Sean Dennis wrote in a message to All on Sat Jan 29 2005 at 21:29:
I've got DOORWAY configured on here to allow me to drop to DOS, but
I'd like to figure out a way for me to drop to CMD.EXE from remote
(I have the option triple-passworded, so it's not easy to get to
:). Anyone know how I can do that? I can pass the OS/2 com
handle, com port to the program.
Here's how I do it:
UsrLocal Xtern_Run 4OS2.EXE Sysop "OS/2 Shell"
UsrRemote Xtern_Run MAXPIPE.EXE_%P_CMD Sysop "OS/2 Shell"
UsrRemote Xtern_Run Os2You.EXE_-l_%%%P_-f_100_-t_DOORWAY_-e_4OS2.EXE Sysop "Wahlgren OS/2 Shell"
UsrRemote Xtern_Run 4OS2_/C_DOORWAY_COM%k_/m:32767_/b:a_/o:t_/v:d_/s:*_/b:m_/c:dos Sysop "Doorway OS/2 Shell"
- Bob
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--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: COMM Port OS/2 (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000)