• New program!

    From Ben Ritchey@1:393/68 to Janis Kracht on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 09:50:34
    Hi Janis,

    Coming soon to a directory near you! (i.e. check your inbound)

    === Cut ===
    FBD2HTM will convert descript.ion files
    in the current directory to html Index
    files for Web use. Note that Long File
    Names (LFNs) are NOT supported! See
    FBD2HTM.INI for option instructions and
    see FB2HTM.BAT for execution example.
    Freeware with Basic source code
    included (c) 2013 Ben Ritchey
    === Cut ===

    Keep the faith :^)

    Ben aka cMech Web: http://cmech.dynip.com
    Email: fido4cmech(at)lusfiber.net
    Home page: http://users.lusfiber.net/~fido4cmech
    WildCat! Board 24/7 +1-337-984-4794 any BAUD 8,N,1

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to Ben Ritchey on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:34:16
    Hi Ben,

    Coming soon to a directory near you! (i.e. check your inbound)

    === Cut ===
    FBD2HTM will convert descript.ion files
    in the current directory to html Index
    files for Web use. Note that Long File
    Names (LFNs) are NOT supported! See
    FBD2HTM.INI for option instructions and
    see FB2HTM.BAT for execution example.
    Freeware with Basic source code
    included (c) 2013 Ben Ritchey
    === Cut ===

    Yep, saw that file come thru.. will get it announced here in a sec :)

    Take care,

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-1
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)