• TelNet for OS/2 BBS

    From Mike Luther@1:117/3001 to All on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 21:22:28
    Is there any other TelNet interface other than VMODEM as part of SIO and SIO2K which works with OS/2 for BBS applications?

    I've properly licensed multiple copies of both SIO and SIO2K for multiple sites. Never had any trouble with either in the operation of VMODEM for TelNet

    However, I long ago hit an issue with HuperAccess Pro for OS/2 in connections to remote host operations with HHost on phone line connections for full remote OS/2 desktop use with SIO2K if that is in use with the HyoerAccess Pro system used for connections. I've had to back-level the box I use here to SIO in order to complete the remote desktop connection to HHOST over the phone lines.

    It makes no difference as far as I have been able to determine whether the HHost box is running SIO or SIO2K at that end. Nor, as far as I can tell, does
    this have anything to do, as I'd expect, with TCP/IP connections between HyperAccess Pro and HHost.

    I'd like to do further research on this in the case where either or both the HHost and HyperAccess Pro units were not running SIO or SIO2K at all. That while using the standard OS/2 COMM driver operations for modem use. But in this case I'd need some other way of offering TelNet for use with ZOC and other
    TelNet login to the Bink/Max operations that are also a part of a box needing phone line connection at the same time to the full OS/2 desktop using HHost and
    HyperAccess Pro.

    Thanks for any thoughts here.

    Sleep well; OS/2's still awake! ;)

    Mike @ 1:117/3001

    --- Maximus/2 3.01
    * Origin: Ziplog Public Port (1:117/3001)
  • From Gord Hannah@1:17/23 to Mike Luther on Thursday, November 29, 2007 07:26:15
    Replying to a message from Mike Luther 1:117/3001 to All,

    About TelNet for OS/2 BBS, On Wed Nov 28 2007

    Is there any other TelNet interface other than VMODEM as part of SIO
    and SIO2K which works with OS/2 for BBS applications?

    Telnetd107.Zip Telnet server for OS/2

    Might be what you are looking for.

    Hope this helps. Keep us posted.

    We are a fine board trying to make it better.
    Cheers! Gord
    -=Team OS/2=-
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Marsh BBS (c), Dawson Creek, BC Canada (1:17/23)