• [VOICENWS] Net: Status and release of eCS 2.2 beta and final product

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Sunday, February 03, 2013 07:07:46

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: rwkleinDESPAM@DESPAMmensys.nl

    In the second week of April Mensys will release:

    * The new updated eComStation demo CD based on eComStation 2.2
    * eComStation 2.2 German and English will then be out of beta and
    released as a final product.

    A beta of the English beta product will follow. The hold up of this
    beta public is to make the transfer of the from the IBM USB host
    controller drivers to the newly updated drivers. The keyboard and mouse
    driver are already finished. There is currently still being worked on
    the USB host controller (these communicate with the USB controller
    chips in your computer).

    In eComStation 2.2 ACPI has been switched on by default when
    eComStation is not installed in a virtualmachine such as Virtualbox or
    Virtual PC. This will enable eComStation to boot on modern hardware with a much higher degree of success. This will also resolve the TRAPS/hangs on
    loading screen01.sys.

    Also in eCS 2.2 the Panorama graphics driver has been upgraded to
    provide much better performance on modern hardware.

    A lot of drivers such as IBMKBD.SYS, DANIS506.ADD, AMOUSE.SYS and
    UNIAUD have been updated to work better with ACPI. Some updates have
    been to fix suspend/resume issue's.

    The current eComStation 2.2 beta is basicly complete and being tested
    to work out the last installer issue's.

    YUM/RPM is included but can be installed as an optional package. Its
    not required.

    CUPS has also been integrated in eCS to have more up to date printer
    support on eComStation.

    Roderick Klein
    Mensys B.V.

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