• [VOICENWS] SW: WarpSans extended sizes v1.00 released

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Friday, February 22, 2013 17:28:34

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: alexDESPAM@DESPAMaltsan.org

    WarpSans (Extended Sizes) is an unofficial extension to the "WarpSans" OS/2 bitmap font which adds a number of larger sizes.

    Installing this file, WARPSANS.FON, will add 10- and 11-pt sizes of both WarpSans and WarpSans Bold to an OS/2 or eCS system. (11-pt is only available under 120dpi resolutions, normally 1024x768 and up.)

    These larger sizes are useful when using very high-resolution screens (especially on some notebook computers) where 9-pt WarpSans font may be too small for comfortable reading.

    To take full advantage of the larger WarpSans sizes, you can set your desktop scheme to use "10.WarpSans" or "11.WarpSans" for icon text, menu text, and window text. As a bonus, doing this seems to activate an interesting undocumented WPS feature: when the window text is set to 10 point, all of the standard WPS properties notebooks will automatically change to 10 point WarpSans as well! (This does not, however, apply to the new pages inserted by XWorkplace and/or various other WPS extensions.)

    Available at:


    or on Hobbes.

    Note: This is not related to my Workplace Sans font. WarpSans is a bitmap (screen) font, and is not enabled for use with applications like Mozilla which use FreeType for font support.


    * http://www.altsan.org/creative/fonts/#warpsans

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