is not able to save?

    I do have Geany set up to auto-save every 5 minutes, but I'll save before I compile it. Also, I'm not sure why there would be any issues with the mystic.dat, or even nodeinfo.now files, as I don't mess with those files at all.

    I have to head into work now, but have tomorrow off. I'll see if I can do some investigating, and run some tests with the new pre-alpha as well.

    Thank you for taking a look at this. It's not a major problem. It's more of an inconvenience. :)


    Black Panther(RCS)
    aka Dan Richter
    Castle Rock BBS
    The sparrows are flying again...

    ... Press any key to continue or any other key to quit...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/09/07 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Castle Rock BBS - bbs.castlerockbbs.com (1:317/3)