• Re: Your cousins

    From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Mike Powell on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 15:20:40
    I just want them stopped, but that was never promised in the first place

    You find the root causes so you can try to solve the issue. If you don't know the root causes, or just try to use a bunch of buzz words to placate people, you won't ever figure out any proper solution.

    Supposedly, she has stated that the one of the issues is poverty in the other countries and, rather than close the border, we need to leave it open while we try to solve that issue in those other countries.

    Poverty is the obvious answer. Even Obama agrees with that. But I remember hearing either Biden or Harris saying that "climate change" was another reason (but yea right.)

    My take on that is that there are not enough resources to fix that issue in all of the countries in question; getting involved in the politics of other countries usually does not go well for us (especially countries in Central and South America); the only way to fix this by going down her path is to make ourselves poorer; and this means the border will never
    be closed.

    Investigating the root cause of a problem sounds smart, but Biden/Harris have made the problem worse (according to CBP data and according to the media) and there's nothing smart about that.

    If they're trying to solve the problem by making us poorer, then maybe everything is working out "good" after all ;)

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