• Binkleyterm 2.60/2

    From Michael Balcos@1:106/2000 to All on Thursday, May 25, 2006 05:18:22
    I'm having some trouble setting up Binkleyterm 2.60/2. This is what I get:

    + 25 May 16:23:18 BINK begin, BinkleyTerm-OS/2 Ver. 2.60 -IBMC/2
    ! 25 May 16:23:18 BINK No BOSS in the nodelist
    ! 25 May 16:23:18 BINK System misconfigured or no entry in Nodelist
    + 25 May 16:23:18 BINK end, BinkleyTerm-OS/2 Ver. 2.60 -IBMC/2

    I compiled the latest fidonet nodelist using qnode for os/2. i used the version
    7 format. I used a dummy address of 6:64/77 in binkleyterm and the qnode.cfg. The path to the nodelist under binkley.cfg is d:\qnode\. i've also set the filename to nodex.dat in binkley.cfg. i haven't added the dummy address in the nodelist since qnode gives a crc error if i did that. btw, i used e and tedit to insert the dummy address in the nodelist to no avail. i've also told binkleyterm to use the version 7 format of the nodelist. what am i doing wrong?

    --- Maximus/2 3.01
    * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 juge.com (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000)
  • From Andrew Leary@1:320/119.1 to Michael Balcos on Thursday, May 25, 2006 11:53:58
    Michael Balcos wrote in a message to All:

    I'm having some trouble setting up Binkleyterm 2.60/2. This is what
    I get:

    + 25 May 16:23:18 BINK begin, BinkleyTerm-OS/2 Ver. 2.60 -IBMC/2 !
    25 May 16:23:18 BINK No BOSS in the nodelist
    ! 25 May 16:23:18 BINK System misconfigured or no entry in Nodelist
    + 25 May 16:23:18 BINK end, BinkleyTerm-OS/2 Ver. 2.60 -IBMC/2

    I compiled the latest fidonet nodelist using qnode for os/2. i used
    the version 7 format. I used a dummy address of 6:64/77 in
    binkleyterm and the qnode.cfg. The path to the nodelist under
    binkley.cfg is d:\qnode\. i've also set the filename to nodex.dat
    in binkley.cfg. i haven't added the dummy address in the nodelist
    since qnode gives a crc error if i did that. btw, i used e and
    tedit to insert the dummy address in the nodelist to no avail. i've
    also told binkleyterm to use the version 7 format of the nodelist.
    what am i doing wrong? :(

    BinkleyTerm by default expects that your primary address (first Address keyword
    in Binkley.Cfg) is listed in the compiled nodelist. To accomplish this, you can either use a V7 nodelist editor program such as BONK to add the entry directly to your compiled nodelist, or you can compile in an additional private
    nodelist which contains the entries for your dummy address. Check the QNode docs for more information on how to add a private nodelist. This approach is IMHO the best way, since it will prevent problems with your system if for some reason your entry disappears from the distribution nodelist.


    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Bits & Bytes BBS * V.Everything * 860/535-4284 (1:320/119.1)
  • From Michael Balcos@1:106/2000 to Andrew Leary on Friday, May 26, 2006 09:07:56
    BinkleyTerm by default expects that your primary address (first Address keyword in Binkley.Cfg) is listed in the compiled
    nodelist. To accomplish this, you can either use a V7
    nodelist editor program such as BONK to add the entry

    Thanks for the help. At last, it is running. :) I have a new problem. I need spawnbbs.cmd to run maximus. My problem is I can't pass the log filenames and the node numbers for my multinode Maximus setup. Node 1 uses max1.log, node 2 uses max2.log, etc. How can I solve this? :(

    --- Maximus/2 3.01
    * Origin: COMM Port OS/2 juge.com (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000)
  • From Bob Jones@1:343/41 to Michael Balcos on Friday, May 26, 2006 22:09:38
    Thanks for the help. At last, it is running. :) I have
    a new problem. I need spawnbbs.cmd to run maximus. My
    problem is I can't pass the log filenames and the node
    numbers for my multinode Maximus setup. Node 1 uses
    max1.log, node 2 uses max2.log, etc. How can I solve
    this? :(

    My spawnbbs.cmd looks something like:
    === cut here ===
    echo on
    cd %BBSROOT%\max
    MAXP -p%3 -b%2 -t%4 -n1
    if errorlevel 80 goto error
    if errorlevel 13 goto end
    if errorlevel 12 goto echomail
    if errorlevel 11 goto netmail
    if errorlevel 5 goto localmail
    goto end

    cd %BBSROOT%\max
    maxp.exe -p%3 -n1 -r
    if errorlevel 80 goto error
    if errorlevel 13 goto end
    if errorlevel 12 goto echomail
    if errorlevel 11 goto netmail
    if errorlevel 5 goto localmail
    goto end

    start "Node 1 - Squish" /I /C %BBSROOT%\bink\node1\max-sq.cmd ECHOMAIL %BBSDRIVE%
    cd %BBSROOT%\max
    goto end

    start "Node 1 - Squish" /I /C %BBSROOT%\bink\node1\max-sq.cmd NETMAIL %BBSDRIVE%
    cd %BBSROOT%\max
    rem scanbld user.bbs area.dat local matrix
    goto end

    rem scanbld user.bbs area.dat local
    rem goto end

    === cut here ===


    (1) %BBSROOT% and %BBSDRIVE% are defined else where so I can shuffle what partition things are on without major control file changes.

    (2) You need to have multi-node capability turned on in both Max and Bink.

    (3) There is something I did in the Max control files to have logs, etc., named based on the "node" number.... Ah, yes.... some of my file name entries
    in the max control files are like:

    Log File <path>\max*.log

    Which allows the node number to get substituted into the file name. So, node 1, uses log file max01.log.

    Take care.....

    Bob Jones, 1:343/41

    --- Maximus/2 3.01
    * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41)
  • From Mike Tripp@1:382/61 to Michael Balcos on Sunday, May 28, 2006 02:26:16
    Hello Michael!

    26 May 06 08:07, Michael Balcos wrote to Andrew Leary:

    Thanks for the help. At last, it is running. :) I have a new problem.
    I need spawnbbs.cmd to run maximus. My problem is I can't pass the log filenames and the node numbers for my multinode Maximus setup. Node 1
    uses max1.log, node 2 uses max2.log, etc. How can I solve this? :(

    Declare the log file in MAX.CTL as "MAX*.LOG" and Max will sub the task number for the asterisk to make MAX01.LOG, if started as node 1 by -n1 parm, MAX02.LOG
    if started with -n2, etc. The unique -n parameter would need to be added to the spawnbbs line that loads max within each spawnbbs.cmd/bat.


    --- GoldED 2.50+
    * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61)