++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
http://www.os2voice.org ++
eCo Software is working on eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp market for 10 years. We are specialized in development of native software (or hybrids).
We have so many ideas on how to improve eComStation.
You can have influence on the development and invest into short-term projects:
* (PM) Replace old Message boxes with Modern Message boxes.
To modernize eComStation it's necessary update User Interface.
This improvement may refresh the desktop significantly.
Experience: We have experience with replacement of File Open Dialog.
* (WPS) Create new Task list (with large icons),
so new users feel comfortable and understand
what apps are running.
Experience: We have updated Launchpad in the past (Piano Launchpad)
* (SYSINFO) Migrate assistant - collector of information from old system.
We see that users don't have time to migrate to new versions,
as result they can't use the latest features.
Experience: we have functions aimed to collect system information.
* (LIP) Language Interface packs (LIP) are aimed
to switch system to other language.
Important to attract more people from different countries.
Experience: We have created several LIP packs.
* (NET) Improve VNC server/client, make it work faster, improve UI.
so the admins can manage remote systems with comfort.
Experience: We have experience with video drivers filters, VNC compilation.
Post your offerings via web-form:
For a choice in the future of personal computing, Join VOICE -
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