• Rapha‰l Vanney

    From Eddy Thilleman@1:2320/38.3 to Mike Tripp on Monday, July 09, 2001 18:20:11
    Hello Mike,

    Monday 09 July 2001 09:16, Mike Tripp wrote to Mike Luther:

    try to locate an old copy of SQFILTER, by Raphaël Vanney. His SQTOOL
    was a rewrite of SQFILTER, after he lost the source to SQFILTER in a
    disk crash. SQTOOL got new features, but unfortunately didn't retain
    =all= of the old ones from SQFILTER.

    Do you know if Raphaël Vanney is still around somewhere and if I could get in contact with him? I tried to get in contact with him about his SqTool, but unfortunately I didn't get any reply and my email messages bounced back.

    Greetings -=Eddy=-

    email: e.thilleman@freeler.nl

    ... A computer's attention span is as long as its power cord.
    --- GoldED/2 3.0.1
    * Origin: Classic oxymoron: Common sense. (1:2320/38.3)
  • From Mike Tripp@1:382/61.1 to Eddy Thilleman on Wednesday, July 11, 2001 02:25:49
    Hello Eddy.

    10 Jul 01 01:20, Eddy Thilleman wrote to Mike Tripp:

    Do you know if Raphaël Vanney is still around somewhere and if I could
    get in contact with him? I tried to get in contact with him about his SqTool, but unfortunately I didn't get any reply and my email messages bounced back.

    Nope, sorry... He disappeared from Fido some years ago and I haven't encountered him again since, personally.

    I also thought I killed this message before it was scanned out...oops. After checking my BAT/CMD files, it was NetMgr that had the export to file functions,
    not SQTOOL/SQFILTER. I do use SQTOOL to kill spam in gated newsgroups and it has an action that can call an external program based on message content...but it doesn't pass the message content to that external proggy.


    --- GoldED/2 2.50+
    * Origin: TechKnowledgy at Work (1:382/61.1)
  • From Eddy Thilleman@1:2320/38.3 to Mike Tripp on Saturday, July 14, 2001 04:54:33
    Hello Mike,

    Wednesday 11 July 2001 09:25, Mike Tripp wrote to Eddy Thilleman:

    I also thought I killed this message before it was scanned out...oops. After checking my BAT/CMD files, it was NetMgr that had the export to
    file functions, not SQTOOL/SQFILTER. I do use SQTOOL to kill spam in
    gated newsgroups and it has an action that can call an external
    program based on message content...but it doesn't pass the message
    content to that external proggy.

    I would want to replace Sqtool with a program I want to write, but for which I haven't had time. The obstacle is that I don't have any knowdledge yet about Fidonet messagefiles, so when I start with this I need lots of time to investigate this matter. Only after that I understand the matter and with that knowdledge I can write (better) software in VP/2, starting with the MKMSG port by Pab Sungenis.

    Greetings -=Eddy=-

    email: e.thilleman@freeler.nl

    ... You have been hacking too long, when you dream and try to set breakpoints. --- GoldED/2 3.0.1
    * Origin: If at first you don't succeed, call it NT. (1:2320/38.3)
  • From Eddy Thilleman@1:2320/38.3 to Marc Lewis on Saturday, August 04, 2001 15:06:44
    Hello Marc,

    Thursday 02 August 2001 22:48, Marc Lewis wrote to Eddy Thilleman:

    that he was not dealing with the Fido stuff any longer. In fact I
    believe he told me that he had dumped it completely. Source included.

    He deleted his source? That's really pitty. I really wanted to improve his SqTool program.

    Greetings -=Eddy=-

    netmail: 2:280/5003.10 1:2320/38.3
    email: e.thilleman@freeler.nl

    ... Window's down. (R)etry (Q)uit (G)et a Mac
    --- GoldED/2 3.0.1
    * Origin: "Am I the only one who finds this funny?" - Quark (1:2320/38.3)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Eddy Thilleman on Thursday, August 02, 2001 15:48:55
    Hello Eddy.

    <On 10Jul2001 01:20 Eddy Thilleman (1:2320/38.3) wrote a message to Mike Tripp regarding Raphaël Vanney >

    Do you know if Raphaël Vanney is still around somewhere and if I
    could get in contact with him? I tried to get in contact with him
    about his SqTool, but unfortunately I didn't get any reply and my
    email messages bounced back.

    Regrettably, the last time I e-mailed him a few years back he said that he was not dealing with the Fido stuff any longer. In fact I believe he told me that he had dumped it completely. Source included. BIG FROWN.

    Best regards,

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS New Orleans 1-504-897-6006 USR33k6 (1:396/45)