• short like .COM

    From Fred Kantor@2:252/171 to David Noon on Thursday, January 11, 2001 23:49:00
    One of the things which I missed in OS/2, was the convenience of
    being able to write very short assembly language programs,
    including self-modifying programs, without a lot of overhead.

    So, some time ago, I wrote a text program launcher that let's one
    do that in protected-mode, flat 32-bit address form, in OS/2.
    E.g., "Hello, world" is less than 70 bytes long.

    If I may ask... might that be of any interest to anyone here?

    ■ testing... ■
    * Origin: FONiX Info Systems * Berkshire UK * +44 1344 641625 (2:252/171)
  • From Vitus Jensen@2:2474/424.1 to Fred Kantor on Saturday, January 13, 2001 12:05:40
    Moin Fred!

    12.01.2001, Fred Kantor wrote a message to David Noon:

    One of the things which I missed in OS/2, was the convenience of
    being able to write very short assembly language programs,
    including self-modifying programs, without a lot of overhead.

    I don't miss self-modifying programs, in fact I never wrote one. When I learned programming (~1986) this was already considered harmfull. My shortest OS/2 program so far has 1564 bytes, this is small enough for me.

    So, some time ago, I wrote a text program launcher that let's one do
    that in protected-mode, flat 32-bit address form, in OS/2. E.g.,
    "Hello, world" is less than 70 bytes long.

    If I may ask... might that be of any interest to anyone here?

    You wrote a linker and a loader? Which differentiates between code and data sections?
    I'm maintaining a OS for microcontroller based handhelds and such devices. If I get a look I could learn something. So if you release source code I'm very interested to get it.


    * Origin: A mind is a terrible thing to ugg.. I forgot.. (2:2474/424.1)
  • From David Noon@2:257/609.5 to Fred Kantor on Saturday, January 13, 2001 10:47:52
    Hi Fred,

    Replying to a message of Fred Kantor to David Noon:

    One of the things which I missed in OS/2, was the convenience of
    being able to write very short assembly language programs,
    including self-modifying programs, without a lot of overhead.

    To the "purists" reading this: please don't post diatribes against self-modifying code. Some of us are old enough to have been taught this practice at university, and some even feel it can still have a place in programming.
    [end moderator mode]

    So, some time ago, I wrote a text program launcher that let's one do
    that in protected-mode, flat 32-bit address form, in OS/2. E.g.,
    "Hello, world" is less than 70 bytes long.

    Well, most of the assembler hackers in this echo can do that in reentrant code.
    ... :-)

    A more persuasive argument would be to demonstrate a more comprehensive program
    using greatly reduced resources compared to the reentrant coding practices that
    are implicit on the Intel platform in protected mode.

    If I may ask... might that be of any interest to anyone here?

    I recall downloading it from your Web site a few years ago [the archive's timestamp says I d/l'ed it on 27th April 1997 at 18:07.], but I never got around to playing with it.

    Since all users of the OS/2 Warp Developer's Toolkit 4.0 have the ALP assembler, they have at least the capability to use your software.


    <Team PL/I>

    --- FleetStreet 1.25.1
    * Origin: My other computer is an IBM S/390 (2:257/609.5)
  • From Darin McBride@1:250/102 to David Noon on Sunday, January 14, 2001 05:52:24
    Hello David!

    Replying to a message of David Noon to Fred Kantor:

    To the "purists" reading this: please don't post diatribes against self-modifying code. Some of us are old enough to have been taught
    this practice at university, and some even feel it can still have a
    place in programming. [end moderator mode]

    Fair enough - being from the camp that never learned how to do it, I also never
    learned *why*. Care to enlighten me?


    * Origin: Tanktalus' Tower BBS (1:250/102)
  • From Eddy Thilleman@2:280/5143.7 to Mike Luther on Wednesday, January 17, 2001 23:37:05
    Hello Mike,

    Tuesday 16 January 2001 08:05, Mike Luther wrote to Will Honea:

    The flight instructor's handbook again, the difference between
    knowledge and understanding. If you don't know enough you'd better
    not go there solo?

    You'd better understand it either. I wouldn't want to fly in a plane who's pilot knows all the knobs and instruments of the plane, but has no understanding of them! :)

    understanding = knowdledge + knowledge + more

    understanding is the combining of separate knowledge you know, but put together
    gives new insights and new levels of understanding, with that one can do new things or can do things in new ways.

    understanding is on a higher level of intelligence than learning, learning is a
    higher level of intelligence than knowing.

    Now, OS/2 is written by people who not only know a lot of computer systems but also understands them. The monkeys in Redmond don't come even close to understanding. :(

    Greetings -=Eddy=-

    email: e.thilleman@freeler.nl

    ... PCMCIA = People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
    --- GoldED/2 3.0.1
    * Origin: C:\DOS\RUN C:\WINDOWS\CRAWL C:\OS2\FLY ! (2:280/5143.7)
  • From Mike Luther@1:117/3001 to Eddy Thilleman on Thursday, January 18, 2001 18:10:22
    Eddy .

    understanding is on a higher level of intelligence
    than learning, learning is a higher level of
    intelligence than knowing.

    I still happen to favor the Flight Instructor's definitions.. Not an exact quote, I could get it from the handbook, but close enough:

    'Understanding is being able to take what you know
    and apply it to a brand new situation and come up
    with a right answer.'

    If I teach you how to land an airplane with no wind, you may do wonderful at that! I can send you solo and, with no wind, you'll come back alive and well.
    But if the wind comes up while you are up there alone, unless you understand how to land the airplane, it's not very pleasant what happens next, my friend!

    The difference between OS/2 and some other operating systems is that it is,as far as I can tell, easier to get and understanding of it. I think that is because it is relatively mature and stable. Yes, it does change over time, and
    big time change as well.

    However, to my way of thinking, most all of the things you have learned and paid for dearly to learn about OS/2, are still valuable enough for what comes next; you'll fail less taking on brand new situations in OS/2, I think, than in
    some other systems! Yes, bugs will be bugs, but it's my impression that what you know about OS/2, is easier to extrapolate into the new things that happen in it, than it may be in some other operating systems.

    There, that's the best I can say it and exactly on how the flight world relates
    to the friendly skyline for level flight in OS/2 as well!

    Mike @ 117/3001

    --- Maximus/2 3.01
    * Origin: Ziplog Public Port (1:117/3001)