• Attempt to fix sysop paged emails not showing up

    From Rob Swindell to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 11:08:44

    This work-around if done at all, should be done in JS (i.e. imapservice.js), not in the C++ source.
  • From Nigel Reed to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 13:16:25

    Please explain. You can't just insert a body where no body exists, surely? This is not a problem with the imap service, it's a problem with the iphone that won't read an imap message if it doesn't have a body.
  • From Rob Swindell to GitLab note in main/sbbs on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 15:27:31

    The problem appears to be specifically with IMAP, so why force every other method of sysop notification (e.g. POP3 email) to include a redundant message body? That's not necessary.

    Yes, the imap service could insert a body where no body exists: an empty string, blank line(s), a copy of the subject. Whatever you think is best and appears to work. Less is more.