++ From the VOICE OS/2-eCS News Service
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Apache OpenOffice for eCS (OS/2) update
We just uploaded an update to the recently announced Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 RC3.
This update enables the so called category B modules. The most known module of this category
is most likely the spellchecker. Where solver and scripting are others in this category.
Apache OpenOffice is the free and open productivity suite, consisting of several mighty applications, such as Calc, Writer, Base, Impress and
several more. Apache OpenOffice is compatible to the leading commercial productivity suite.
bww bitwise works is commited to provide the latest version available,
which will be version 4.1.1.
Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 RC3 update 1 at:
If you have issues please use the debug file to get more
debug output.
If you like Apache OpenOffice, please pass by our online shop at
http://www.bitwiseworks.com/shop and buy Apache OpenOffice for
eCS(OS/2). This donations save the ongoing development and bugfixing.
To fill a bug please use:
kind regards
Silvan Scherrer
CTO bww bitwise works GmbH
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