• [VOICENWS] Event: Warpstock Europe 2013 is coming!

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Thursday, January 17, 2013 09:57:19

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: rwkleinDESPAM@DESPAMmensys.nl

    The first speakers confirmed they will give a presentation at Warpstock
    Europe 2013.

    We have a beautiful location!

    The website http://www.warpstock.eu still needs work, there is
    currently *no* information about the event. Also on the Mensys website
    we need to put the proper articles so people can buy a reserveration. We hope to
    get everything online for you by early next week.
    The primary reason to send out this message *now* is that people know
    as early as possible Warpstock Europe is going to take place!

    The event will start on on Friday the 24th of May and end on Sunday the
    26th of May. The location is Heemskerk the Netherlands, the StayOkay
    Youth Hostel.
    http://www.stayokay.com/en/hostel/heemskerk. The entry fee for 3 days
    will be around 50 Euro's. This excludes lunch or dinner.
    If you wan to stay in the Youth Hostel you will need to book a room by yourself. Especialy the 2 person bedrooms are limited!

    The Youth Hostel is not far from Haarlem (where Warpstock Europe 2011
    was held). You can get to Heemskerk either by train from Schiphol (with
    a transfer in Amsterdam). Or go by train to Haarlem and grab the bus.
    But details will follow in the website http://www.warpstock.eu next

    If you don't want to stay in the youth Hostel during the night. There a
    few hotels in Heemskerk.
    One hotel for example is this

    http://www.nh-hotels.com/nh/en/hotels/the-netherlands/heemskerk/nh-marqu ette.html

    Also for people who want to go sight seeing in Amsterdam. From
    Heemskerk train station is a direct train every 30 minutes to Haarlem/Amsterdam.
    So if you have any questions regarding the event. Don't send email yet.
    We will send out a new email once more information is online on the
    Also we will send out more information as new presentations are added
    to the slots.

    I hope to see you all at the beautifull 13th century castle! For people
    who can not walk very well. There are special rooms in an appartment
    next to the castle.
    So for room reserverations please contact the youth hostel.

    If you are interested in giving a presentation please contact me with a description of your presentation a short descritpion about yourself and
    we will put that online on the new website.


    Roderick Klein
    Mensys B.V.

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