(Excerpts from a message dated 11-05-00, mark lewis to all)
Hi mark--
aren't there header files on the warp4 cd for those of us who want
>to code/break programs for our systems? for some reason i'm
>thinking that there are... these should also be accurate for use on
>a warp3 system, right?
"Header" is C/C++ nomenclature. Other compiled languages that I am familiar with call them "include" files :-). There are at least two
sets of header files for OS/2 C/C++ compilers. One contains the headers
for the "Standard Library" functions--the sort of functions that are
"built in" to every other language processor that I am familiar with.
The second set refers to the library for the OS/2 API (Application
Program Interface) functions. While these are written as C/C++
functions, they are not a portion of Standard C/C++. (There may be
other third-party OS/2 C/C++ libraries, issued in the form of a set of
header files along with the appropriate .LIB and .DLL files.)
As Andre has already told you, the programming "header" files are
not furnished with the OS/2 system distribution CD-ROM. All OS/2 C/C++ compilers furnish the "Standard Library" set, updated to the specs that
existed at the time the library was originally concocted. These should
work on any version of OS/2 that the compiler will run under. Some OS/2
C/C++ compilers also furnish the OS/2 API set (mine does not). These
will not contain API functions that were created after the date the API
library was licensed from IBM.
The OS/2 API function "header" files for C/C++ compilers are
distributed as part of the IBM "Developer's Toolkit." Toolkits 2.1 (and earlier) were sold separately, both from OS/2, itself, and from the IBM
C/C++ compilers written for that (and earlier) versions of OS/2. Later versions of the Toolkit are distributed only with DevCon (the "IBM
Developer Connection," now renamed the "IBM Development Toolbox"). The Toolkits contain the API header files for C/C++ and the include files
(.INC) for Assembly Language. The v 4 Toolkit will work with Warp 3
corrected to some FixPak level--I don't remember which one. Some early
issues of DevCon also contain the v 3 toolkit. The newest issue of the "Toolbox" contains only Toolkit 4 and Toolkit 4.5.
For other programming languages, you have to depend on the compiler
vendor to supply the API "include" files. The PL/I OS/2 API "include"
.CPY files came with my PL/I compiler. I also have a set of API .BI
"include" files for the vintage-1990 MS BASIC PDS compiler v 7.1 for
16-bit OS/2 v 1.0. AFAIK, this was the last compiler MS wrote for OS/2.
The compiler, as well as OS/2 application programs compiled with it, run
fine under Warp 4, FixPak 5.
<Team PL/I>
* MR/2 2.30 #120 * One printed manual is worth a thousand INF files
--- Maximus/2 3.01
* Origin: COMM Port OS/2 juge.com (281) 980-9671 (1:106/2000)