*** Quoting Peter Knapper to Rich Wonneberger dated 12-11-04 ***
Well it should be, but we are in the middle of a bit of a blow and a
cold snap as I type. We expect a daily average of around 25c about this
time, but its only 20c at 16:45 today.
Its been cold here, single digits at night.
*** Quoting Peter Knapper to Rich Wonneberger dated 12-11-04 ***
Mind you, the temp doesn't seem to affect my OS/2 BBS too much (keeping
on topic here......;-))
I run my AC 24/7 when warm weather comes. I don't want OS/2 to overheat. :}
... Getting better - not older!
* Origin: Turtil's Pond BBS. Monroe NY 845-783-2106 (1:2624/50)