• [VOICENWS] SW: PM123 1.41 available

    From VOICE News Service@1:3634/1000 to All on Sunday, June 23, 2013 21:01:29

    ++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service http://www.os2voice.org ++

    From: news.5.maazlDESPAM@DESPAMspamgourmet.org

    At hobbes: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/download/pub/os2/apps/mmedia/sound/players/pm123-1.41a1.zip

    Homepage: http://www.maazl.de/project/pm123/index.html

    Again there are plenty of new features behind the scenes.
    - Really gapless playback.
    - Significantliy faster when examining large playlists. (About 8,600
    files per minute over the network on my hardware.)
    - Support for CUE sheets.
    - Save playing position within song on exit.
    - Nested playlists and bookmark folders.
    - Direct playback of file system folders as playlist.
    - Large file support for files > 2GB.
    - Improved streaming e.g. to support amazon audio samples directly from Firefox.
    - PulseAudio Client (can directly stream to a PulseAudio server).
    - High quality 32 bits per sample audio (only with PulseAudio, since all
    OS/2 drivers are restricted to 16 bits).
    - New releases of mpg123 and libvorbis fixes several problems with
    playback of some files.

    Detailed change log: http://www.maazl.de/project/pm123/common/history.html

    The release needs some more testing. So Bug reports are welcome: http://www.maazl.de/project/pm123/manual/bugreport.html


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