Quoting nikita kozlovsky to Aleksandar Radojkovic <=-
Aleksandar Radojkovic
<Aleksandar_Radojkovic@f133.n382.z2.fidonet.org> wrote: AR> DROP
what ?
wbr, nikita. contact: nikitakiktk(at)mail.ru, 2:5030/1048.9
-!- tin/1.5.5-20000613 ("Lucretia") (UNIX) (Linux/2.2.14-5.0 (i486))
! Origin: Kitynok Station (2:5030/1309.26)
Hi, Nikita, sorry about "DROP" messages. I thought to de-select the
conference, but, by mistake, I sent "DROP" messages "all around the world"
I hope I didn't cause You any trouble...
Aleksandar Radojkovic
... BEWARE - Tagline Thief in this echo
* Origin: BBS Politika, Bgd_YU (2:382/133)