++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
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EDM/2 is the premier site to find OS/2 and eComStation software development information.
See the link for all the updates to the EDM/2 web site.
Here are some news about the site.
Non-EDM/2 Republished Articles
There are several OS/2 and eComStation programming articles floating
around. When the authors authorize to republish their articles under the
Creative Commons license, it can be included on the wiki and the most
important thing of all, there are clear rules to create derivative
The re-published articles on the EDM/2 wiki are:
OS/2 2.0 Information Presentation Facility (IPF) Data FormatΓÇÄ by Carl Hauser and Marcus Groeber (February 1994)
Borland C++ v2.0 for OS/2ΓÇÄ by Eric Slaats (September 1996)
Writing Device Drivers - Multiple Segments by Steve Mastrianni (May 1995)
Writing Device Drivers - Plug and Play Basics by Steve Mastrianni (December 1994)
Writing Device Drivers - A Brief Look at OS/2 SMP by Steve Mastrianni (September 1994)
Writing Device Drivers - Getting the Most out of OS/2 by Steve Mastrianni (June 1994)
OS/2 Gets Device Support by Steve Mastrianni (November 1993)
Writing Device Drivers - Where to Start? by Steve Mastrianni (November 1993)
Confessions of a DDK Developer by Steve Mastrianni (July 1993)
Writing Device Drivers - Interrupts by Steve Mastrianni (March 1993)
OS/2 Development Tools Arrive - Finally by Steve Mastrianni (October 1992)
SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: OS/2 Device Drivers by Steve Mastrianni (July 1991)
Tales from the Trenches by Steve Mastrianni (Nov 1990)
Writing Device Drivers - Multiple SegmentsΓÇÄ by Steve Mastrianni
The OS/2 API Project - Scrollbars by Abram Dancy (June 1996)
Paging under OS/2 by Mark Masterson (July 2000)
OS/2 Device Driver Frequently Asked Questions by Tim Snape (17th Dec 1996)
EDM/2 Republished Articles
Since we are changing to a Wiki format, republishing permission
allowing derivative work for the articles has to be requested. There had
been good response from part of the Authors that I was able to contact.
Several authors (all that I was able to contact) accepted that his
articles were republished under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 license to me migrated to wiki site.
The old EDM/2 articles that were re-published are:
The Infinitely Floating Spinbutton by Marc Mittelmeijer and Eric Slaats (February 1995)
Building an Editor - Part 1 by Marc Mittelmeijer and Eric Slaats (November 1995)
The Service-Oriented Home Page PrimerΓÇÄ By Marco J. Shmerykowsky and Sally A. Handley (September 1997)
There is also some non-Creative Commons development related articles/publications that the EDM/2 wiki links to.
This month it had included the following links.
Links to several OS/2 programming articles from OS/2zine (At the right of each category)
Links to several OS/2 programming articles from OS2VOICE (At the right of each category)
Extra updates
Also lately updated:
The OS/2 API Project was updated with a new design. But it stills a lot of work
left to have the APIs documented in Creative Commons.
Some of the content of the EDM/2 classic pages had been migrated to the wiki.
I want to thank all the authors that allowed their articles and documentation to be published on the EDM/2 wiki.
Help is always welcome, contact me if you want to help me with the wiki
Please visit:
Martín Itúrbide
OS2World NewsMaster
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