• Netmgr

    From Gord Hannah@1:17/23.1 to Sean Dennis on Saturday, August 14, 2004 07:02:07
    Following up a message from Torsten Bamberg to Sean Dennis About Netmail bot?:

    it processes? I've got NetMgr here but I can't seem to figure out how to

    NetMgr SEND -fc:\autoexec.bat -simm -#1:138/211

    Attach the file c:\autoexec.bat, with 'immediate' status, to 1:138/211.

    The above is from the manual.

    So lets try this: Netmgr Send -f [drive]:\infopack\infopack.txt (zip)
    -simm {node}.

    Once one understands Netmgr (I don't fully) it can be used for manipulation of echo mail and netmail alike.

    Hope this helps. Keep us posted.

    We are a fine board trying to make it better.
    Cheers! Gord
    -=Team OS/2=-
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Marsh BBS (c), Dawson Creek, BC Canada (1:17/23.1)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Gord Hannah on Saturday, August 14, 2004 12:22:09
    Hello, Gord.

    On 14 Aug 04 at 06:02, Gord Hannah wrote to Sean Dennis:

    Once one understands Netmgr (I don't fully) it can be used for manipulation of echo mail and netmail alike.

    Thanks! It seems I can use NetMgr to do this in every network but Fidonet (I was told no routed email attachments nor uuencoded messages), so at least it'll
    work otherwise.

    I'd been reading the manual, but I didn't really get it very well... thank you for the tip. :)


    // hausmaus@darktech.org | http://midnightshour.org | AIM: eekahausmaus

    --- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-21020
    * Origin: Outpost BBS - outpostbbs.us (1:18/200)