• Rock Bottom

    From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to All on Monday, August 12, 2024 04:48:38
    There were a lot of Democrat candidates in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, and Kamala Harris did not rank very high in the results of that election:

    Joe Biden 268,029 votes
    Bernie Sanders 200,456 votes
    Elizabeth Warren 35,537 votes
    Pete Buttigieg 24,868 votes
    Tulsi Gabbard 3,014 votes
    Andrew Yang 1,921 votes
    Julian Castro 754 votes
    Marianne Williamson 668 votes
    Roque De La Fuente III 628 votes
    Michael Ellinger 284 votes
    Deval Patrick 242 votes
    Henry Hewes 208 votes

    (This is from Ballotopedia)

    I don't know who Roque De La Fuente is, I don't know who Deval Patrick or Henrey Hewes are, but whoever they are, they got more votes than Kamala.

    But one Democrat is as good as the next, and if the TV says "You've got to vote for Kamala," then you know what you've got to do if you still want to fit in at the company picnic.

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