• Exit() without Hit Any Ke

    From Mindless Automaton@ELDRITCH to DOVE-Net.Programming_(Jav on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 19:07:00
    Is there a way to use exit() without getting the Hit Any Key pause?


    Mindless Automaton
    ■ Synchronet ■ Eldritch Clockwork BBS
  • From Deuce@SYNCNIX to Mindless Automaton on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 23:06:00
    Re: Exit() without Hit Any Ke
    By: Mindless Automaton to DOVE-Net.Programming_(Jav on Wed Aug 30 2006 07:07 pm

    Is there a way to use exit() without getting the Hit Any Key pause?

    Before the call to exit() set console.line_counter=0;

    I find pleasure in knowing... this colours my words enough that people think I enjoy proving them wrong. Howver, I would be just as happy being proven wrong and knowing more than proving myself right. Please understand that any perceived rudeness is not intended. Rest assured that should I feel like being purposely rude, I will insult you personally and not attack your knowledge.

    ■ Synchronet ■ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)