• [VOICENWS] Drivers: ACPI package for eComStation version 3.21.07

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Friday, January 18, 2013 11:38:24

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: davidDESPAM@DESPAM88watts.net

    Mensys BV is pleased to announce the availability of the ACPI
    Package for eComStation version 3.21.07

    This product is available for download to all registered users of
    Software Subscription Services for eComStation. For more information,
    please visit: http://www.ecomstation.com/subscription/

    This version allocates additional resources to accomodate a small
    number of systems with an unusual or problematic ACPI in them. The
    vast majority of systems with a normal ACPI should not see any
    difference with this version.

    More information about the ACPI software package can be found at:


    You can download this new release from your Software Subscription
    Services at the Mensys website. Log in to Mensys with your Mensys
    login id and click the Downloads link. Click the "Software
    Subscription Services for eComStation" Download link and the ACPI
    drivers should be listed.

    You can report problems at:


    David Azarewicz

    For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE - http://www.os2voice.org

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    * Origin: Waldo's Place USA Internet Gateway (1:3634/1000)