On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Robert Wolfe wrote to All:
I am trying to get a listing of files in the currently logged
directory and output those to a text file.
ok, that's simple enough...
However, I cannot seem to figure out how to do this with the
FindFirst() and FindNext() functions in FreePascal. The example I
tried to base my own code on is as follows:
Unfortunately, I was not able to get my example (which follows) to
Procedure GenDirFile ;
Var SR: TSearchRec ;
DirList: TStrings;
Path: String;
DirFile: Text;
Begin ;
Assign(DirFile, 'directory.lst') ;
Rewrite(DirFile) ;
DirList := TStringsList.Create;
if FindFirst('*.zip', faArchive, SR) = 0 then
WriteLn(DirFile, SR.Name);
until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
End ;
Is there something I am doing wrong here?
ok, there's several things going on here... i won't step through all of them but since you are attempting to use tstrings, let's go a little further and use
a tstringlist instead... mainly because tstrings is designed to be inherited by
other objects whch perform specialized tasks... tstringlist is one such object...
the second thing is that you're not doing anything with the DirList that you've
created... you are, however, attempting to write the filenames directly to your
output file... that's ok but since we're using the tstringlist, all that stuff is done for you...
there's a few other things but for now, let's look at this...
1. create our tstringlist object
2. fill our object with the files returned by findfirst/findnext
3. when all files are found, write our stringlist to a file
nice and easy... especially since the stringlist object already does a huge amount of heavy lifting for us ;)
so here's the full code (!) of a working program... this was done on a vista machine using FPC's trunk code (FPC 2.7.1) from their repository... i also tested it on OS/2 eCS with FPC 2.6.4 and on a Linux with FPC 2.6.5 (the fixes branch of FPC 2.6)...
===== snip =====
program DirectoryList;
// we need the following unit libraries
uses Sysutils, Classes;
// Sysutils for findfirst and friends
// Classes for TStringList and friends
Procedure GenDirFile;
Var SR: TSearchRec;
DirList: TStringList;
// create the class to hold the returned filenames
DirList := TStringList.Create;
// let's sort the list
DirList.Sorted := True;
if FindFirst('*.*', faArchive, SR) = 0 then
// add the returned filename to the list
until FindNext(SR) <> 0;
// all done, close the find handle
// now let's write our list of filenames to a text file.
End ;
===== snip =====
Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.
how's that? ;)
(!) please try to reduce the problem to the minimal code needed for a working program that shows the failure or problem. partial code is ok in some cases but
that'll come later ;)
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